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Title: The Kansas University science bulletin, Vol. I, No. 6, September 1902
Author: Various, - To be updated
Language: English
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                     Vol. I, No. 6—September 1902.
                    (Whole Series, Vol. XI, No. 6.)



    W. Beede_.

                      PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY,

                             LAWRENCE, KAN.

                    Price of this number, 15 cents.

     Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter.


 VOL. I, NO. 6.             SEPTEMBER, 1902.     { WHOLE SERIES,
                                                 { VOL. XI, NO. 6.


                            BY J. W. BEEDE.

                             With Plate V.

The following will be of interest and value in completing the faunal
succession of the uppermost part of the Carboniferous, as well as for
the biologic interest of one of them.

=Ceriocrinus harshbargeri=, n. sp. Plate V, figs. 1–1_c_.

The distinctive features of this species are: Surface ornamented with
both pustules and granules, large interradial supporting plate above
calyx, ten short, massive arms.

Description: Calyx basin-shaped, shallow, quite concave below.
Infrabasals partly covered, but located entirely within the body cavity.
Stem small and apparently round. The five basals are large, recurved
below the middle, concave in the center of the more depressed part, four
apparently hexagonal and one heptagonal, and larger than the others
supporting the interradial; all higher than wide, sutures not much
depressed. There are five large, massive radials a trifle more than
twice as wide as high, well beveled, faceted, and apparently sagging a
little on the upper articular surface. Interradial large, fully half
within the calyx, higher than broad, and the upper portion very strongly
curved inward. This plate supports another entirely without the calyx,
which is comparatively large and appears to be pentagonal when seen from
without, the two upper sides being much longer than the rest, making the
plate appear triangular at first sight, fitting closely between the arms
on either side. The five brachial plates are large, contiguous save on
the posterior side, and produced into an obtuse spinous process. Much of
the upper surface of these processes is faceted, supporting the costals,
and in this manner giving the animal its greater lateral diameter above
the calyx, and affording more room for the massive arms which, when
closed, form a box around the inner part. The costals are ten in number,
two to each brachial, large, nearly three times as broad as high, and
convex. The distichals are sometimes present and sometimes wanting, very
broad and thin when present. Arms ten, broad, outer surface of each
nearly flat massive, composed of two series of interlocking plates, each
one of which bears a pinnule. Pinnulæ long and narrow. The articular
surface of the arm plates is minutely crenulated. These plates decrease
in length though but little in height as they approach the tips of the
arms. The surface of almost the entire animal was ornamented with
granules, and the lower part with both granules and pustules.

    Measurements:     height.        breadth.            length.
  Calyx               11    mm.       30  mm.
  Basals (vertical)   5½     „        12   „
  Radials              9     „       18+   „
  Brachials            7     „        17   „       8 mm. beyond calyx.
  Costals              4     „         9 to 11 mm.
  Distichals           2     „         9        „
  Arm plates           2     „         3 to 5   „
  Interradial          7     „         6        „

Aside from the markings mentioned, the calyx is also ornamented with
depressions which look at first like borings of some kind, but which
have the same granular character as the rest of the surface.

Position and locality: Carboniferous, Upper Coal Measures, Topeka, Kan.,
from the Osage City shales, over the Osage coal.

The type was collected by Prof. W. A. Harshbarger, in honor of whom it
is named. Type now in the collection of Washburn College.

In general appearance this species is strikingly like _C. craigii_
Worthen, but differs in the following respects: The body is not smooth
but highly ornamented, and the anal piece is much larger. In all
specimens of _C. craigii_ that I have seen the body is smooth and
glossy, and shows (even when apparently unworn) no indications of former
surface-markings, while this species possesses both pustules and
granules, the latter covering about the entire specimen. In mature
individuals the interradial is much larger. Two smaller specimens,
probably younger ones of this species, are figured in the accompanying
plate, showing the relative growth of the calyx and interradial. In both
the ornamentation is the same as described in this species. _C.
monticulatus_ Beede is from the same locality and horizon, but has long,
slender arms, brachials not spinous, and the calyx is deeper. The most
fundamental difference, however, is the number of arms possessed by the
latter species, the number being sixteen or eighteen, while the one here
described has but ten.

_C. nodulifera_ Butts differs from this species in having a node at the
upper part of each basal and also on the radials. It also has more acute
and apparently longer spines. Mr. Butts makes no mention of finer
surface-markings. The Topeka specimen is from a much higher horizon.

=Aviculopecten subequivalvus=, n. sp. Plate V, figs. 3, 3_a_.

Shell thick, moderately large, subequivalvular, rather convex, quite
oblique, ears well developed. The hinge is nearly straight, the beak
does not project, the angle of divergence of its sides is about eighty
to ninety degrees. The left valve, exclusive of the ears, is ovate;
anterior ear well developed, obtusely angular, marked only by strong
lines of growth; the rise from the ear to the body of the shell is
abrupt; the marginal sinus separating the ear from the rest of the shell
broad, shallow, and ill-defined. The posterior ear is unknown. The
anterior margin below the ear forms an ovate curve, which is probably
continued on the ventral and postero-ventral margins. The surface of
this valve is apparently marked only by stronger and fainter concentric
lines except on the front and back sides, where there are radiating rows
of vaulted lamellæ. It is entirely probable that these marks once
extended over the entire surface, but have been worn off from the more
convex portions. Judging from another specimen, the right valve is
somewhat flatter than the left and quite as oblique. Posterior ear very
small and obtuse; anterior ear quite large, marked by obscure, large,
radiating ribs and probably vaulted lamellæ, as well as strong
concentric markings; separated from the shell by a deep sulcus. Margin
from the beak around the posterior to near the middle of the shell is a
regular ovate curve, antero-ventral margin somewhat produced but
rounded, extending obliquely toward the beak until the deep byssal sinus
is reached. Ornamentation as in the other valve. In this specimen it
seems that the radiating rows of scales covered the entire surface
before being worn away. Length, 36 mm.; height, 32 mm.; hinge, 17 mm.;
thickness, about 5 mm.

Position and locality: Thin limestone, south of Dover, Kan., in Upper
Coal Measures. Type in author’s collection.

This shell may prove to be a _Pseudomonotis_, as the critical characters
are not well known. It is not liable to be confused with any other shell
from the Coal Measures.

=Pinna lata=, n. sp. Plate V, fig. 4.

Shell small for this genus, not very convex, probably plain except the
usual growth marks, acutely pointed at the beaks, which are terminal.
The angle of divergence of the shell is thirty degrees. This species is
based on three casts. The type is not distorted, but the posterior end
is broken away. There are two other specimens from the same locality,
but compressed dorso-ventrically, which show the same characters as the
type. The size is about that of _Aviculopinna americana_ Meek, but the
form and markings as shown on the cast are very different, and the beaks
are terminal. Length of type along hinge, 27 mm.; height (20 mm. back of
beak), 11 mm.

Position and locality: Carboniferous, Upper Coal Measures, Howard
limestone, Topeka, Kan.

The small size, great angle of divergence at the beak and sharp-pointed
beaks easily distinguish this species from other members of the genus
from the Coal Measures.

=Pleurophorus whitei=, n. sp. Plate V, figs. 5, 5_b_.

Pleurophorus —? White, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 77, p. 27, pl. iv, figs.

Shell of medium to large size, transversely ovate, with the depth of the
shell greater at the anterior than at the posterior end. Beaks
moderately prominent, subterminal; umbonal ridge prominent, extending
obliquely to postero-ventral margin. Hinge straight or arcuate, usually
about three-fourths the length of the specimen. The right posterior
lamina is well shown on good casts. The anterior adductor impression is
usually prominent, being set apart by the depression produced by the
ridge behind it. The impression of the two cardinal teeth is also
visible. The anterior margin drops obliquely downward from the beak
nearly to the middle of the shell, when it rounds, rapidly at first,
into the ventral margin, which may be straight, somewhat sinuous or even
convex on approaching the postero-ventral region: at the end of the
umbonal ridge it rounds rapidly into the posterior, oblique truncation,
reaching the hinge at an oblique angle. The lines formed by the hinge
and ventral margins converge toward the posterior, thus leaving the
greatest depth of the shell in front. Above the umbonal ridge the shell
is obliquely flattened to the hinge. The surface, as shown in excellent
molds, is ornamented only by fine lines of growth, which are sometimes a
little stronger beneath the beak than elsewhere, and weaken on and above
the umbonal slope.

Position and locality: This species is found in the Upper Coal Measures,
upper Wabaunsee stage, east of Barrett, Kan. This is the only locality
known to the writer where this shell, abundant in the Permian, is found
below the Wreford limestone. Types from Permian west of Stockdale, Kan.,
“about 100 feet above Cottonwood limestone.” Collected by Prof. E. A.

This species is extremely variable, as shown in Professor White’s
figures, above cited. The short shell with the posterior shallower than
the anterior end is in sharp contrast to most of the species of the
genus. In surface ornamentation it resembles _P. tropidophorus_ more
closely than any other species. It is distinguished from _P.
subcuneatus_ Meek by its short, thick form and larger size. This species
is the more abundant of the two in the Permian rocks of the Big Blue
series, while _P. subcuneata_ only has been identified from the Cimarron

=Allorisma kansasensis=, n. sp. Plate V, figs. 6, 6_d_.

Shell small, rather gibbous, transversely subovate. Beaks prominent,
incurved, approximate, located about one-third the length of the shell
from the anterior end. Anterior outline descending obliquely from the
beaks nearly to the ventral margin, where it turns rather abruptly
backward along the nearly straight basal edge to the posterior
extremity, where it rounds off regularly upward and then forward to meet
the hinge. The hinge is apparently straight and more than half as long
as the shell. The umbonal ridge is prominent, rounded, ill-defined,
fading away at the extremity of the shell. Above this ridge is a
depression which, with the smooth, elevated hinge, would cause a strong
keel on the shell back of the beaks. The concentric ribs are prominent,
fading out at the upper part of the umbonal ridge and near the anterior
border. These ribs are quite as prominent on the casts as on the shell
itself. On the central and postero-central regions are the
characteristic distant, radiating rows of fine, closely set granules.
The shell is less convex below and back of the beak than on either side
of this region, though it is not concave. The length varies from 1.7 to
1.4 the height.

Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, Howard limestone, Topeka,

This species is very closely related to _A. curta_ Swallow, but differs
from it in having a straighter hinge and a more remote beak. It is from
a lower horizon. In the latter respect it differs from McChesney’s
species also.

                 MAY 22, 1902.

                        Explanation of Plate V.

       All figures about natural size. Drawings by C. McK. Beede.

                      _Ceriocrinus harshbargeri._

 FIG. 1.    Right posterior view of type.

 FIG. 1_a_. Diagram of anal plates of same.

 FIG. 1_b_. Surface detail enlarged.

 FIG. 1_c_. Diagram of basal view.

 FIG. 2.    Calyx of another specimen, probably of this species.

 FIG. 2_a_. Diagram of a portion of posterior view of another slightly
              smaller specimen, showing variation in size of anal plate.

                     _Aviculopecten subequivalvus._

 FIG. 3.    View of type. One side incomplete.

 FIG. 3_a_. Opposite valve of another specimen.

                             _Pinna lata._

 FIG. 4.    View of type, a left valve.

                         _Pleurophorus whitei._

 FIG. 5.    Type specimen; cast of a left valve on the same slab as the
              two following and the cephalothorax of a large limuloid.

 FIG. 5_a_. Cast off a broken specimen, showing the anterior muscular

 FIG. 5_b_. Specimen of different outline.

                        _Allorisma kansasensis._

 FIG. 6.    Imperfect cast, showing strong concentric undulations
              impressed upon it.

 FIG. 6_a_. Lateral view of type. Shell exfoliated in front.

[Illustration: PLATE V.]

                            (Shepard) Hall.

                            BY J. W. BEEDE.

                             With Plate VI.

Owing to the systematic importance and the rarity of good material of
the brachial framework of the brachiopods, any light on the extent of
individual variation of these parts is of considerable importance. In
the spring of 1899 the University of Kansas received from Prof. C. N.
Gould a set of ten specimens of _Seminula argentia_ (Shepard) Hall that
show the position of the spires. These specimens were all from the same
horizon in the Lower Permian. The University also had another specimen
showing these characters, as did a specimen in the writer’s collection.
Recently the study of these specimens was taken up and some remarkable
results developed.

Both valves of this species are quite convex and not infrequently as
broad as long. The older specimens are quite ventricose. However, the
shell is subject to a considerable variation in form. Four of the twelve
specimens studied were somewhat compressed, but it so happens that three
of these approach the normal type very closely, while the fourth does
not vary from it greatly. Those showing greatest variation have not been
subject to any visible external deformation. The specimens under
discussion are of about the average size and form.

The normal position of the spire is with its apex pointing to the side,
near the line where the valves meet, at, or a little in front of, the
middle of the shell, which is also the widest point. In the central part
of the shell cavity the edges of the spires nearly meet. In front they
flare apart, leaving a large, subcircular opening. For convenience, in
this paper, this opening will be spoken of as the frontal aperture of
the spiralia. It will also be necessary to orient the specimens so that
definite positions may be referred to. For this purpose we will consider
the specimens as front toward (back away from) the observer, with the
brachial valve uppermost.

A specimen from the Topeka limestone, Upper Coal Measures, at Topeka,
Kan., shows the spires with the apex of one of them pointing almost
directly forward toward the anterior end of the shell, turned through a
horizontal angle of about ninety degrees from its normal position,
while, as nearly as may be determined from the specimen as cut, the apex
of the other one is directed toward the median line of the pedicle valve
just in front of the hinge. This specimen was selected to be ground,
because it was a good specimen, of normal form. Another specimen (No.
3), from the Permian of Cowley county, Kansas, has the apices of the
spires turned at an angle of about forty-five degrees or more in a
vertical direction, causing the point of the spire to be located near
the middle of the right side of the brachial valve, while the other
points to the opposite of the pedicle valve. The spire is quite
flattened, approaching disk shape, with the apex quite obtuse and the
frontal aperture very narrow and almost slit-like (this may be partially
due to a very slight compression, but the compression, if present, is so
slight as to modify it very little), owing to the position of the spires
in the shell, which prevents their flaring much at the front. The shell
is not an old one, and, for this reason, is somewhat less ventricose
than many adults. The young specimens are much flatter than the old ones
in this species.

The spiralia of No. 10 are turned in a similar manner, but through a
much smaller angle. The frontal aperture is typical, as is also the
general form of the shell. The spiralia are conical, and the tips
probably acute. In No. 6 the position of the spiralia, their form and
that of the aperture are normal. Nos. 6 and 9 show spines on the spires.
The spines are closely set, thick, blunt, and nearly twice as long as
broad. In fact, some appear to be nearly as large at the tips as at the
base. In No. 9 the spires are normal, except that, instead of being
flaring conical, they are more in the shape of a folded shield shape
with acute apex. In other words, the frontal aperture is produced by the
dorso-ventral compression of the entire cone rather than the flaring of
the frontal portion. The apex of the left spire is bent somewhat
downward. The position of the spiralia in No. 7 is about normal, the
tips obtuse, the spires almost perfectly depressed conical, frontal
aperture only slightly wider than the space farther back on the side
next the brachial valve. No. 5 has apparently been compressed laterally,
through this compression did not affect the positions of the spiralia,
for they are normal. They appear to have been of the typical form in
every respect. In No. 8 the spires seem to have been turned through a
slight vertical angle, though the incompleteness of the specimen
prevents a close study of position. The form was apparently normal,
except that the lower edges may have been somewhat pressed inward. Nos.
1 and 4 are about normal throughout. No. 2 is normal as far as can be
seen, except that the apices are turned through a small vertical angle.
The anterior portion of the pedicle valve is crushed in. No. 12 is
normal throughout.

It is unfortunate that none of the specimens show the crural attachment
of the spiralia. Such structures must certainly vary in order to support
the spires in their various positions.

The above facts would seem to indicate the following conclusions: First,
in those spire-bearing brachiopods in which the form of the shell does
not govern the position of the spires, the Athyridæ in particular, the
spires may be subject to a considerable variation in both position and
form. Second, that the crural supports are probably so modified as to
accommodate the spires in their various positions.

In the light of the foregoing, it will be seen that in the future it
will be necessary to study the structure of several specimens before
using small variations of internal structure in these shells as bases
for group divisions.

One might expect greater individual variation among the Flint Hills
specimens, owing to the physical changes that were taking place during
the close of the Carboniferous and the early Permian; changes which soon
caused this species, together with many others, to become extinct.
However, this cannot be said of the most striking case (No. 11) from the
Topeka limestone. It would seem that such variations as are found in
Nos. 3 and 11 would be decidedly detrimental to the well-being of the
animal, though the latter of the two seems to have been a vigorous

         APRIL 8, 1902.

                        Explanation of Plate VI.

 Drawings by Sydney Prentice, except No. 12, which is by C. McK. Beede.
                      All specimens natural size.

               _Seminula argentia._ Variation of spires.

 FIG. 1.          Specimen brachial side up.

 FIG. 2.          This specimen shows spires viewed with pedicle side
                    partly removed.

 FIG. 3.          Pedicle view, showing part of spire.

 FIG. 3_a_.       Above individual, brachial side up.

 FIG. 4.          Brachial side of fig. 4_a_.

 FIG. 4_a_.       Pedicle view of specimen, showing position of spires.

 FIGS. 5 and 5_a_ are the brachial and pedicle views of a somewhat
                    laterally compressed specimen.

 FIG. 6.          Pedicle view of specimen.

 FIG. 6_a_.       Brachial view of fig. 6.

 FIGS. 7 and 7_a_ are the brachial and pedicle views of a specimen.

 FIG. 8.          This figure probably shows the brachial side of
                    specimen, while fig. 8_a_ is the opposite side.

 FIG. 9.          Brachial view.

 FIG. 10.         The pedicle view of a specimen, and fig. 10_a_ the
                    brachial side of the same.

 FIG. 11.         Brachial valve nearly ground away, to show spire. The
                    sickle-shaped structure is probably the base of the
                    opposite spire. Beede’s collection.

 FIG. 12.         Specimen with brachial valve largely broken away.

All specimens but No. 11 in collection of University of Kansas.

[Illustration: PLATE VI.]


                          TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES

 1. Silently corrected obvious typographical errors and variations in
 2. Retained archaic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed.
 3. Enclosed italics font in _underscores_.
 4. Enclosed bold font in =equals=.

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