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Title: The journal of prison discipline and philanthropy (New series, No. 57), March, 1918
Author: Unknown
Language: English
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No person who is not an official visitor of the prison, or who has not
a written permission, according to such rules as the Inspector may
adopt as aforesaid, shall be allowed to visit the same; the official
visitors are: the Governor, the Speaker and members of the Senate; the
Speaker and members of the House of Representatives; the Secretary of
the Commonwealth; the Judges of the Supreme Court; the Attorney-General
and his Deputies; the President and Associate Judges of all the Courts
in the State; the Mayor and Recorders of the cities of Philadelphia,
Lancaster and Pittsburgh; Commissioners and Sheriffs of the several
PENNSYLVANIA PRISON SOCIETY.”)--_Section 7, Act of April 23, 1829._

The above was supplemented by the following Act, approved March 20,


 To make active or visiting committees of Societies incorporated for
 the purpose of visiting and instructing prisoners official visitors of
 penal and reformatory institutions.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted, etc., That the active or visiting committee
of any society heretofore incorporated and now existing in the
Commonwealth for the purpose of visiting and instructing prisoners,
or persons confined in any penal or reformatory institution, and
alleviating their miseries, shall be and are hereby made official
visitors of any jail, penitentiary, or other penal or reformatory
institution in this Commonwealth, maintained at the public expense,
with the same powers, privileges and functions as are vested in the
official visitors of prisons and penitentiaries as now prescribed by
law: _Provided_, That no active or visiting committee of any such
society shall be entitled to visit such jails or penal institutions,
under this act unless notice of the names of the members of such
committee, and the terms of their appointment, is given by such society
in writing, under its corporate seal, to the warden, superintendent or
other officer in charge of such jail or other officer in charge of any
such jail or other penal institution.

APPROVED--The 20th day of March, A. D. 1903.

  NEW SERIES        No. 57







  MARCH, 1918



I give and bequeath to “THE PENNSYLVANIA PRISON SOCIETY” the sum of
.... Dollars.


I give and bequeath to “THE PENNSYLVANIA PRISON SOCIETY” all that
certain piece and parcel of land. (Here enter the description.)



  EDWARD M. WISTAR, Provident Building, Philadelphia.


  NORRIS J. SCOTT, Moylan, Pa.
  JOSEPH C. NOBLIT, 1521 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia.


  ALBERT H. VOTAW, 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia.


  CHARLES P. HASTINGS, 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia.


  JOHN WAY, 409 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.


  FRANKLIN SPENCER EDMONDS (Absent 1918 in Europe).
  FREDERIC L. CLARK, West End Trust Building, Philadelphia.


  FREDERICK J. POOLEY, 119 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia.



  Dr. John Frazer
  Fred J. Pooley
  William Roser
  William Koelle
  George W. Wilkins
  Mrs. Horace Fassitt
  Mrs. Deborah C. Leeds
  Mrs. Clara Hodges Allen
  Miss R. P. Latimer
  Mrs. Mary Ella de Long
  Miss Annie McFedries
  Joseph P. Byers
  Franklin S. Edmonds
  Leon J. Obermayer
  Dr. J. Treichler Butz


  Charles P. Hastings
  Isaac P. Miller
  John Smallzell
  John A. Duncan
  Charles McDole
  Rev. F. H. Senft
  Mrs. Mary S. Grigg
  Mrs. E. L. Thompson
  Rev. Thomas Latimer
  Dr. B. Frank Kehler
  Fred Swarts Brink
  Harrison Walton
  William Morris
  Robert B. Haines, Jr.
  Dr. J. J. Mullowney


  Rev. J. F. Ohl
  Harry Kennedy
  Henry C. Cassel
  Frank H. Longshore
  Rev. M. Reed Minnich
  Mrs. Layyah Barakat
  Miss Emily Whelen
  Mary S. Wetherell
  George S. Wetherell
  W. Graham Tyler
  Dr. Charles Williams
  C. Wilfred Conard
  Chas. C. Simmington
  Mrs. Eliza M. Cope
  Mrs. Anabel Wallace



  Rev. F. W. Beiswenger

  Hon. J. Linn Harris


  Mrs. Anna K. Garges

  Mrs. B. K. C. Marshall

  Mrs. M. G. Spangler


  Paul T. Beiswenger

  Capt. Nicholas Baggs


_Visiting Committee--Eastern Penitentiary_:


  Joseph C. Noblit
  Rev. J. F. Ohl
  Rev. F. H. Senft
  Harry Kennedy
  William Koelle
  George S. Wetherell
  Henry C. Cassel
  Harrison Walton
  Frank H. Longshore
  Charles P. Hastings
  Charles McDole
  John A. Duncan
  John Smallzell
  Albert H. Votaw
  Rev. Thomas Latimer
  Rev. M. Reed Minnich
  Isaac P. Miller
  Dr. Chas. Williams
  W. Graham Tyler
  William Morris
  Leon J. Obermayer
  Fred Swarts Brink
  William Roser
  George W. Wilkins
  Chas. C. Simmington
  Dr. B. F. Kehler
  Edw. M. Wistar


  Mrs. Horace Fassitt
  Mrs. Layyah Barakat
  Mrs. Mary S. Grigg
  Deborah C. Leeds
  Mary S. Wetherell
  Miss R. P. Latimer
  Miss Emily Whelen
  Mrs. Mary Ella de Long

_Visiting Committee--Philadelphia County Prison--Moyamensing_:

  Joseph C. Noblit
  John A. Duncan
  Rev. J. F. Ohl
  Horace Fassitt
  Mrs. Clara H. Allen
  Miss R. P. Latimer
  Deborah C. Leeds
  Norris J. Scott
  Albert H. Votaw

_Visiting Committee--Philadelphia County Prison--Holmesburg_:

  Frederick J. Pooley
  William Koelle
  John A. Duncan

_Committee to Visit House of Correction_:

  William Koelle
  Robt. B. Haines, Jr.
  Mrs. Layyah Barakat
  Fred Swarts Brink

_Committee to Visit Prisons in Chester and Delaware Counties_:

  Norris J. Scott
  Deborah C. Leeds
  Mrs. B. K. C. Marshall
  John Way

_On Discharged Prisoners_:

  Joseph C. Noblit
  Dr. Chas. Williams
  Mrs. Horace Fassitt
  Charles P. Hastings
  George W. Wilkins

_On Legislation_:

  Rev. J. F. Ohl
  C. Wilfred Conard
  Mrs. Eliza M. Cope
  Hon. J. Linn Harris
  Joseph P. Byers

_On Membership_:

  Isaac P. Miller
  John A. Duncan
  George W. Wilkins
  George S. Wetherell
  Robert B. Haines, Jr.

_On Police Matrons_:

  Mrs. Mary S. Grigg
  Miss Emily Whelen
  Mrs. Mary Ella de Long

_Editorial Committee_:

  Rev. F. H. Senft
  Joseph P. Byers
  Dr. John Frazer
  Albert H. Votaw
  Rev. J. F. Ohl

_Finance Committee_:

  W. Graham Tyler
  Robert B. Haines, Jr.
  Joseph C. Noblit
  George S. Wetherell
  John A. Duncan


  John A. Duncan
  Isaac P. Miller
  Fred Swarts Brink


The 131st Annual Meeting of THE PENNSYLVANIA PRISON SOCIETY was held
at the office of the Society in the Forrest Building, 119 South Fourth
Street, Philadelphia, on the afternoon of January 11, 1918, President
Edw. M. Wistar in the Chair.

Twenty-two members were present.

The minutes of the 130th Meeting were read and approved.

The Report of the Acting Committee for the year 1917 was read by the
Secretary. It was approved and directed to be printed in the JOURNAL.
(See pages 6-12.)

The Treasurer, John Way, presented a detailed statement of the receipts
and payments for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1917, accompanied
by a schedule of the securities held for the Society by the fiscal
agent, The Provident Life and Trust Company. The report has been duly
audited and was accepted. (See page 13.)

On behalf of the Committee on Nominations, the Secretary presented a
list of nominations for the Officers of the Society, and for members of
the Acting Committee to succeed those whose terms expire on February 1.
The election being duly held, the persons nominated were elected to the
offices designated in the report of the Committee. (See page 3.)

The Secretary informed the meeting that a number of county prisons
were profiting by an Act, introduced to the attention of the Assembly
by the State Board of Charities and which was promptly passed, making
it possible for prisoners confined in the county jails to be released
to work on land owned by the county. Eight counties report that some
of their inmates have been working on farms and that the results
have been very satisfactory. Fifteen counties have the subject under
consideration with a view of trying the experiment next season. The law
was approved in July, 1917, hence there was little time to organize for
the growing season of last year. Independently of this law, the Court
in a few counties had granted special parole to some selected prisoners
so that they might be employed on farms either on land owned by the
county or on land belonging to parties who assumed the responsibility
of caring for the paroled prisoners.

Regret was expressed that a bill designed to amend the law providing
for the Indeterminate Sentence, so that its provisions would correspond
more nearly to its title, failed to secure executive sanction.

To nominate the Officers at the next Annual Meeting, the President
appointed Rev. J. F. Ohl, Austin C. Leeds, Marriott C. Morris, Mrs.
Mary S. Grigg and Mrs. Eliza M. Cope.

                                          ALBERT H. VOTAW,


All the stated meetings of the Acting Committee for the year 1917 have
been regularly held with an average attendance of about 16 members. We
are gratified to report this apparent increase of interest, indicated
by a larger attendance than for several years past. We are entirely
aware that several of our very efficient members have business
engagements which make frequent attendance impossible. It must also be
remembered that some of our members reside at a distance from the city.
The presence of 10 members have constituted a quorum, and no meeting
has been held without the number required for the legal transaction of


The General Assembly of 1917 was notable for activity and interest in
reformatory legislation. The Acting Committee favored and urged the
passage of several measures, some of which have become law in this

An Act providing that any person held for costs or fines may, at the
discretion of the Court, be released, on agreeing to pay the said
charges by instalments, was passed by the Assembly and received the
sanction of the Governor.

An Act providing for the establishment of six industrial farms, to
which persons sentenced for the shorter sentences in the county jails
may be sent, amended by the substitution of nine instead of six, was
passed and received executive sanction.

An Act, urged by the Prison Reform League, and which received our
hearty sanction, providing for the appointment of a commission of
five persons to investigate prison systems in this commonwealth and
elsewhere, and to recommend such revision of the existing prison
system as may be deemed wise, for adoption by the next General
Assembly, was passed and approved by the Governor.

An Act, proposed by the State Board of Charities, providing that
prisoners may be released from county prisons to work on farms
belonging to the State or county was passed and received the approval
of the Governor. This Act shall remain in force during the continuance
of the present war. Already several counties have taken advantage of
this Act to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

An Act, designed to render the present law more effective with regard
to the employment of prisoners in the manufacture of articles for State
use, we regret to report, perished in the Committee room.

An Act to abolish Capital Punishment passed in the Senate but failed of
passage in the House.

An Act amending the present law in regard to the Indeterminate
Sentence, so that its provisions may more nearly harmonize with its
title, was approved by both Houses of the Assembly, but was vetoed by
the Governor.

While we are deeply gratified to report progress, we shall continue our
efforts to secure from the next Assembly favorable action in regard
to the measures which failed to become statutory in 1917. Public
sentiment is a plant of slow growth. Possibly our propositions may have
been defective in some particulars. With some slight modification or
embellishment, we believe all the measures we have endorsed will soon
have place among the statutes of the Commonwealth.

A synopsis of these measures with some explanation and comment will be
found elsewhere in the JOURNAL of which this report forms a part.

We desire to acknowledge the valuable services of the Prison Reform
League in preparing bills and in conducting hearings before the
Committee of the Assembly.


The majority of the prisoners who are released from the State Penal
Institutions are dismissed on parole. They are under supervision by the
Parole Officers from a few months to some years. Most of these paroled
persons have some definite place of employment in view. It may be
supposed that the operation of the law of parole has to a considerable
extent relieved this Society from former obligations in behalf of the
released prisoner. Admitting the value of this work of Parole, we still
have a mission for the discharged prisoners.

1. Quite a number are discharged on their own recognizance. We often
assist these in securing employment and provide them with room and
board until they have landed a job.

2. Many of them who secure employment in large establishments must wait
a fortnight or more before they receive wages. We endeavor to care for
them till the welcome pay day has arrived. They are often destitute and
also their families, so that they find this assistance very acceptable
in time of deepest need.

3. In many employments, the workmen are required to furnish their own
tools. Here we have a constant service.

4. Quite frequently they leave the prison with no funds to pay their
transportation to their homes or to their places of employment. We care
for these necessities.

5. There is a service for those who are discharged at the expiration
of their sentence. If they desire aid, we are pleased when they come
directly to us from the prison, instead of waiting till they are
entirely destitute after spending their gate money. It has been our
purpose to ascertain in advance what they may need and to be ready to
offer a temporary home and satisfactory employment.

6. Sometimes those who secure employment need for some time the service
of a physician. They are directed to a hospital, and meanwhile they
must have subsistence.

7. We are not able to escape some sense of responsibility on behalf of
the human derelicts who come to us with their piteous story, whether
true or false. They are feeble in mind, in health, in will. They
may have “wasted their substance in riotous living.” We do not wish
to believe they are wholly irreclaimable, entirely past any hope of
redemption. It is little we do, or can do, for them. One of them died
the other day at the Philadelphia Hospital. Off and on for years he
had tried our patience. He would run well for a brief season, then a
tremendous fall from grace. Without a murmur or an apology, he meekly
endured the ebullition of our righteous wrath, and left us professing
good intentions fortified by the medicine of our wholesome counsel. He
said we were the only friends he had in the days of his downfall. When
in funds his friends showed their appreciation of his generosity by
aiding him in the distribution of his pitifully small earnings. Did he
recall in those last days of asthmatic suffering our solemn warnings,
our endeavors to point the true way to happiness? While we do not know,
we however are unable to regret our poor efforts to restore him to some
sense of responsibility.

There is great need of a farm with some simple industry attached to
which these unfortunates may be consigned in order to earn their own


The Committees under appointment to visit the Eastern Penitentiary and
the County Prison of Philadelphia have presented reports at each of our
meetings. The summary of these reports reveals much faithful labor on
behalf of those who are behind the bars.

  Number reported visits to the Eastern Penitentiary        462
  Number reported interviews with the inmates              7882
  Number reported interviews with inmates of the
      County Prison                                        5110

These figures indicate activity, interest, sympathy, encouragement, and
yet they are inconclusive. That some hearts have been touched, that
some men and women have been reclaimed, we do not doubt. The seed has
been sown, and often it seems like casting seed upon the waters. The
men are here today and they are gone tomorrow. Many of the interviews
are brief and are confined to a word of cheer or the ordinary greetings
of the day; at other times way opens to point to a better way of life.
Every year the efforts of some of the bearers of good tidings result in
accessions to the Church.

Members of our Committee have also visited the prisons in Pittsburgh,
Harrisburg, Doylestown, West Chester, Bellefonte, Media, Allentown and
York. Some of these prisons receive regular visits and the reported
results are gratifying.

Several Members of the Committee hold religious services at our prisons.


Over thirty years ago, our Acting Committee began to urge that
matrons should be employed at the Police Stations in order to care
for the women and children who might be arrested or who might ask
for assistance. A few matrons were at first appointed in some of the
districts where there seemed to be especial need of such help, but
at this time nearly every Station House in the city has secured the
services of such an official.

Our Committee on Police Matrons constitute our delegation to the
Associated Committee of Women on Police Matrons, an organization
which meets in the offices of the Society on the second Wednesday of
each month. The members of this Association make regular visits to
the Matrons, and co-operate with them in their work. They endeavor
to secure improved accommodations in the Stations and also to supply
the immediate needs of the unfortunate ones who are brought to these
Stations either for shelter or for trial. The following associations
each send three delegates to compose this body.

  The Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
  The Young Women’s Christian Association.
  The Mother’s Club.
  The Philomusean Club.
  St. Paul’s Aid Society.
  Married Women’s Sodality of Gesu Church.
  Hathaway Shakespeare Club.
  The Pennsylvania Prison Society.


At the meeting of the Acting Committee, held September 20, 1917, the
Secretary was authorized to issue invitations in co-operation with The
Prison Reform League to the wardens and prison officials of the Eastern
and Central counties of the Commonwealth to hold a conference on the
Glen Mills Farms on the fourth and fifth of October. The consent of
Supt. Nibecker, of the Boys’ Department, and of Martha P. Falconer,
Superintendent of the Girls’ Department, had been previously obtained.
The co-operation of these two officials contributed largely to the
success of this meeting, which was the first of the kind held in the
State. It was attended by forty persons, a number which exceeded our
expectations. It was concluded to form a permanent organization to meet
annually and to discuss and formulate methods of penal administration.
A full account will be found in the Annual Journal. (See pages 26-37.)


Your Acting Committee is favorable to every sane effort to provide
employment for prisoners. We have long contended that idleness was the
most conspicuous fault in the prisons of this Commonwealth.

We believe in these times of stress that it is a flagrant fault
to waste an ounce of muscular effort. The conservation of all our
resources implies that the 400,000 now confined in the prisons of
the United States should be compelled not only to earn their own
maintenance but to contribute their fair share for the urgent needs
of the nation. They may be employed in the preparation of surgical
supplies, in canning fruit and vegetables, and in a great variety of
manufacturing industries. To this end we give hearty support to a bill
now pending in Congress providing that the resources of all our penal
institutions be utilized in such a way that the country may derive
the maximum benefit from the labor of those behind the bars. Let
them “do their bit.” It will help both them and the general public.
The executive order of 1904 forbidding the use by the government of
prison-made goods or articles should at once be abrogated. Whatever
reason may have been advanced at that time for such an order, surely
the present emergency demands every available resource should be


The meetings of this Association were held this year November 19-23
at New Orleans. There was a good attendance, most of the States being
represented by delegates or otherwise. The Secretary of this Society
was present as a delegate from Pennsylvania appointed by the Governor
and also as a member of the Commission appointed to investigate methods
of prison administration. The meetings were both interesting and
profitable, and a summary of the proceedings prepared by the Secretary
will be appended to this Report. (See pages 93-102.)


The Secretary has continued his inspection of the county prisons with
especial reference to improvements made and needed. Several counties
have employed their inmates in farming and with uniformly great
success. Details of this work will be given in the special report of
the Secretary. The effects of our agitation for better conditions in
the county prisons are apparent. It will be recalled that one year ago
some attempt was made to grade the larger counties according to their
efficiency. In nearly all of them, the markings this year indicate some
improvement in efficiency. Our method has been used in the inspection
of the county prisons of North Carolina, the average grade being stated
to be 56 per cent. An inspector of the New York County jails has
informed us that he intended to use a similar plan in estimating the
efficiency of the county jails in the Empire State.


There is much complaint from almost every penal institution of the
Commonwealth in regard to the character of the food and the manner of
its preparation and serving. Denunciation of the food is a perennial
charge and is common to all public institutions. It is just dawning on
the minds of prison boards and officials that it is sound economy to
keep the prisoners in health and that nourishing and palatable food
conduces to health. The inmates have abundant time both to prepare the
food and to serve it in accordance with approved sanitary methods. When
it has been shown that such improvement can be made in the quality
and wholesomeness of the food without increasing the cost, our prison
officials have been willing to give some attention to the matter.
The need of a balanced ration to be determined by a food specialist
is beginning to be recognized. There is no thought of providing a
luxurious menu, or of adding materially to the cost of provisions.
Government is easier when the prisoners are satisfied with the diet.

We commend to the serious attention of officials and managers of all
our public institutions, whether for the convict, the blind, the
insane, the destitute, the subject of the appointment of an expert
dietitian who shall supervise the selection and the preparation of the
food, believing the results will amply justify the expense involved
whether considered from the standpoint of health or economy.


The General Agent, Fred. J. Pooley, has diligently maintained his
mission of mercy at the Central Station. The opportunities for helpful
service have been so numerous as to justify his attendance both at
the morning and afternoon sessions of the Court of the committing
magistrate. In a large number of cases of suspicion or of a trivial
character, the Agent has been instrumental in securing the discharge
of the prisoners or in placing them at once under the care of the
probation officer, thus properly saving them from the evil associations
of a term in prison. The magistrates often place the accused person in
the charge of our Agent. A home and employment may be found for them,
and quite often they are sent to relatives either in this State or

The full report of the Agent will be found in the JOURNAL.


We desire to thank the friends by whose generous contributions our work
of restoration and timely assistance has been made possible. So many
stranded ones have told us they had no place whatever to go except to
our sheltering care.

With the means entrusted to our use, our friends have materially
aided in the circulation of information and literature throughout the
Commonwealth, which, we have abundant reason to believe, has been
greatly instrumental in educating public sentiment and therefore in
ameliorating the conditions of our correctional institutions.

For many reasons we are encouraged to continue in this work of
reformation in the hope that a sounder method of treating offenders
will result in lessening the incentives to commit crime.

On behalf of the Acting Committee,

                                           EDW. M. WISTAR, _President_.
                                           ALBERT H. VOTAW, _Secretary_.



  To Balance January 1, 1917                             $2,096 30
   “ Contributions                                        3,757 28
   “ Dues, Annual Members                                   233 00
   “ Fees, Life Membership                                  100 00
   “ Income from Investments                              2,315 83
   “ Income from I. V. Williamson Charities                 720 00
   “ Income from Anna Blanchard Fund                        220 50
   “ Income from Barton Tool Fund                           109 76
   “ Proceeds Sale of Literature                             42 35
   “ Returned by Discharged Prisoners                         9 22
   “ Interest on Deposit Balances                            60 51
   “ Legacy, Estate Joshua L. Baily, deceased             5,000 00
   “ Legacy, Estate H. A. Rogers, deceased                  952 50
   “ Distribution from Estate Geo. S. Pepper, deceased       60 00
     Total Receipts                                     $15,677 25


  For Aid to Discharged Prisoners                        $1,115 73
   “  Tools for Discharged Prisoners                         61 44
   “  Religious Literature for Distribution in Prisons       50 00
   “  Journal for 1917, Postage on Same                     495 62
   “  Annual Fee American Prison Association                  5 00
   “  Office Rent                                           525 00
   “  Postage, Printing, Stationery, etc.                   383 25
   “  Office Supplies, Telephone, Incidentals               260 67
   “  Expenses of Wardens’ Meeting                           30 00
   “  Traveling Expenses, Secretary and Agent               442 13
   “  Library, Periodicals                                   33 72
   “  Salaries                                            3,600 00
   “  Investment under General Fund                         905 25
   “  Bequests and Fees transferred to Fiscal Agent       6,052 50
   “  Balance December 31, 1917                           1,716 94
      Total Payments                                    $15,677 25


  Receipts on Account of Income                            $356 72
  Payments to Home of Industry                              356 72

                                                 JOHN WAY, _Treasurer_.

We, the undersigned, members of the Auditing Committee, have examined
the foregoing account of John Way, Treasurer, compared the payments
with the vouchers, and believe the same to be correct. We have also
examined the securities in the hands of our Agent, THE PROVIDENT LIFE
AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, and find them to agree with the list
thereto attached.

                                           JOHN A. DUNCAN,
                                           CHARLES P. HASTINGS,
                                           ISAAC P. MILLER,
                                               _Auditing Committee_.


During the year 1917 the Agent made daily visits to the cell-room
at the Central Station at City Hall. 17,521 men and women prisoners
were detained there for preliminary trial, all of whom the Agent
visited either at the Central Station or at the untried department at
Moyamensing Prison.

Over three thousand prisoners at the Convict Prison at Holmesburg were
visited during the year by the Agent.

  Number of notices and letters written on their behalf  2425
  Number discharged prisoners receiving financial aid     368

The General Agent has visited the cell-rooms of those brought to the
Central Station daily since November 19, 1910, and since that time has
sent 14,967 letters and notices to the relatives and first friends
of those who were arrested. Many have thanked the Agent for this
timely notice, thus giving the relatives or friends the opportunity
of securing the release of those arrested, often on trivial charges,
either by the payment of a fine or release on bail or by direct
discharge under the care of parents or the probation officer. In some
cases they have been released under the care of the Agent.

The Agent is in daily attendance at the preliminary examination held
in room 625 before the committing magistrate, and has found the work
so important that he now attends the afternoon session held in the
afternoon from 2 to 3 P. M.

Emlen Hutchinson, Esq., has continued his generous donations for the
sending of repentant lads and girls to their homes, a service which we
greatly appreciate.

Mrs. Horace Fassitt has been of very great service in assisting many
who sadly needed aid.

Your Agent will have soon served twenty years in this work, and it
is still his endeavor to help those who have wandered from the right
path to find the better way. It rejoices his heart to know that many
recipients of his kindly favors are now upright and serviceable

                          Respectfully submitted,
                                           FREDERICK J. POOLEY,
                                                     _General Agent_.



The Secretary during the last year has paid some visits to a few of
the county prisons. The tendency is toward improvement in the line of
furnishing employment and in sanitary accommodations.


Conditions are much the same as last year. The management is very
ably conducted under Warden Lewis. The inmates are largely those who
are detained for trial. Out of 445 prisoners, 50 were convicts. Bread
is made in the prison, an economical feature whenever the population
has an average of thirty or more. Here meats are generally served in
the shape of hamburg steaks. We commend this practice to many of our
wardens. The meat is eatable, palatable and all the coarser parts may
be utilized. The cost of the food in 1916 was 8.4 cents daily for each
prisoner, one cent more than the previous year. Considering the higher
cost of all provisions, the additional cost is by no means surprising.
Too many were detained for non-payment of fines. We trust they are now
availing themselves of the law, passed by the late Assembly, allowing
those held for costs and fines to be released on condition of agreeing
to pay said charges by instalments. Most letters received for those
awaiting trial are delivered unopened. Tho it would be a task to
inspect all incoming letters, it seems to us that it would be wiser to
have a universal rule providing for inspection of all letters.


The apartments of the women have been greatly improved. No women are
now hired out. This may or may not be an improvement. If they work out
under proper influences and can earn some wages, they may be improved
thereby. Doubtless there are difficulties encountered in making
satisfactory arrangements for their care. As there appears to be work
for them at the institution, the necessity for their finding work
outside is not apparent. The women now eat in a large dining-room at
concrete tables with surface of rubber composition rendering breakage
unusual and affording a surface which is readily cleansed.

The earnings last year of the farm and industries were $111,290--the
largest amount ever reported by the institution. The overhead cost
of each inmate is in gross 57 cents, but this is reduced to 14 cents
in consequence of the splendid earnings. The time may come when this
institution will become self-supporting.


We are delighted to report some improvements in the prison at Reading.
After strenuous effort by some members of the Board, a few men have
been allowed to work on the poor farm. In 1917 they succeeded in
raising several hundred bushels of potatoes and were helpful in
drainage projects. The experiment is considered a success in every
point of view. Next year under the law providing for the employment of
prisoners on county land, which was approved July, 1917, more land may
be cultivated and more prisoners employed.

Striped suitings, which it was once thought was a custom so firmly
rooted as to be ineradicable at Reading, have been entirely abrogated,
a plain jeans suiting being substituted.

We learned that 22 men were on parole, an increase over the report last
year. These men were generally doing well. Thirty-two men and boys had
been placed on probation, serving no part of their sentence in jail.
They have a small yard in which the men parade thrice weekly for a half
hour each time. This is insufficient. Measures should be taken at once
to allow more time in the open air under the blue sky.

The women prisoners should be entirely segregated from the men’s

We now revise our estimate and make it approximately 70 per cent.


The Secretary was hoping to have opportunity to revise his estimate of
the efficiency of the prison at Hollidaysburg, but was informed that
the Commissioners requested that he should have an audience with them
prior to making the usual examination. The Commissioners were not in
session at the time of his visit, and so he did not insist upon his
right as an Official Visitor. His rule is to be subject to the local
regulations. Last year the Secretary was not favorably impressed with
the sanitation and some features of the management. He trusts that some
improvements have been made. He was pleased to learn that some men
were working on the county farm and others on the roads. He did not
learn whether the inmates were allowed to use the yard for exercise
or whether they had the privilege of remaining outside of their cells
longer than two hours a day. Letters ought to be inspected when

The fee system is still in use, a practice generally more or less
abused. The Commissioners should very seriously consider a proposition
to appoint a warden who should purchase provisions by contract. They
buy bread. It would be more economical to bake their own bread.

Parole has not yet been instituted in this county.

On account of the road and farm work, we increase our estimate of the
efficiency from 41 per cent. to 48 per cent.


Twenty-two men are reported to be working on roads. Several men have
been raising vegetables on land, part belonging to the county and part
rented for the purpose. A good beginning. We think that next year
Warden E. H. Knee will endeavor to increase the amount of farm work.

Sixty-five prisoners are reported to be released on parole.

They ought to inspect incoming letters.

Those who enter a plea of guilty may be sentenced any month in the
year, and hence the number of those detained for trial is greatly

They have long discontinued the fee system, the food by contract
costing the county daily for each prisoner 8.62 cents. The workers
eat at a table, and the warden wishes he had tables for the entire
population. They bake their own bread.

On account of the additional number doing good work for the county we
have raised our estimate from 59 per cent. to 65 per cent.


We are pleased to report that new and satisfactory sanitary appliances
have been installed.

A sufficient amount of provisions is supplied and care is taken in
the preparation of the food. What is surprising, when we take into
consideration the greater cost of food, is that the cost per diem for
each prisoner in 1916 was 11 cents as against 12.3 cents the year

All the inmates are kept at work. The industries are carpet weaving and
chair-caning. They paid for materials $3,431 and received $5,387.

The authorities are willing to allow some of the men to work on farms
but there is no county farm, or land belonging to the county, which is
available. Grade raised to 77 per cent.


Here there are about 180 prisoners, say, 150 able-bodied persons,
detained in idleness, from a few days to a year with no duties except
in the line of domestic service. The bakery, the kitchen, the serving
and the work of sweeping and scrubbing give nearly 25 per cent. of them
some employment, and the good warden by a system of rotation endeavors
to give all their turn at being useful. But what an appalling waste of

There is no available land belonging to the county on which they might
raise supplies for the institution. Dauphin County needs a prison farm.

Formerly the warden received 25 cents per day for each prisoner whom
he maintained. Now the cost is 13.5 cents per day and the menu is far
superior to what was formerly dispensed under the fee system. The meat
ration is one-half pound daily, which is regarded as too much for
unemployed men. They bake their own bread.

Strange to state, notwithstanding the lack of employment, none are
paroled. In this respect, the county is very much in the rear of the

As a rule, letters ought to be inspected before delivery.

Of the 168 hours in the week, the men may spend four hours in the
open air. Conditions are not as they should be and cannot be improved
materially till the question of employment is solved.


The county prison is fortunate in having a warden who does not slumber
on his job. If the laws of the State restrict employment in some lines,
this warden gets busy in some other lines. It is vexatious to him to
see able-bodied men dawdling about with nothing to do. He gives them
all the open air possible. On occasion they may play games in their
limited enclosure. Recently he has constructed a special building in
which the looms are installed. No longer do they work in their cells,
where they were obliged to live, eat and sleep in lint-laden air. The
men assist in making improvements, and somehow there is something doing
in the line of repairs or improvements every minute.

At the personal request of the warden, the Court had liberated some
selected men to work on the poor farm, and the result had been
exceedingly satisfactory. They raised much of the vegetables for their
own use, and what they could not eat at the time they canned for future
use. They bake their own bread.

The Court here was one of the first to adopt the principle of parole,
and in no county of the Commonwealth have so many offenders been placed
on parole and probation and with such good results. Grade increased
from 67 to 75 per cent.


Average number of prisoners every day in 1916 was 130, of whom they
manage to employ 30 per cent. and would be glad to have all at work.
Some 25 men have been at work on roads and farms at a wage of 25 cents
per day. The road-making has been very profitable to the county. The
general results have been altogether satisfactory.

They buy their bread, but we think they could employ some of their
idle men in making and baking bread and also save money by the

Cost of food 15 cents each prisoner daily, four cents more than the
year before. They now serve three meals daily instead of two.

They need sheets and pillow cases. They have abundant help for a

Unless the men are at work, they are never in the open air, but they
have the freedom of the corridors during the daytime.


No special changes since 1916 to report, except that the number of
prisoners has decreased about 50 per cent. This may indicate for that
county a higher average of morals.

Last summer they were buying a pound loaf of good bread for 5 cents,
and while flour is $14.00 the barrel they were not disposed to
construct a bake shop.

While they were willing to employ convicts on land belonging to
the county, they thought it would be difficult to find among their
convicts, many of them serving quite short sentences, enough reliable
men to constitute a workable gang.

Food is purchased by contract, and the county allows the prison
authorities to expend as much as 20 cents daily for each inmate.

Whoever has power to order repairs ought to get busy. We understand the
grand jury usually calls attention to the urgent need of improvements,
but their suggestions are unheeded. It is poor economy to allow these
unwholesome conditions to continue.


Farmers are encouraged in this county, as labor is scarce, to apply
to the parole officer for the privilege of employing some prisoners
who can be recommended. Thus, some twenty-five men have been released
to work on farms. The results appear to be satisfactory. The men
receive wages and the county is not charged with supporting them in
comparative idleness. Some of the men are employed in carpet weaving
and rug-making, the profit on which in 1916 was $1,500.

When the law providing for the release of prisoners held for fines on
condition of paying the charges by instalments was approved, the Court
and parole officers immediately put the law to practical use. Within
eight weeks the sum of $2,600 was collected on this account--an amount
more than saved, since otherwise the men would have been maintained at
the expense of the county and not one cent would have been received.

We trust that by this time the new entrance planned for access to the
apartments of the women prisoners has been constructed. Heretofore the
women have been obliged to file through a corridor occupied by the men,
a custom salutary for neither men nor women.

The work of probation, parole, non-support, truancy and collection of
fines under the recent law is all administered from one central office
by a general officer with assistants. On the ground of economy and
practical results, we commend this policy to other counties.

Percentage of efficiency raised from 60 per cent. to 70 per cent.


As is frequently the custom of county prisons, this prison contains
both prisoners committed by the county court and also the city
misdemeanants. The city prisoners have been allowed to work outside on
the county farm. The authorities have not been willing to assume the
responsibility for paroling the county prisoners for outside work. It
is quite possible that in the spring of 1918 they may take action under
the special legislation of the late Assembly.

There are some acres of ground about the institution which is kept in
an admirable order by the inmates, but no space has been set aside or
adapted for an exercise ground for the prisoners. This is a matter
which should receive attention. The open air is wholesome, and men
should not be deprived of this privilege even if they are felons.

This institution was one of the last to adhere to a striped costume,
which has finally been superseded by suitings of plain colors.

They ought to add a bakery to their cooking department. We believe this
prison would profit by the employment of a professional cook.

The warden manages to find employment for nearly all of the prisoners
in some sort of domestic service, tho no special industries are

A liberal application of the privilege of parole is noticeable in this
county. The results are very satisfactory.

General efficiency the same as the year before.


Early in the season of 1917 some men were paroled to work on the
county farm. The satisfactory results are reported in our account of
the Wardens’ Meeting. The authorities have been so well pleased with
this experiment that it is probable next season will witness some
enlargement of these activities. Some of the men have been employed in
finishing rugs, but this industry last summer was lagging.

They bake an excellent quality of bread, and prepare a menu somewhat
above the average. Their experiment with cocoa nibs was not
satisfactory; the men greatly prefer coffee. At some institutions,
cocoa is being served occasionally as a substitute for coffee, and the
inmates appear to enjoy it. A drink made from cheap cocoa nibs may not
have much nutriment, but real cocoa possesses considerable nutriment,
while coffee has no value as food, but may act as a stimulant.

Estimated efficiency now rated at 75 per cent.


Here they are considering a proposition to place a gang of laborers on
a county farm. The warden is favorable to the experiment and will do
all he can to make the effort a success.

So far as we know to date, they are not discharging prisoners,
detained on account of fines, on condition of paying costs or fines
in instalments. Next year we hope to hear they have established
this system which in some other counties has proved to be eminently

The prisoners listlessly parade for an hour and a half each day
either in the corridors or in the small exercise yard. They spend the
remainder of the time in their cells excepting those who weave carpet
or engage in domestic duties.

In 1916 the average daily cost of the food per prisoner was 17.8 cents,
and there was an attempt to serve some variety. They purchase bread.

None were reported on the parole list. What is the matter with this
county? Are there no prisoners fit for parole? Or is the Court still
unconvinced? Will Northampton County be the last to adopt a system, the
principle of which is becoming universally recognized?

No change this year in Efficiency grading.


The two departments of this prison, one the convict prison at
Holmesburg, the other the receiving prison at Moyamensing, pursue the
even tenor of their way. There is little change to report. The sanitary
appliances have had much attention within the last few years, and are
now in practically perfect condition. The latest cell blocks at the
Holmesburg prison represent the best thought in most ways of prison
construction. The cells seem like rooms, not cages, the windows deserve
the name, and the sanitation is correct. At this prison the solitary
system may still be studied. Those who work, however, and there is a
goodly proportion, eat at tables and converse freely at all times
while employed. There is still no special work other than domestic
service and work of repairs and extensions.

The hospital at both departments is well equipped.

For years prisoners have not suffered much detention on account of
non-payment of fines. Fines have been imposed but within the last five
years less than 10 per cent. of the amount has been collected. We have
no report of the operation of the new law by which fines may be paid in

Grand juries may come and grand juries may go, but the institution
pursues its unwavering course. Sometimes the jury recommends
improvements which the management desires as sincerely as the jury.
Many of these improvements have been made, and it may be the published
reports of the grand jury may have rendered the task of securing
appropriations a little more easy. But it is an impossible task for
any body of twelve or fifteen men within the time of two or three
hours to study the conditions of an institution so as to present a
well-developed scheme for its management.

We hold no brief for the Philadelphia County Prison. Doubtless some
conditions could be improved. But the jury occasionally in its zeal
magnifies a possible wrong or views some punitive feature out of its
proper prospective. The discipline for a body of untried prisoners,
some of whom may prove to be dangerous criminals, must not be squared
by the discipline meted out to convicts who remain year after year in
the same institution. You deal with one set as with people you know,
the others present unknown dangerous proclivities. The tendency is to
treat a body of transients with a stricter set of regulations. Just how
far the principles of “The New Penology” have entered the precincts of
Philadelphia County Prison, we are not prepared to discuss. There is
a medium ground in all things and in prison management, probably the
safest plan is to take the middle course. Compared with the “Tombs,”
the New York County prison for those detained for trial, the prison at
Moyamensing compares very favorably. The advantages, the employments,
the general discipline of the New York Convict prisons at Blackwell’s
and Riker’s Islands are perhaps in the main superior to our convict
prison. The regulations for those held for trial should be as mild
and reasonable as is consistent with safety and the convenience of
the accused person. While they are not yet convicts, many of them are
well-known recidivists, more or less dangerous, some are entirely
unknown and need watchful care, so that any system founded on uniform
treatment for all is liable to criticism. A system which combines
moderate restraint with exactly the right proportion of reasonable
freedom presents a problem which a novice can no more readily solve
than an ignoramus the elements of an eclipse.

Down at Moyamensing they have the buildings and the space for the
detention of the untried prisoners, and we have little doubt but
that the manager and the court officials, if they were to meet for a
conference, could unite in the adoption of regulations which would
be satisfactory to all parties concerned. It is to the city’s direct
interest to make use of the facilities already possessed. We are
inclined to the belief that the construction of a new prison for the
untried may be an economic blunder.


We learn that ten men have been working on the county farm.

This county for some years has been allowing men who were fined to be
released on condition of making payments on instalments. In 1916 they
collected from this source the sum of $2,081.14. If these men and women
had been maintained in prison in accordance with the old law of 1836,
their board and maintenance would have cost the taxpayers $4,025.38.
Hence by the new arrangement a snug profit to the county of $6,106.52.
They were pioneers in the rational treatment of those who were fined.

Here they believe in the principle of parole and put it into practice.

  Number on parole and probation over 16 years of age       154
  Number on parole and probation under 16 years of age      124

Some failures reported, the majority being juveniles arrested for
truancy, etc.

They still continue their antiquated toilet arrangements. The closets
are flushed by dumping therein water from buckets. The water is readily
obtainable from spigots, so that the inconvenience is reduced to some
extent, yet this system is justly condemned.

Trusties keep the Court House and the grounds in good order. Some are
employed in making carpets and knitting socks.

Except murderers in the second degree, practically all county convicts
are detained in the county prison. They have room for them in the old
bastile, so why send them to the penitentiary on per diem charges?

The prisoners are turned absolutely loose one hour each day in the
prison yard.

General Efficiency the same as the previous year, but on account of the
farm work we estimate the grade at 70 per cent.


Here is a county prison reporting for the year 1916 an average daily
number of inmates of 58. And yet they could send 12 men to work at
road-making in a prison camp, and 10 men to work on the county farm.
The employment record is a vast improvement over the report of the
previous year when a few at domestic employments about the jail
were the only inmates at work. It is thought that next season the
agricultural operations will be increased.

The Directors ought to contrive at once to improve the cooking
arrangements or, better still, to construct an entirely new culinary

They eat at tables in the corridors. We believe that it would be well
for wardens generally to adopt this method. The cells are more readily
kept clean, and the appearance has a civilized effect.

There are no sheets and pillows, a lack which some philanthropic
organization might supply. They have plenty of time to do laundry work.

On account of the new opportunities for employment, we cheerfully
revise our estimate of the Efficiency from 53 to 65 per cent.


No official visit has been paid to the prison at York since the last
report. We have learned that conditions are generally unchanged. If
this be true, there is much ground for complaint.

There is no employment except that a few assist in domestic service at
the prison.

The food supplied is utterly inadequate. A few weeks ago the bill of
fare for one week consisted of bread and coffee served twice a day for
the seven days and a ration of soup with meat and vegetables was served
twice during the week. On one other day three potatoes were dealt out
to each prisoner. A certain amount of molasses is given out each week.
No prison in the United States or Canada has such scanty fare. The
prisoners are allowed to supplement their fare by purchasing supplies
from a dealer who calls almost every morning, but the majority of them
are penniless. Their friends, if they have any, may bring provision.

The sheriff receives forty-five cents a day for providing this meagre
fare. Again and again we have called the attention of the good people
of York County to these disgraceful conditions. One hundred and thirty
years ago in the prisons of Philadelphia, each prisoner was furnished
with water and a half loaf of bread every day. Those who had money
could buy additional supplies; others must beg and depend upon friends.
The York Prison has maintained a similar system to the present day.
There has been no progress. The sheriff follows in the line of his
predecessors. The authorities, under whom this iniquitous system has
been allowed to continue, are the responsible parties. If the fare at
other prisons, where a sufficient quantity is served, costs from 12
cents to 16 cents per day, the fare at York County prison costs barely
10 cents per day. Possibly the sheriff finds the business profitable,
but that has little to do with the matter. The system is wrong. Any
plan whereby the superintendent of any prison derives his profit from
boarding the inmates is liable to abuse. The only remedy is to change
the system. Act 171, Laws of Pennsylvania 1909, provides that all
counties having a population between 150,000 and 250,000 must have
a warden who purchases supplies by contract. Such a warden may be
appointed in counties having less than a population of 150,000. The
remedy lies with the citizens of York County. A number of prisons in
counties having less than a population of 150,000 are controlled by
either a warden or sheriff who serves for a salary and purchases food
by contract. In such prisons, the conditions are always better than
under the fee system. Grade 40 per cent.

       *       *       *       *       *

Later. As we are going to press, we learn that proceedings are being
brought before the court in York County with a view of making some
wholesome changes. This Society endorses the efforts of the good
citizens of York to remove an evil which has too long been a reproach
to that community.


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the following bequests which
we received in 1917:

  Estate of Joshua L. Baily              $5,000.00
  Estate of Henry A. Rogers                 952.50



In view of the fact that some important penal legislation was enacted
by the General Assembly of 1917, it seemed wise to call a conference of
wardens, inspectors and commissioners to consider the effect of this
legislation and how it might be put into practice.

Hence a call for such a conference, issued by The Pennsylvania Prison
Society and by the Prison Reform League of Pennsylvania, was sent to
county commissioners and prison officials in the eastern and central
parts of the Commonwealth. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer, superintendent of
the Girls’ School at Sleighton Farm, very kindly offered to entertain
the members of the Conference at this institution on the afternoon and
night of October 4th, and Mr. F. H. Nibecker, superintendent of the
Boys’ Department at Glen Mills, cordially agreed to take care of the
company on the 5th inst.

Responses from those invited indicated much interest, and the
attendance fully justified our expectations.

Nine wardens were present from the county prisons of Easton, Ebensburg,
Harrisburg, Hollidaysburg, Lancaster, Media, Norristown, West Chester
and Wilkes-Barre. Seventeen Inspectors were in attendance representing
the counties of Berks, Blair, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lehigh,
Lancaster and Montgomery. The counties of Bucks, Chester, Columbia and
York were represented by one or more of their Commissioners.

The State Board of Charities was represented by Mr. Louis Wolf, a
member of that body, and by Wm. McGarry, an agent of the Board.

Judge J. F. Hause, of West Chester, graced the occasion with his

Miss Florence Bayard Kane, of the Prison Reform League, and John Way
and Albert H. Votaw, of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, were present.
Robert Dunning Dripps, Esq., Secretary Public Charities Association,
was present on the evening of the 4th inst.

Most of the company arrived about noon at Sleighton Farm and were soon
doing ample justice to a bountiful lunch provided by the efficient
helpers of Mrs. Falconer. After an inspection of the buildings and
grounds and noting the excellent work of the girls on the Farm and the
fifty-acre kitchen garden the company assembled in the commodious
audience room to consider the objects of the meeting.

Secretary Votaw called the meeting to order and served thereafter
informally as Chairman. He said he was convinced that persons engaged
in the same sort of work often were the gainers by comparing their
views and experiences. As a teacher he had learned to value the
opportunities afforded by the Teachers’ Institutes. Not that he
always adopted new methods proposed, for he learned that the personal
equation must be considered and that all persons were not adapted
to use identical methods. What would succeed with one might result
in failure with another. At the same time, there was inspiration
and much profit from such conferences. He ventured to say that the
county prisons in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania were all diverse in
their administration. There was lack of team work. While it was not
recommended that all should follow exactly the same form of management,
there was undoubtedly much to be gained by comparison of methods and

This meeting, however, was called particularly to consider recent
legislation. The following letter from Governor Brumbaugh, addressed to
E. M. Wistar, President of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, was read:

            Philadelphia, Pa.

  _My Dear Mr. Wistar_:

  I have the letter of Mr. Votaw, calling my attention to a meeting to
  be held at Darlington, Pa., October 4th and 5th.

  The purpose of the meeting, as I understand it, is to ascertain
  in what way recent legislation affecting prison labor may be
  most practically and effectively applied to conditions in this
  Commonwealth. I am heartily in favor of the wise employment of the
  prisoners in our penal institutions, and steadfastly favored and
  approved all legislation having that end in view.

  I consider, therefore, this conference most opportune, and trust that
  its deliberations may result in practical guidance of great moment to

  It may be of interest to you to know that we are now planning to
  utilize such of our prison labor as we can in connection with the
  Highway Department, not only because we believe this is right as
  a fundamental principle, but because in this emergency it will
  release other labor for national service without impairing the road
  construction program of the Commonwealth.

  I wish your convention great success, and beg to be

                                           Very truly yours,
                                                     M. G. BRUMBAUGH.”

The wardens were first asked to relate their experience with regard to
the recent law allowing the wardens or superintendents of prisons to
release the inmates for work on land belonging to the county or state.

Warden George W. Allen, of Media, being called upon, told the
Conference that he had been employing from seven to fourteen men on
the county farm since early in the spring, even before the Act had
received executive sanction. At his request Judge Isaac Johnson had, as
privileged under the law granting parole to county prisoners, paroled
certain selected inmates for this purpose. None of the prisoners had
violated their parole nor attempted to escape. They were taken in a van
every morning to their work with one guard, and had worked faithfully
and with pleasure. They had cultivated about 20 acres of land. The
entire cost of the venture was about $1100.00, a sum which the results
had fully justified. The expense had been equally shared with the Poor
Directors and also the proceeds. They had raised cabbage, soup beans,
lima beans, carrots, turnips, potatoes, beets, tomatoes and other
produce. What was not used at once by the prisoners was dried, canned
or stored for winter use. No wages was paid to the men. The result had
been satisfactory to all parties concerned.

Dr. J. K. Weaver, Prison Inspector, of Norristown, informed the
assembly that nineteen men had been sent to the Poor Farm, whose
officials had taken charge of them and had provided them with food
and lodging. There had been no difficulty whatever in maintaining
discipline. The men had worked well and with enjoyment. A few
privileges were allowed, such as swimming in the river when the day’s
work was done, and no one had attempted to escape. They were paid 60c.
a day for their work, payable at the time of their release. One man
earned $52.80.

Warden Lemuel Roberts, of the Norristown Prison, informed the meeting
that this employment of prisoners in Montgomery County had been
initiated by presenting a petition to the Court to parole a few
selected men to work on this Farm. The Court consented to parole three
men for this purpose, and the experiment was so completely successful
that the number thus paroled was gradually increased to nineteen. He
was convinced that the payment of 60c. per day had served a double
purpose in giving the men an incentive and a reward for good conduct
and also in enabling them to go forth with a little cash to pay their
expenses while searching for further employment. Without money and
without friends, very often released convicts resort to crime for their

Warden John F. Clower, of West Chester, stated that the County Home
had refused to employ prisoners for the reason that they had already
an abundant supply of labor from their own inmates. They had bought
from the Farm supplies of vegetables at a lower rate than in the open
market. For winter use they had canned 400 jars of tomatoes and a large
quantity of sauerkraut.

Five of the inmates had been paroled to neighboring farmers, for whose
labor the prison had received $25.00 per month, the prisoner receiving
no large share. In this prison the men are almost all employed
constantly at work in making carpets, caning chairs and weaving cloth
for their clothing. In 1917 they had sold products amounting to $5,387.
A small allowance, about 19c. weekly, is paid to the prisoners.

Mr. Thomas J. Fretz, an Inspector of Lehigh County, stated that a
number of prisoners had been paroled directly to farmers. It was
stipulated that the men should receive the prevailing customary wage
for this work and that this sum should be paid to the families of the
paroled men, or given to them on their discharge. In some instances
wages sufficient to pay certain costs had been deducted from the amount
paid to the prisoner.

Mr. Edward Taenzer, Inspector of Berks County, informed the meeting
that this season they had employed prisoners on their County Farm, and
that the experiment had been a decided success from every point of
view. Two years ago an effort had been made to employ the prisoners
on this land, and this proposition had been heartily approved by
the Inspectors, the County Commissioners, the Directors of the Poor
and the local press. The Solicitors of the Boards, however, held
that such action was illegal, admitting that work on roads was the
only employment allowed to prisoners except behind the bars. Since
the beginning of the great war Mr. Taenzer and others renewed their
efforts to find employment for the prisoners on farms, meeting with
formidable opposition, but since the legal bar was removed by recent
legislation the prisoners have been hard at work, giving satisfaction
to all concerned. The selected men are taken by conveyance to the Farm
and work for eight hours daily. They have produced from four to five
hundred bushels of potatoes and a like proportion of other vegetables.
Just now they are working on the drainage project. The Poor Directors
provide the midday meal, and it is expected that hereafter they may
provide for the necessary supervision. The men receive no pay for their
labor, but esteem it a great privilege thus to be employed.

Secretary Votaw stated that the consensus of opinion was evidently
favorable to the employment of county prisoners on farms as far as
possible. He invited Agent McGarry, of the State Board of Charities, to
comment on the attitude of this Board on this subject. Mr. McGarry said
that the Board had for many years advocated such employment and that
the emergency created by the war had made such legislation possible.

The Acting Chairman then called the attention of the conference to Act.
No. 399, which received the approval of the Governor on the 20th of
July, 1917. The law had practically been unheralded, but its execution
would revolutionize conditions in all the counties of the State.
The Act provides for the division of the State into nine Districts,
containing from five to ten counties, in each of which Districts there
shall be established an institution to which all convicts, sentenced
to a term of ten days or more, may be sent. It seemed to be formulated
with a view to the general betterment of the prisoners confined in the
county jails. The fact that there was no clause making it compulsory to
send prisoners to such institution was regarded as a weak feature.

General discussion followed. There were many present who had not seen
the law, or even heard thereof. There was a general opinion that this
law should be carefully considered before the conference should come to
a settled conclusion.

Secretary Votaw hoped that at least one of the nine Districts would
give the experiment a fair trial. It was evident that existing
conditions in the county jails would have to be changed, and the
officials ought to be warned that some action must be taken. Was there
any better proposition to be considered? Since the Allegheny penal
farm already contained five or six hundred acres, and since most of
the adjoining counties were already sending many of their prisoners
there, paying at rate of 50c. daily per prisoner, he suggested that
the District in which this workhouse was situated might readily
convert this institution into one of these Industrial Farms. While
at this institution to which convicts from Pittsburgh are sent,
it seems possible to put ten-day, and even five-day, prisoners to
some profitable work, it would be poor economy to transport ten-day
prisoners from the more distant counties to said District Farm.

Mr. McGarry raised a question as to the disposal of existing jail

Secretary Votaw said that they would be still needed for short termers
and persons awaiting trial, but that portions of such jail property
might be profitably disposed of. Very often the county jail stood
on rather valuable real estate which might sometimes be sold for
sufficient to meet the county’s quota on the new District Institution.
To illustrate that existing prisons must still be used as places of
detention, it was shown during the meetings that at the recent visits
of Secretary Votaw in his capacity of Official Visitor, one third of
the inmates in thirteen of the larger counties were being detained for
trial. It is to be hoped that the problem of furnishing employment to
the untried prisoners may be found.

Mr. Louis Wolf was inclined on first reading of the bill to think that
it would prove impracticable.

It was explained that this Act might have imperfections, but that it
was really the only solution of the problem of employment for prisoners
as far as conditions existed in this Commonwealth. If the products
of convict labor are not allowed to be sold in the market some other
way must be devised to set these idle people to work. In these times
of dire stress, not an ounce of energy should be lost. Our Government
needs the labor of every man, good or bad, in order to increase the
production of food supplies, and for manufacturing purposes. Wherever
the farming proposition for prisoners had been fairly tried there was
no indication of receding. Reports from most places where prisoners
were employed in agricultural pursuits were enthusiastic. In the
State of Massachusetts misdemeanants are generally sent to Bridgwater
Industrial Farm where, under efficient management, several hundred
acres of land, thought to be almost worthless, have been reclaimed,
and now are returning a large yield of fruits, vegetables and grain
crops. In the State of Indiana within the last three years a farm of
about 1200 acres has been purchased by the State, to which now all
misdemeanants sentenced to a term of sixty days or more in the county
prisons are to be sent. It is at the option of the Court whether those
sentenced for shorter terms shall be sentenced to this farm prison.
Eventually it is thought this farm will be entirely self-supporting.
There were many escapes the first year, but since a law has been
enacted making it a penal offence to escape or to endeavor to escape
the number of fugitives has greatly decreased. The proposition is not
new and is being tried out with greater or less success.

Inspector W. B. Meetch, of Dauphin County, said that the prison at
Harrisburg just now had a population of 207, of whom 53 were sentenced
to a term of sixty days or more. These men might be available for farm
work, but the Court is averse to the principle of parole. However,
he was inclined to believe that the privileges of free men should be
denied to the wrongdoer in order that there might be some contrast
between the condition of the law-breaker and the man who was observant
of the rules of justice. He would exercise great caution in reference
to presenting them with the opportunities to escape. Men were sent to
prison to be punished.

It was pointed out that the modern idea did not wholly discard the
element of punishment in the treatment of criminals, but, for the
benefit both of society and the individual, placed extreme emphasis
on efforts to reform the wrongdoer and furnish him with incentives to
become a useful member of the community instead of a perpetual menace.
There is the publicity of a trial, the confinement to certain limits
whether behind walls or within other definite limits, the restraint of
a discipline to which a free man is not subject. This is regarded as
sufficient punishment in these days. We have discarded the stocks, the
pillory, cropped hair and the striped suit. The disgrace is sufficient
without these barbaric accompaniments. In the effort to treat the
criminal as a human being very much like the rest of us, since we all
acknowledge that we have sinned, modern methods have found the best
remedy for the restoration of the prisoner. If we treat him as an
outcast, he will remain an outcast who will harry the community to the
end of his days. Above all, cease to detain him in idleness, which is
the worst remedy for immorality of any sort.

Warden Wm. A. McIlhenny, of Harrisburg, stated that there was no land
owned by Dauphin County which was available for the employment of his
prisoners. The county farm was limited in size and was cared for by the
regular inmates of the County Poorhouse. He had no doubt that if the
law allowed prisoners to work on other than county land, some kindly
disposed land owners would freely grant land for such purpose.


Mrs. Falconer was called upon to explain the methods on Sleighton
Farm. She made an earnest plea that women or girls who are prisoners
be allowed to work in the open air. Although all the inmates of the
institution have a thorough course in housekeeping and sewing, she was
sure that these are not invariably the best occupations for women.
She stated that there was no room for question that country life and
sounds and smells and diverse occupations were the most helpful for
such weak sisters as fall by the wayside. No other work is so suitable
to children or adapted so well to their powers as work out in the open.
She had felt it essential to have a woman of ability and character to
have general management of the farm work, inasmuch as many of those
committed to her care were, in a sense, oversexed and they needed to be
associated constantly with good women. This was a rule in the selection
of all her assistants. As far as possible, men are eliminated from the
activities on the farm, so that these girls come entirely under the
wholesome influence of young women specially trained for the various
kinds of employment on the farm. The enthusiasm and enjoyment connected
with the varied occupations on the farm have strong psychological value.

As “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” so the same method
would have the same effect on “Jill.” Hence, a reasonable amount of
amusement is encouraged. Whatever gift any girl may have, in the
line of song or music or recitation, is developed. They have various
entertainments in their assembly room.

In consequence of the present stringency and high prices, she had
been obliged to change the menu, and the results have been carefully
observed. For instance, meat has been almost entirely dropped from the
bill of fare, and so far there has been no indication that the health
of her community had suffered. There is no tea or coffee for any one
on the place, nor stimulant of any sort. They have abundance of milk,
cottage-cheese, cocoa, cereals and all the dry and green vegetables
they can eat. The ration has been scientifically studied so that the
physical requirements may be satisfied. This report was exceedingly
interesting to the wardens present, all of whom have been confronted
with the serious nature of the food problem.

This summer a few of the girls in groups of four or five have been
paroled to work on some neighboring farms. They receive twenty cents
an hour for their labor and are allowed to retain their wages. In some
instances they have gone without supervision. The results have been
very satisfactory.

Miss Farrall, Head Farmer, spoke of the pleasure of the children in
propagating the plants in the hot house, in setting out the plants, in
watching their growth and in all the varied agricultural processes.
Besides the actual work on the farm the girls had been employed in
road-building, even the concrete work being done by them. They have
installed a new drainage system. They are trained in the care of hogs
and poultry, and on the newly acquired farm adjacent to their premises
they hope soon to develop some dairy industry. The children have
done nearly all the work on a fifty-acre garden. They have already
gathered 1100 bushels of potatoes, and the harvesting of the crop is
not complete. They have planted, cultivated and husked seventeen acres
of corn. They are raising turnips, parsnips, salsify, beets, carrots,
and have succeeded, in spite of the worms, in harvesting 1000 heads of
cabbage. They had used their green house this season in drying large
quantities of vegetables for winter use.


In the intermission between the afternoon and evening sessions there
were three events of considerable interest.

1. A baseball game, in which a nine from the visitors contested with
a nine of the school. No game of the year anywhere elicited more
enthusiasm. The score was 15 to 12 in favor of the home nine. In the
last inning the visitors, who had been somewhat ahead, went “all to
pieces,” and the 500 girls retired from the bleaching grounds to their
quarters exultant over the famous victory of the nine of Sleighton Farm.

2. A delicious supper served by the girls of the farm.

3. A charming vocal concert given by the girls in the Assembly Room,
under the direction of Mrs. Falconer.

At 8.30 in the evening the conference assembled in the reception room
of the Administration Building. Consideration of the bill providing
for the establishment of nine industrial farms was resumed.

Mr. Robert Dunning Dripps spoke of the admirable purpose of the bill,
though admitting that certain modifications were probably needed to
render it thoroughly effective. He was emphatic in condemnation of
the conditions now existent in the county jails. The employment of
all prisoners must be guaranteed. So far as possible they should
be employed in the open air, in order to build up their physical
condition. Such work, under wise handling, has solved some of the
economic problems of prison management. We have too many jails.
Fewer prisons with equal conditions of population and opportunities
could be administered more effectively and economically. Farm penal
institutions in many places have gone beyond the experimental stage
and have revealed amazing possibilities of reformation, economy and
ease of administration. Witness our State Farm at Bellefonte, various
penal farms in New York, the misdemeanant farms in Massachusetts and
Indiana, and the large penal farm at Guelph, Ontario. Farm work could
be managed by the inmates of county jails with less risk on the whole
than by the convicts sent to the penitentiaries. If a few escape the
harm they would do to any community would be less on the average than
hardened convicts who receive the long sentences. He recalled that all
properly managed insane asylums have their inmates in the open air as
much as possible and give them every opportunity to engage in the work
of raising the supplies of food. It is all wrong to pen up a thousand
men in close confinement because some half dozen of them may try to
escape. He did not speak as a mere theorist, because, as Director
of Public Safety, he had been responsible for the management of the
House of Correction, where he had observed the beneficial effects of
working on the farm and the ease with which this sort of work could be

Mrs. Falconer emphasized the viciousness of idleness. She knew of
the wholesome results of allowing women to work in the open, and, of
course, it must readily follow that men would be equally improved.

Mr. Pascoe, Warden of the prison at Easton, stated that he had about
100 prisoners who are only partially employed in carpet weaving. He
has a small exercise yard where his men are allowed to parade about an
hour daily. With his scant space and opportunities he is hampered. He
would be very willing to make arrangements to have his men work on the
Poor Farm about seven miles away if the authorities would grant the
privilege. He is entirely aware of the evils of idleness, and would
welcome the opportunity to employ his inmates in farm work. Possibly
a few might escape, but the harm they might do would be entirely out
of proportion to the injury done to the men by the present system of
detaining them in idleness.


It was the first visit of most of the men to this highly cultivated
farm of 500 or more acres, and they were both surprised and delighted
to have a visible illustration of what may be accomplished by lads
and young men in the line of husbandry. They were received very
graciously by Superintendent Nibecker, who, after some explanation of
the general system, conducted them over the plantation. There was an
exhibit of corn (many stalks being fifteen feet in height, with two
ears), pumpkins, cowbeets, turnips, etc., which would make a creditable
showing before any body of experts. The dairy of blooded stock was
inspected, and a piggery inhabited by over 200 fine specimens of
porkers was much admired for its fine sanitary condition. The report
in 1916 showed that about forty products of the farm were valued at
$23,581 and that the expenses charged to the farm amounted to $8,033,
thus showing the handsome balance of $15,548 to the credit of the
farming operations.

The Conference met for a brief session in the parlor of the
institution. On motion, Mr. Edward Taenzer, of Reading, was made
Chairman of this meeting. Mr. Votaw had already suggested that there
might be a service in forming a more permanent organization of
prison officials of this Commonwealth. There were many features of
administration to be discussed, and he thought mutual benefit would
accrue from an occasional conference, annual or semi-annual, to compare
views and methods. Especially would such conference be of value and of
great influence in being able to present to the General Assembly their
united views, based on practical experience, with regard to proposed
penal legislation, and also to suggest and promote measures for
improvement of penal conditions. This proposition appeared to receive
the unanimous endorsement of those present.

Chairman Taenzer suggested annual conferences and hoped that an effort
would be made to equalize the working of the laws in all counties.
Many of the counties operated under special legislation. The County of
Berks, working under an Act of 1848, was at a decided disadvantage,
compared with other counties. There was no uniformity in regard to
turnkey fees, and many other customs, some of them belonging to a past

On motion of Mr. Votaw the following Committee was appointed to make
arrangements for another similar conference to be held probably next
autumn, and to draft regulations for the government of the body: Edward
Taenzer, Chairman; Warden Clower, of West Chester; Warden McIlhenny,
of Harrisburg; Warden Obetz, of Lancaster, and Agent McGarry, of
the State Board of Charities. On motion, A. H. Votaw was appointed
Secretary of this Committee.

A vote of thanks to Mrs. Falconer and to Mr. Nibecker was extended
for their generous hospitality and for their many courtesies to the
conference. It seemed that nothing which pertained to the comfort and
pleasure of the visitors had been left undone.

The Conference adjourned with a feeling that this meeting had been
successful and that a permanent organization would be of decided
service to the best interests of the Commonwealth.

After a bountiful lunch, served by the assistants of Superintendent
Nibecker, the members of this memorable Conference dispersed to their
several homes.



  Wm. A. McIlhenny       Harrisburg
  Rich. F. Pascoe            Easton
  Lemuel Roberts         Norristown
  John B. Riddle      Hollidaysburg
  Edw. H. Knee            Ebensburg
  J. Carson Obetz         Lancaster
  Michael F. Whalen    Wilkes-Barre
  John F. Clower       West Chester
  Geo. W. Allen               Media


  Theo. J. Fretz          Allentown
  Edward Taenzer            Reading
  Dr. J. K. Weaver       Norristown
  Jesse L. Jones       West Chester
  J. Howard Lumis      West Chester
  Alex. C. Whitcraft   West Chester
  Wm. P. Sharpless     West Chester
  E. Marshall Hamell          Media
  F. G. Thomas               Yeadon
  M. G. Brubaker          Lancaster
  Adam Sweigart           Lancaster
  Thomas Erb              Lancaster
  Eli Good                Lancaster
  D. G. Lindsay           Lancaster
  Wm. P. Schwartz           Altoona
  Calve Walker              Altoona
  W. B. Meetch           Harrisburg


  John D. Jenkins              York
  D. F. Knittle          Bloomsburg
  D. M. Golder         West Chester
  Watson Davis           Doylestown
  Allen Zetty            Doylestown
  Wash. Cadwallader      Doylestown
  John E. Baldwin      West Chester

       *       *       *       *       *

  Louis Wolf, Member State Board Charities.
  Wm. McGarry, Agent State Board Charities.
  Robert Dunning Dripps, formerly Director of Public Safety,
  Judge, J. F. Hause, West Chester.
  Miss Florence Bayard Kane, Philadelphia, Member Prison Reform League.
  John Way, Treas. The Penna. Prison Society.
  A. H. Votaw, Sec. The Penna. Prison Society.
  Phebe N. Votaw, Lansdowne.


The late John J. Lytle, than whom no one was more deeply interested in
the welfare of prisoners, year after year by special effort solicited
contributions for the purchase of periodical literature suitable for
distribution to the inmates of our prisons. A journal known as “Sabbath
Reading,” issued weekly, was selected, a periodical judiciously edited
and full of wholesome and instructive matter presented in an attractive
style. This periodical has been hailed with enthusiastic appreciation.
We have reason to believe that it is very generally read. Regret has
been expressed when we felt obliged to curtail the number distributed.
Calls are numerous these days, and our charitable friends are straining
their resources to the utmost to meet the various demands for worthy
purposes. Should this work, however, appeal especially to any of our
friends, we will gladly apply any funds for this specific purpose.



Under this Act the State is to be divided into Nine Districts, in each
of which is to be established an Industrial Farm to which prisoners
sentenced to serve terms in county jails are to be sent. Each
Institution is to be managed by a Board of Trustees which shall be
composed of one county commissioner from each county of the district,
to be appointed by the judge of Quarter Sessions.

The members of the first Board of Trustees shall be appointed to serve
until the expiration of their respective terms of office as county
commissioners. Each Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to select a
suitable site for such Industrial Farm and to make arrangements for the
erection and equipment of the necessary buildings. The Farm is not to
exceed five hundred acres in extent. The buildings are to be “plain and
inexpensive in character,” and the labor as far as possible is to be
supplied by the convicts committed to said institution.

The ninth section of the Act provides that the court of Quarter
Sessions in any county “may, in its discretion, transfer from the
county jails and prisons, respectively, to such penal farm those who
have been sentenced to the county prison for any crime, misdemeanor, or
felony (murder and voluntary manslaughter excepted),” and also those
detained for non-payment of fines and costs, or for non-support; in
fact, any persons legally confined in the county jails except those who
are held for trial. And hereafter the court may, in its discretion,
send those convicted as above directly to said Industrial Farm.

Resources of the Site.

As far as practicable the selection of the site for the farm shall
have reference to its advantages for various forms of husbandry,
fruit-growing, stock-raising, for brick-making, for the preparation
of road and paving material, and shall have good railroad, drainage,
sewage and water facilities. The prisoners are to be employed in work
“on or about the buildings and farm” in raising stock and supplies
for the use of said institution and for the use of other public and
charitable institutions in the District.

“All road material, brick, tile and concrete prepared” at these farms
not needed for the purposes of the institution, shall be offered for
sale at a price to be fixed by the Board of Trustees, the proceeds to
be applied towards paying the overhead expenses of said institution.


“All inmates shall be clothed and treated as provided for in this Act,
and in the rules and regulations of the industrial farm.”


“If any person refuses to perform the work assigned to him or her, or
is guilty of other acts of insubordination, the superintendent shall
punish such person by close confinement and a diet of bread and water
only, or in such other manner as the rules and regulations ... may


A separate apartment in the institution shall be appropriated to
inebriates and drug users which shall be called the Inebriate Home.
Any person habitually addicted to intemperance or to “dope” may on
application be admitted to this Inebriate Home, the bills for expense
being paid weekly by such applicant. It is further provided that if
any inmate of this Home is able to pay the expense of his keeping, the
court committing such person is authorized to make an order directing
the amount to be paid by the said inmate.


The original cost of the farm and buildings and all fixed overhead
charges “shall be paid by the counties constituting the district, in
the ratio of their population according to the last preceding United
States census.” “The cost of the care and maintenance of the inmates
shall be certified monthly to the counties from which inmates have been
committed. Such cost shall be paid by the counties in proportion to the
number of inmates committed from each county.”


On first reading there were some provisions of the Act which seemed
impracticable. But we believe these minor imperfections may easily be
corrected by future legislative enactment. The general principle of
the Act is sound and in accordance with the trend of public sentiment.
Massachusetts and Indiana both have Industrial Farms for prisoners
serving short-time sentences. The State of Indiana has one such farm in
successful operation, but we are informed some officials are convinced
that it would have been wiser to institute two or three such farms. The
original bill we favored provided for six such plantations. However,
the nine farms may each have over 500 inmates to be cared for and

It may be unfortunate that the farms are limited to 500 acres.
Allegheny County now has a farm of over 600 acres, and has under
cultivation about 500 acres. This county will be united with four
other counties in the management of the Industrial Farm for the Second
District, and 500 acres will prove insufficient. It may be wise to
amend the Act making it possible to secure a farm of 1000 acres if
thought desirable. It has been found to be an economical proposition to
establish penal farms on waste land and by means of drainage, leveling,
removing of rocks and scientific tillage and fertilizing to make the
“wilderness blossom as the rose.” On a Penal Farm in Florida may now
be seen flourishing corn and cane fields where three years ago was the
lair of alligators. At Occoquan, Va., Warden Whittaker has transformed
barren, arid, scrub pine lands, costing from five to fifteen dollars
per acre, into a splendid plantation abounding in orchards, grain
fields, gardens and small fruits. Similarly very cheap land at
Bridgwater, Mass., has been cleared off and changed into a handsome
productive farm.

It might be easier to limit the amount of money to be expended for the
site, the only condition being that the farm should contain at least
500 acres.


Escapes were quite numerous from the Indiana State Farm when they
first were trying the experiment. The passage of a State law severely
penalizing the man who escapes (he is nearly always caught), justly
punishing him with several years of imprisonment at the State
Penitentiary has lessened the number making effort to escape.

Prisoners Awaiting Trial.

Some of these prisoners are held from thirty to ninety days. Why not
allow them the option of languishing in idleness at the detention
prison or of engaging in healthful occupation on the farm? The option
should be given, as they can not be compelled to work. Such privilege
should be granted with circumspection. The Court not generally being in
session when such offenders are arrested could not pass judgment as to
whether such privilege should be granted. The nature of the accusation
must be taken into consideration. We are sure that a goodly number of
those who are thus held might be sent to the Industrial Farm, but the
details connected with such permission are yet to be arranged.


Nothing is said in the Act with regard to any compensation. It is
expected that these farms will ultimately become self-supporting and
may to some extent become a source of profit. We think it is within
the province of the Board of Trustees to fix the compensation. An
addition to the Act as soon as practicable should be enacted providing
for compensation to be sent, part to the family, if in need, of the
prisoner, and a part to be held for the prisoner at the time of his
discharge. The wages will be graded with reference to the character
of the labor. It is a wise provision of the law that the labor of
prisoners in the construction of the buildings shall be availed of as
far as possible.


On a farm of 500 acres containing tillable land and stone quarries,
a large number of men may find employment, but it will require very
intensive farming to employ 500 men and make the venture financially
profitable. Hence on every farm some one or two industries should be
allowed not requiring highly-skilled labor, since the population is a
rapidly shifting crowd. The bill very properly specifies brick, tile
and concrete work, and the crushing of stone for road-making. A large
number of men may be thus employed, but please remember that there
are nine of these penal farms. There should be one or two industries
suitable for mechanics and for indoor employment on each farm. The sale
of the products should not be confined to the district in which any
farm is situated. Let the soap-making industry be established on one of
these farms. The product might be sold to all public institutions in
the State. In one or two farms, there might be found the broom-making
industry. In several farms canneries, under the best sanitary
regulations, should be established. Underwear and socks for all public
institutions could be made at two or three of these penal farms.
Working shirts and overalls are properly made at such institutions. The
manufacture of plain cloth of several inconspicuous patterns should
be encouraged. One factory could make cloth sufficient for the other
nine institutions. Ash cans and garbage cans for all municipalities are
products of prison labor in several States.

We have by no means exhausted the list of industries suitable for the
labor of prisoners. Every suggestion as mentioned above has been tried
and found to work satisfactorily elsewhere.

In all cases, especially with regard to farm products and canned
goods, it should be specified that the surplus may be sold in the open
market. Suppose more potatoes should chance to be raised than the
public institutions should need. In these days we tolerate no waste. We
doubt whether there is a farmer in the Commonwealth who would object to
the sale of the surplus in the open market. The competition would be
negligible, as we think it would be with any other industry.

Inebriate Home.

It is specified that each of these farms shall have a separate
apartment in the institution for the treatment of inebriates and drug
users. What becomes of the proposition to establish a State Farm for
the care of inebriates? Just such an institution was authorized by
the Assembly of 1913. If this farm is established, and if nine other
Inebriate Homes are to be constructed, it might seem that an appalling
amount of dipsomania and anesthetic torpor is found in Pennsylvania.
We suppose the intent of the Act is to retain, until cured, or greatly
improved, those unfortunate wretches who spend a large part of the
year in durance in thirty-day and sixty-day sentences. Philadelphia
can supply a thousand of such derelicts, possibly Pittsburgh another
thousand, and the remainder of the State a goodly proportion. Many
of these people can do good work when not under the influence of
intoxicants. We doubt the wisdom of segregation in every instance.
If they mingle freely with those who are not drunkards or addicted
to opiates, they may derive some benefit from such association. The
separate treatment should be reserved for those who have become greatly
impaired by bad habits.

There is also very great need of providing separate quarters for those
afflicted with tuberculosis and venereal disease.


Original cost of farm and buildings paid by counties according to
population. Overhead expenses to be paid by counties according to
population. Care and maintenance of inmates to be paid by counties for
each inmate sent. Each county pays for transportation of its inmates to
the institution. The transportation of the convict when discharged will
be charged, so it appears, to overhead expenses of the institution.

Thus, every county will pay pro rata according to population a share
of the expense of purchasing the land and erecting the buildings, also
the same proportionate share of the net expense of conducting the
institution, or of the amount left when receipts are deducted from the
expenditures. It is to be hoped that at some time the receipts may
exceed the expenditures. In that event we suppose the balance will be
credited pro rata to each county, though the Act is silent on this

In addition every county will pay transportation, care and maintenance
of its own inmates. No inmates, nothing to pay on this head.

It will require an expert in institutional management and in
bookkeeping to determine just what items should be charged to care and
maintenance, and to general expenses. What difference will it make?
Simply this. Some counties naturally will send a smaller proportionate
number of inmates than others. A few counties may have but one or
two inmates during the year. Each county will receive two bills for
payment. One will be for its share of overhead expenses. The other will
cover the cost of maintaining the prisoners sent from said county. If
certain charges which might be debited to care and maintenance are
charged against overhead or general expenses, then the auditor of the
county sending few or no prisoners will justly protest a system of
bookkeeping which charges to general expenses what ought to be charged
to care and maintenance. Questions will arise quite difficult to
decide, hence, there should be some regulations adopted of universal
application to the nine institutions.

Discretionary Power of the Court.

According to this Act, the Court “_may_, in its discretion, sentence”
a convicted offender to the county jail, to the Industrial Farm, or to
any penal institution legally entitled to receive convicts. We repose
much confidence in the judiciary of this State. But we trust that they
will agree to send all convicts, sentenced from forty days to two
years, or to whatever time they think it advisable to send them to the
State Prisons, to these Industrial Farms. They may exercise an option
below twenty days, depending on the proximity of said farm. Allegheny
County sends hundreds of prisoners, sentenced for ten days and less,
about ten miles away to the Industrial Farm. Philadelphia transports
likewise a large number of short termers about fifteen miles to the
House of Correction on its farm of several hundred acres. The State of
Indiana makes its obligatory to send all convicted of misdemeanors, who
are sentenced to sixty days or more, to the State Industrial Farm. The
option of the Court may be exercised when the sentence is less than
sixty days.

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there is no team work with
reference to the place where convicts may be incarcerated. Some
counties, especially the smaller ones, have an understanding that all
prisoners sentenced to one year or more should be dispatched to the
penitentiary. In other counties a person may serve a sentence of
twenty years in the county prison. How would this schedule work?

  Ten days or less                                       County Jail
  Ten to twenty days,      Either County Jail or the Industrial Farm
  Twenty days to two years                       The Industrial Farm
  Two to three years, Either the Industrial Farm or the Penitentiary
  Three years and over                        The State Penitentiary

Of course it is understood that lads and lasses may be sent to Glen
Mills, Sleighton Farm or Morganza; and that older boys may be sentenced
to the Reformatory at Huntingdon.

Possible Objections.

Some county officials may point with pride to their prison, perhaps
rather recently constructed, with admirable sanitary features, and
affording some opportunity for employment. What is to become of such
plants? We know of no county prison in the State whose facilities would
be equivalent to the advantages afforded by the farm. Some prison will
be needed at every county seat as a place of detention. Portions of
the real estate may sometimes be sold for a handsome sum, or used for
some other public purpose. We know of very few county prisons for whose
construction we entertain much respect. Most of these jails need entire
renovation. Some of the newer type resemble cages for animals--a type
of building we condemn.

The latest ward constructed in the Philadelphia County Prison at
Holmesburg embodies some of the best features of modern prison
construction. We should regret to have this disused. The latest
cell-block at the Allegheny County Workhouse is a model of its kind.
And the new dining room at this institution is admirable from every
point of view. Our private suggestion is that the Trustees of the
Second District, in which five counties are comprised including
Allegheny, shall arrange to take over this Penal Farm, or the Allegheny
County Workhouse, and constitute it as the Industrial Farm for this
District. The buildings and the land are already there, and an
efficient institution conducted now on the lines enumerated in the Act
establishing these Industrial Farms. The other counties of the District
have been for some time sending their convicts to this workhouse,
paying Allegheny County a per diem rate for each prisoner sent from
their respective counties.

We wish we could devise a satisfactory scheme for the consolidation
of the counties of the First District in which Philadelphia County is

Do we dare to suggest the pooling of the interests of the House of
Correction and the County Prison at Holmesburg so that the two prisons
may be combined under the same management, thus making the Correctional
Farm available for both institutions? Can more land be secured, or
reclaimed from the marshes of the Delaware?

In the State of Indiana the general expenses and the overhead expenses
are paid by the State. The counties pay 55 cents daily therefore for
each convict sent. It is justly argued that as all indictments charge
the offender with violating the peace and dignity of the State, the
State should assume responsibility for its own protection. In the Act
now under consideration, it is provided distinctly that the various
counties of each District are to be responsible for the expenses on
some pro rata basis. The taxpayers of the State will pay the bills
whether paid by State or counties. We believe on consideration there
will be some advantage derived from the financial policy as proposed
in this bill. It will undoubtedly happen that some farms under more
expert management will tend to become self-supporting or to reduce the
overhead expense to a small figure.

The counties of such a District will be subject to comparatively slight
taxation for the support of the prison. Information will promptly
spread to the other Districts, so that the Trustees will seek that kind
of an administrator who can show the best results. Friendly emulation
should work no evil. There is one cautionary word. Some administrator,
who has more ambition to make a good financial showing than to adopt
reformatory measures, may be tempted to exploit the men under his
charge to their detriment. A superintendent should be chosen, not
only for business ability but also to inspire the inmates with higher
ideals of life. He will get the best out of his men by allowing certain
privileges and compensation for faithful effort. Any other sort of
manager should be removed.

Rules and Regulations.

The regulations of each one of the Industrial Farms are to be framed
by the Trustees of said farm. It is specifically provided that the
duties of the officers, the clothing and treatment of the inmates, the
penalties for insubordination, the government of the Inebriate Home,
shall be prescribed by the Trustees.

We believe it will be found advisable for the Trustees of these various
institutions to meet and formulate some general regulations. We advise
that the Act be amended so that meetings may be held at least once each
year. In fact, several meetings should be held prior to the operation
of these farms in order that the same principle may obtain in regard
to their management. Each Local Board should have ample leeway to
make rules according to the particular needs and environment of the
individual farms, but it is very essential that a uniform policy should
be adopted with regard to certain features.

1. Industries. Care should be taken that the specific industries should
not be duplicated. For instance, soap-making should be assigned to
one of the institutions, not on a large scale by all of them. Certain
manufactures may be more economically conducted where water power may
be readily obtained.

2. Clothing. We trust no form of degrading conspicuous dress may be
found at any institution. It is possible for some Board to require the
stripes which have been generally discontinued.

3. Penalties. Section 10 prescribes that the superintendent shall
punish a refractory prisoner by close confinement and a diet of bread
and water only, “or in such manner as the rules and regulations ...
may prescribe.” We submit that corporal punishment of any description
should be abolished. It would be possible for some Board of Trustees
to sanction the whipping post or the hose treatment--penalties
which belong to a barbaric age. We suggest that the Trustees limit
punishments to confinement, restricted diet, deprivation of privileges
and reasonable fines, and if such measures prove unavailing the culprit
should be remanded to the county jail.

4. Bookkeeping. Uniformity is highly desirable. The greatest care
should be taken to discriminate as to what expenses belong to the
general upkeep of the institution and to the care and maintenance of
the prisoners. The estimate of the charges to each county is to be
based upon such discrimination.

Uniformity in a few other matters may be desirable, but care should be
taken not to hamper the individual Boards by general rules about petty


We have dwelt to some extent upon the possible defects of this law
which, however, has admirable features. In any achievement, involving
as many changes as are contemplated in this Act, there will be
difficulties encountered. At first we were inclined to see lions in
the way, but when we see the effect of the conversion of compulsory
idleness into productive efficiency, we may conclude that the
difficulties are not insurmountable.

We trust that some Board may soon take action and inaugurate this
work, which is one of the greatest reformatory movements known in the
penological annals of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We very much
hope that next season may find at least one of these institutions in
actual operation.

Appointment of Trustees.

The following list shows the counties composing each district, and the
names of the Trustees so far as we have learned of their appointment:--


  Philadelphia, George F. Holmes
  Chester, David M. Golder
  Bucks, Watson Davis
  Montgomery, Roy A. Hatfield


  Beaver, Edwin L. Johnson


  York, John D. Jenkins
  Cumberland, A. E. Sieber
  Northumberland, Fred. R. Dornsife
  Perry, Allen B. Thompson


  Washington, Thomas Hill
  Fayette, Logan Rush
  Indiana, W. B. Wagner
  Cambria, T. Stanton Davis
  Westmoreland, George W. Deeds
  Greene, George Moore
  Somerset, Joseph B. Miller
  Clearfield, H. H. Spencer
  Bedford, Thomas C. Bradley


  Centre, Isaac Miller
  Huntingdon, Josiah C. Hall
  Franklin, Ross S. Gordon
  Mifflin, Geo. W. Dunmire
  Blair, Robert F. Bankert
  Juniata, W. A. Kinzer
  Snyder, Henry Bowersox


  Erie, Josiah F. Rogan
  Mercer, A. W. Beil
  Clarion. Frank McCall
  Warren, E. M. Lowe
  Elk, W. M. Thomas
  Crawford, M. G. Beatty
  Venango, Pressley H. Culbertson
  Forest, J. C. Scowden
  McKean, O. S. Gahagan
  Jefferson, Harvey L. Grube


  Cameron, John W. Lewis
  Lycoming, Joseph H. Nicely
  Montour, James Ryan
  Sullivan, Charles W. Warren
  Tioga, James Crawford
  Clinton, James L. Kemmerer
  Columbia, Charles E. Welliver
  Union, William Ruhl


  Bradford, Charles L. Crandall
  Wayne, Earl Rockwell
  Monroe, Thomas Shiffer
  Wyoming, H. W. Place
  Susquehanna, F. H. Ball
  Pike, E. J. Darragh
  Carbon, Thos. B. Craig
  Lackawanna, John Von Bergen


  Berks, J. Calvin Herbine
  Schuylkill, B. J. Smith
  Lehigh, Oscar L. Henninger
  Northampton, Elmer P. Peifer
  Luzerne, R. A. Beisel


Act No. 111, approved by the Governor, May 17, 1917, grants permission
to any Court or sentencing authority to dismiss any person held for
non-payment of fines and costs on condition of agreeing to pay said
charges by instalments.

In previous publications of this Society, it has been shown that the
practice in the 67 counties of the Commonwealth is far from uniform.
The law of 1836, except for first offenders, is still in force, which
prescribes that when a fine is $15.00 or less the defendant may be
detained 30 days in prison; if the fine is more than $15.00, the term
of imprisonment is 90 days. Comparatively few counties observed this
regulation. Many counties detained the prisoner as many days as there
were dollars in the fine.

Some counties have already profited by availing themselves of the
privilege of Act No. 111. In one county the sum of $2600.00 had been
collected in fines on the instalment plan in less than three months.
Formerly the county collected nothing, and in addition maintained the
prisoner who was detained in idleness. If the prisoner thus detained
could do any service to the county in the line of road-making or
other useful employment, his detention would be considered sensible.
To present him with board and lodging for a hundred days with no
employment, because he owes the county a hundred dollars, is an

The privilege of paying the fine and costs in instalments ought to
inure to the benefit of all parties concerned.


Act No. 337, approved by the Governor, July 17, 1917, authorizes the
employment of convicts at the county jails “at agricultural labor on
any county or almshouse farm of the county ... by the poor authorities
of such county under the direction of the warden.” Section 2 of the
Act releases the warden from liability in case of the escape of said
convicts while thus employed, if due care has been exercised.

The beauty of this Act consists in the fact that it can be immediately
put into execution. No formal meeting of Boards is necessary to
consider the matter. No expense is required for buildings and
land. This enactment is exactly in line with Act No. 359, Laws of
Pennsylvania, 1915, providing for the employment of prisoners at
road-making. The law of 1915 provides for the payment of wages to
those thus employed and forbids the wearing of stripes. We infer that
no conspicuous degrading dress is to be worn. We hope that under the
present Act, no degrading costume will be imposed upon the workers and
that some compensation shall be given.

Already the counties are reaping benefit from this recent enactment.
But with next season we believe many of the counties will avail
themselves of the opportunities afforded by this Act. Some counties
have taken immediate action. The following reports have been received
showing what has been accomplished. However, in several of these
counties the Court had previously to the passage of this legislation
granted special parole to certain prisoners in order that they might
be employed on farms. The passage of this law, however, will make it
vastly easier to place the men on farms. The machinery of parole is
sometimes a little cumbersome.

  County.                     Employed.

  Berks           Ten men employed three times weekly.
  Cambria         A number of prisoners on farms and roads.
  Delaware        Fourteen men on farm.
  Lehigh          Twelve men paroled to farmers.
  Luzerne         Not allowed by Court to county prisoners. City
                    prisoners work on almshouse farms.
  Montgomery      Six to ten men every day.
  Westmoreland    Twenty-five working on jail farm.
  Schuylkill      They have employed ten men on county farm.

Fourteen other counties are considering the proposition with intent to
begin operations in the spring of 1918.

Montgomery County pays a wage of 65 cents per day.

Berks County estimates that the prison has saved $900 the first season.

Fayette County. Men work on roads and farms. Wages daily, 25 cents. It
is estimated that the county saves many thousand dollars annually by
working the convicts on the roads.

Some further details of what has been accomplished in the way of
producing supplies for the prisons may be found in the Report of the
Wardens’ meeting at Glen Mills.

About half of the counties of the State have a prison population per
diem of fifteen or less, possibly the majority of these detained for
trial; hence, the farming proposition has little interest for them.

This law will be extremely beneficial to the prisons wherever it is
properly applied. Calculate, if you please, what the labor of ten men
on any well managed farm will produce. Nothing whatever is said in the
law as to the distribution of the produce. The crop may be divided on
some equitable basis with the poor authorities. It may all go to the
prison on some terms to be agreed upon. What cannot be used at the
time may be canned for use in the winter. We suppose in some cases
the surplus may be sold, or exchanged for other necessities of the

The law at least may be commended for brevity and for the absence of
any restraining features. Credit must be given to the State Board
of Charities for proposing and at once securing the passage of this
economic measure. The law is to be in force during the continuance of
the present war.

We trust the law will be amended so that the prisoners may be allowed
to work on land leased or donated for such purpose. There are some
large counties where there is no land available for this laudable
purpose. The bill introduced by Mr. Walker of Philadelphia contained
such a provision and also a clause explicitly stating that the surplus
of products may be sold at the best prices obtainable.


Act No. 409 provides “That the Governor is hereby duly authorized to
appoint a commission of five persons, two of whom shall be learned
in the law, and at least one of whom shall be an active official of
a correctional institution within this Commonwealth, to investigate
prison systems and the organization and management of correctional
institutions within this Commonwealth and elsewhere; to recommend such
revision of the existing prison system within this Commonwealth, and
the laws pertaining to the establishment, maintenance and regulation of
State and county correctional institutions within this Commonwealth,
as it shall deem wise, and to report the same to the General Assembly
at the session of 1919.” Another section of the Act provides for the
appropriation of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars in order to meet the
necessary expenses of this commission, incurred in the performance of
their duties.

The Commission has been appointed and has already begun the work of
investigation. Two of the members attended the sessions of the American
Prison Association at New Orleans and by interviews with penological
experts, both administrators and students, derived valuable suggestions
in regard to the special features of penal management which should
be carefully studied in other States. The Commission aims to proceed
with great caution, being aware that what may have been successful in
some States may be unsuited to conditions in other States. While its
members have authorized no statement of its aims for publication, it
may be safely stated that there is no desire to effect a revolution in
our present system, but to modify and add to the present regulations
so as to attain the highest efficiency consistent with right and
justice. The Commission is unanimous in the belief that employment
must be found for all prisoners in the State and county prisons. There
are some conflicting elements with regard to the question of prison
labor, and it will be the aim of the Commission to devise some system
of employment which may as far as possible be helpful to the prisoner,
when he is discharged, which may teach him self-respect, and the
duties and responsibilities of citizenship, and which may reduce the
administrative expenses to a minimum, even to the extent of making
our penal institutions self-supporting. To accomplish this desirable
purpose, the law of 1913 providing for the manufacture of articles for
State-use must be greatly strengthened; and the establishment of two or
three industries for the manufacture of articles or the production of
material for State-Account must be seriously considered. We are aware
that the relations of prison labor to other labor must be thoughtfully
and considerately observed so that the interests of all parties may be
conserved. We submit that when several thousand men are thrown out of
employment or are detained in idleness, the entire community sustains a
loss. On this subject the Commission will welcome any suggestions from
officials or any persons interested in this important matter.

The Commission is composed as follows:

Fletcher W. Stites, Chairman, Crozer Building, Philadelphia. (Attorney
and Member of the Assembly of 1917).

A. E. Jones, Attorney, Uniontown, Pa.

Mrs. Martha P. Falconer, Superintendent Girls’ House of Refuge, Darling
P. O., Pa.

Louis N. Robinson, Professor of Economics, Swarthmore College, Pa.

Albert H. Votaw, Secretary The Pennsylvania Prison Society,


Several bills were introduced in the late Assembly designed to
strengthen the Act of 1915 in regard to the manufacture of articles
by prisoners for the use of the public institutions, but we regret to
report that, save the reference of these bills to committees, no action
was taken.

We admit some friction in getting the various public institutions in
any State to agree to purchase prison-made articles, yet in those
States where such system has been in use for some years, there is
little tendency to take a backward step. Unless there is a provision
that public institutions shall, whenever practicable, procure their
supplies from the Prison Labor Commission, little progress can be made.
Everybody agrees that prisoners ought to be put to work, and that it is
a shame to detain them in utter idleness, but when it comes to using
the products of their industry, there is reluctance and a feeling that
the other fellow may use such goods.

We are glad to report that the Prison Labor Commission of Pennsylvania
has made a beginning, yet up to this time the output is far below the
capacity of the available workers. At the Huntingdon Reformatory, the
license tags for automobiles to the number of one million are being
made, a decidedly economical arrangement for the State. Brushes, mops
and brooms are made at the Western Penitentiary and at the Eastern
Penitentiary a shoe factory has been initiated, and also knit goods
are made in this institution. We believe that a business of a million
dollars yearly may be built up in this State with prison-made goods,
and in order to make this worth while, the State should make ample
provision for the administration of this proposition. No State has been
successful in establishing the State-Use system which did not make it
obligatory upon the public institutions to patronize the industries
established by the State. It goes without saying that the quality
of the goods or articles made in these penal institutions must be


The Acting Committee gave hearty support to the bill for the abolition
of Capital Punishment, and deeply regret that this relic of a barbarous
revengeful age is to be continued in this Commonwealth.

The bill passed the Senate by a handsome majority, and there was every
indication that it would pass the House with votes to spare. A day or
two before the vote was taken, there was an explosion in a munition
factory near Chester, which at first was thought to have been caused by
spies or alien enemies. Great loss of life resulted, and the idea that
such a heinous crime could not be punished by death, if the bill should
be passed, so wrought upon the minds of the members of the Assembly
that many of them changed their attitude, casting their votes against
the bill. This shocking accident was never traced to the agency of any
person or persons; however, it was felt by many that in the event of
the commission of such a crime, death was the only adequate penalty.


A law for the imposition of a maximum and a minimum term of
imprisonment on convicts sent to the penitentiaries of the State was
passed in 1909. It was provided that the minimum should not exceed
one-fourth the maximum sentence.

In 1911 the law was amended to apply to convicts of the State when
sent to the penitentiary or to the county jail. It was further amended
by striking out the one-fourth provision and vesting the authority to
determine the maximum and minimum entirely in the Court, except that
the maximum was not to be greater than the law for any particular
offence may prescribe. The Court has power by this law to make the
minimum sentence any time at all to within one day of the maximum. A
convict whose offence by statute may be punished by an imprisonment
of twenty years could have a minimum sentence fixed at any time from
one day to nineteen years, eleven months and twenty-nine days. There
were four prisoners at the Eastern Penitentiary at the time the last
report was made whose maximum was twenty years and whose minimum was
the same lacking one day. There were thirty-eight prisoners sentenced
to a maximum of twenty years whose minimum was eighteen years or more.
According to the old law of commutation for good behavior, every
one of these prisoners would have been entitled to freedom on good
behavior at the end of twelve years and three months. This law of
commutation for satisfactory conduct had been in vogue for fifty years
and we have not learned that the judiciary of the State had issued any
remonstrance. The number according to the last report whose maximum
was twenty years was 86. These under old law of commutation might be
released in 12 years, 3 months. Of these 86, under present law, 55 will
remain longer than under commutation. And under present law, 31 may
be released earlier than under commutation. It is the inequality of
sentences which has produced dissatisfaction. We have confidence in the
judiciary of the Commonwealth, but we know that they differ in regard
to time of expiation. How could it be otherwise? It might be supposed
that judges might welcome an opportunity to place the responsibility
of determining the time of release, or of ascertaining when a convict
is ready to resume the duties of citizenship, upon some judicious body
of men or women chosen with regard to their special fitness for such a
responsible task.

The Assembly was convinced of the righteousness of the plea for an
indeterminate sentence which might more closely correspond with its
title than the law as amended in 1911, hence the members of the
Assembly by a solid majority amended the law of 1911 so that any
convict who had served one-third of the maximum sentence as prescribed
by the Court should be eligible for parole. Mark that the law
explicitly states that such convicts are _eligible_ for parole, _not_
that they _shall_ be paroled. The time when they should be paroled, if
paroled under any event, is decided by the Parole Board. Granted that
we have a judicious Parole Board, who can better decide when a man is
entitled to liberty, the judge or the jury who note the crime and see
the man at the time of his trial, or the men who are supposed not only
to know the circumstances of the crime but also to become familiar
with the man’s attitude and general character? In this country freedom
is man’s birthright, and if by some error or mischance he loses that
liberty, it should be restored to him as soon as he shows that he can
safely be trusted with it, and that he appreciates its value.

But notwithstanding the favorable vote of both Houses of the Assembly,
Governor Brumbaugh was not convinced of the correctness of the
principle involved and so interposed a veto. With all due deference to
the Chief Magistrate of this Commonwealth, we honestly differ with him
in regard to this particular matter. The veto message was quite brief,
the fear being expressed that some guilty of second degree murder,
altho the circumstances might readily indicate a malicious murder of
the first degree, might under the proposed act regain their freedom in
something less than seven years. The statute provides a sentence of
twenty years for murder of the second degree, but under the operation
of the proposed amendment the guilty person would be liable for parole
at the end of six years and eight months.

It seems to be forgotten that the Parole Board exercises judicial
functions, and very often refuses parole when the minimum time has
expired. Eligibility to parole is far from synonymous with election to
parole. The circumstances are closely investigated, and the record of
the trial is carefully studied. In the case of any outrageous murder
or burglary, the Board of Parole is amply justified in detaining the
applicant beyond the time of the minimum sentence. In many cases the
Board has very properly refused the application for parole and in a
number of instances has decided it best to retain a criminal to the end
of his maximum term.

Granted that the Parole Board may occasionally err on the side of
mercy, the wrong, sorrow, misery caused by the failure to secure this
legislation will far outweigh the possible danger from the very few
who might be prematurely returned to the outside world. Today the
Commonwealth is supporting in almost complete idleness some hundreds
who have demonstrated that they are ready to resume citizenship and to
support themselves and families and yet they are compelled to remain as
a burden to the community.

We are placing an immense burden upon the Inspectors of our
Penitentiaries who in this State constitute the Boards of Parole. They
are men with a high sense of civic responsibility, who do a large
amount of faithful service without financial remuneration. They will
not ask for any release from duties which the State may impose on them,
but in justice to them we submit that the time has come for at least
consideration of a proposition to appoint a special Board of Parole who
shall receive compensation for their services. The work, if properly
performed, demands a large amount of care and study.


Act 314 empowers the State Highway Commissioner to arrange with the
managers of prisons to employ the inmates thereof at manual labor for
“the construction ... or maintenance of the State Highways....”

The workers are to receive wages from 40 to 60 cents per day, and are
to be subjected to no cruel treatment.

The law is an excellent one and should result, since there is great
scarcity of laborers, in very great benefit to the Commonwealth, in
fact, in the settlement of the good roads problem.

Recently the Rhode Island Legislature has made it possible to employ
convict labor on the public highways. Two gangs of thirty-one men each
were thus employed last summer, and it is reported that the results are
very satisfactory to the road officials.

Missouri has also joined the ranks of States that use convict labor
in the construction of highways. “The Old Trail highway, running
from Kansas City to St. Louis, is being improved ... over a stretch
of swampy land that has been the despair of the Old Trail highway
promoters, and the work is being done entirely with convict labor under
the direction of State engineers.”



The subject of food supply is engaging the attention of the nation.
There are a hundred million mouths to feed in this country, and we have
undertaken to feed almost that number abroad. Hence we need to study
the actual value of various foods and to eliminate all waste.

Not only the food value of the daily menu is to be considered but the
preparation of the food is of vital consequence. I am fortunately able
to give a concrete instance of the importance and economical value of
a scientific method in the selection and preparation of a dinner for a
company of 1200 prisoners. I was visiting recently a large prison farm
in one of the Southern States. The superintendent had just indicated
his progressive spirit by employing a skilled institutional dietitian
to spend a few days in their culinary department. Orders were issued
for the cooking force to obey implicitly the instructions of the
temporary chef.

Two Prison Menus.

The day before he took charge the following stew had been prepared, the
method being much the same as in nine-tenths of the public institutions
of the United States. The ingredients were as follows:

  874 lbs. beef @ 12c.  $104.88
  200 lbs. rice @ 8c.     16.00
  Total cost            $120.88

“In this stew the meat was put on, bone and all, in hot water and
stewed for about two hours; then it was dipped out and the rice
was boiled in the liquor which remained. The meat was tough and
unpalatable, and the rice worse, many of the prisoners saying that
altho they had not tasted beef for more than a month they could not eat
it.” After the meal large quantities of the meat was gathered up for
the garbage can.

The day previous to my visit, under this dietitian the following
ingredients were used for a stew:

  390 lbs. beef @ 12c.                     $46.80
  303 lbs. white potatoes @ $1.25 bushel     8.25
   70 lbs. onions @ 5c.                      3.50
    3 lbs. baking powder @ 10c.               .30
   40 lbs. flour @ 6c.                       2.40
    ½ lb. pepper @ 30c.                       .15
    5 lbs. lard @ 30c.                       1.50
      Total cost                           $62.90

“The beef was cut clean from all the bones and cut into small one-inch
cubes. It was then put in equal quantities in five thirty-gallon
kettles and these were then filled to about two-thirds their depth with
cold water at 4 A. M. This was kept simmering till 10 A. M. when the
sliced onions were added. At 10.30 the pepper, salt and potatoes were
added, and then the dumplings which had been prepared were added, care
being taken not to place enough in any one pot at one time to bring
it below the boiling point, always putting on the lids immediately in
order to prevent the cold air from making the dumplings heavy. The
dumplings were a great success considering the crude equipment, and
were made as follows:

“Forty lbs. of flour, 2½ lbs. baking powder, 5 lbs. lard. The flour
and baking powder were rubbed together until thoroly incorporated, then
very cold water was added until the mass was of sufficient thickness
for rolling. It was then rolled into sheets one-half inch thick and cut
in semi-circular or crescent shapes with a biscuit cutter and added
to the stew as above stated. The secret of light dumplings is to see
that boiling is uninterrupted, and that the cover is put on immediately
after they are put in, and that it be kept on for twenty minutes to
hold in the heat which is over the surface of the liquid. It is this
top heat which expands the gas produced by the baking powder and also
cooks the dough.... Thirty-two cans of strong beef broth were obtained
from the bones and were canned. The bones were steadily boiled for many
hours and the fat was from time to time skimmed off. Several gallons of
fat were thus obtained, which, having been clarified, were used later
in seasoning a mess of green beans. The broth was sent to the hospital.”

I have given the formula and also the method of preparation as it was
reported in order that the care involved might be shown. There is no
lack of help at any of our penal institutions, so that the additional
time and labor may not be taken into account.

The next day a pork stew was prepared and was also hailed with
enthusiasm. The pigs which were fattening on the contents of the
garbage pails lamented the advent of the chef. There was universal
commendation of the mess which was served. Happiness reigned. Smiling
faces were seen everywhere.

The difference in cost of the two meals was $57.98 in favor of the
toothsome meal.

Let us estimate the saving at $50.00 per day.

Saving in one week $350.00. Saving in 52 weeks $18,200. If thus an
institution may save $18,000 annually, is it not wise economy to employ
an expert dietitian?

But we must not be carried off our feet by mere figures. The actual
value of the two meals, one prepared by the old haphazard method,
the other in accordance with the true principles of cookery, must be

The beef and rice stew in actual units of food values exceeds the value
of the dumpling meal. But the satisfaction afforded by the dumpling
meal would carry an almost unanimous vote in its favor.

Let the dumpling meal have about 200 lbs. of meat added, and there will
still be a saving of about $36.00 per dinner, or $13,180 annually.

My contention is that it will be wise for all institutions to consider
methods of preparation both for the sake of the health and happiness of
the inmates, and for economy.

Employment of a Chef.

Recently I visited a large penal institution near Boston, Mass., where
a food expert had been employed for more than a year. The experiment
was overwhelmingly successful. Formerly the food was prepared
altogether under the care of inmates, some of whom were more or less
acquainted with cooking and serving, generally less familiar. Men were
coming and going, hence there was irregular service in the kitchen,
and often novices rendered the food unpalatable. The authorities
wisely employed a head chef who should direct the work of the bakery
and kitchen. The result amply justified the experiment. A balanced
ration was served, the food was appetizing, a large variety appeared
on the tables from time to time, the hospital was less frequented,
and the expense of provision had not been increased. In every way the
institution was benefited by the new method.

Sing Sing.

The most convincing illustration is from Sing Sing. We quote from a
report made by Dr. George W. Kirchwey who succeeded Warden Osborne.

“When I assumed the responsibilities of the office of Warden and began
to make a closer study of conditions at Sing Sing, I was struck by
the amount of ill-health and the lack of proper medical care of the
inmates. The men seemed to be generally anaemic and undernourished.
Many of them were afflicted with disease of one kind or another. Many
of them were stunted and deformed, and a large number, it seemed to me,
were mentally defective or mentally diseased.

"The first thing to which I turned my attention was the problem
of supplying an adequate and nourishing diet and of improving the
unsanitary and unwholesome conditions under which the food was prepared
and served to the inmates generally. In this work I had the services
of a committee of inmates and of a food expert, Dr. Emily C. Seaman,
of Teachers’ College, Columbia University. The task was not an easy
one, because it called for something like a revolution in the prison
dietary without increasing the cost, limited to 15 cents a day per
man. As the result of the painstaking work of Dr. Seaman and the food
committee, the quality of the food was so improved that in a short time
the attendance in the mess-hall, which is voluntary, increased by 40
per cent.

“They are now serving a diet at Sing Sing which is, upon the whole,
satisfactory and comes as near to being a balanced diet as the
means at our disposal will permit. What is needed is not so much an
increased allowance by the legislature for the purchase of food, as
the addition to the prison of an extensive farm which will furnish
eggs, vegetables, milk, pork and other supplies at reduced cost. Every
prison should have such a farm connected with it. The food reform
involved the reconstruction of the old badly ventilated, ill-smelling
mess-hall and the building of a new kitchen with modern appliances for
the preparation of food, as well as the training of the inmate cooks,
waiters, etc., for their duties.

“The large force of men--about 125--employed in the preparation and
serving of the food are carefully selected and regularly examined
twice a month by the prison physician. The men are required to keep
themselves as neat and clean as waiters in a respectable outside
restaurant. The kitchen is a model of what an institutional kitchen
should be. In the dining hall, the long slate slabs, miscalled tables,
at which the men have been required to feed for countless years, are
being replaced by attractive tables seating ten each, at which the
processes of serving and eating may go on in a civilized fashion.”

Investigation of N. Y. Prison Association.

In the 72d Annual Report of the Prison Association of New York we find
an exhaustive study of the rations at the State penal institutions. Two
assistant secretaries have given a large amount of time and attention
to this matter and we propose to make some quotations from this report.

“The principal defects may be presented under the following headings:

1. Insufficiency in the amount of food allotted.

2. Wrong relative amounts of different classes of food, making it
difficult to serve balanced rations.

3. Unsatisfactory method of distribution of food among the prisoners.

4. Inadequate system of food allotment and estimates at the central

Their observations at Sing Sing confirm the report of Warden Kirchwey.

“With a view to varying the daily menu as much as possible a new
dietary was established early in the year by Dr. Emily C. Seaman, of
Columbia University. A new kitchen was provided in what was formerly
known as the old boiler room, with concrete floor, and walls and
ceiling enameled white. New equipment was installed, including potato
steamers, aluminum kettles, steam kettles, an electric meat chopper,
electric potato paring machine, large gas range for roasting meats,
and large coffee urns. Those employed in the kitchen and mess hall
are dressed in white duck suits. Tables with white enameled tops and
chairs with backs are being installed in place of the old tables and
stools. The new arrangement is reported to have improved the quality
and cleanliness of the food served.”

A Scientific Ration.

In order to make our contention clear, it seems necessary to impart
some technical information.

The value of food is estimated in calories. A calorie may be expressed
in terms of heat or in terms of work. In the laboratory and by
experimentation with human subjects the value of all foods has been
very scientifically demonstrated. Foods largely consist of proteins,
fats and carbohydrates, which have the function of supplying the body
with energy or the power to work. The proper proportion of these
constituents of food makes up a _balanced ration_ which satisfies our
physical needs in the way of nourishment. We get our carbohydrates
from bread, fruits, vegetables, sugar and all grain products. Fats are
derived from meats, eggs, butter, milk, nuts, etc. The proteins are
derived from meats, eggs and some vegetables, especially beans.

A calorie in terms of heat is defined as the amount required to raise
one pound of water four degrees Fahrenheit. In terms of work or
physical energy a calorie represents the amount of food required to
lift 100 pounds about 30 feet.

It has been ascertained that the average amount of calories required
daily is about 3000 calories for a man who takes exercise. 2500
calories are regarded sufficient for a man who does not take exercise.

Now a good balanced ration for the average man who is working
moderately may be estimated in the following proportion:

  Carbohydrates                   2000 calories
  Fats                             800 calories
  Proteins                         300 calories
                                  3100 calories

Dietary for a Prison.

At the request of the Prison Association of New York a dietary, with
cost values, was prepared by Mr. William Golden, General Inspector and
Dietitian of the Department of Correction, New York City, and Dr. Emily
C. Seaman, Instructor in physiology and chemistry in Teachers’ College,
Columbia University. They suggested a dietary for fourteen consecutive
days and made an estimate of the cost. The average daily cost for each
prisoner was 18.4c, based on prices February, 1917.

As a sample we present their proposed bill of fare for three alternate


_Breakfast_--Oatmeal with milk and sugar, fruit, bread, coffee with
milk and sugar.

_Dinner_--Roast beef, cornstarch pudding, rice, carrots, raisin sauce,
bread, coffee with milk and sugar.

_Supper_--Vermicelli soup, graham bread, tea with sugar.


_Breakfast_--Puffed wheat with milk and sugar, bread, coffee with milk
and sugar.

_Dinner_--Bread, coffee with milk and sugar, salmon, scalloped rice and

_Supper_--Bread pudding with raisins, bread, tea with sugar.


_Breakfast_--Rice with syrup, graham bread, coffee with milk and sugar.

_Dinner_--Roast beef, baked potatoes, peas, graham bread, gelatine,
coffee with milk and sugar.

_Supper_--Cornstarch pudding, gingerbread, tea with sugar.

Now the dietary given above was prepared with special reference to
the physical requirements of the human system. The ingredients are
in the correct proportion to insure health and happiness. Let no one
think this menu is extravagant. The following table presents the exact
amounts given to each person with the cost value. It will surprise many
a warden to note that the total cost is little in excess of the usual
monotonous and haphazard dietary.

Daily Amount and Cost for Each Inmate.


  Oatmeal, 1 oz.                $ .00234
  Milk, ½ pint                    .01743
  Beef, 9 oz.                     .06283
  Coffee, ⅔ oz.                   .00530
  Fruit, 1 piece                  .01
  Cornstarch, ½ oz.               .00138
  Raisins, 2 oz.                  .01016
  Bread, 24 oz.                   .03375
  Rice, 1 oz.                     .00219
  Cheese, ½ oz.                   .00735
  Vermicelli, 2 oz.               .0084   $ .16113
  Estimated value in calories, 3000.


  Puffed wheat, 1 oz.           $ .00235
  Milk, ½ pint                    .01743
  Salmon, canned, 4 oz.           .05313
  Rice, 1 oz.                     .00219
  Tomatoes, 2 oz.                 .00644
  Bread, 24 oz.                   .03375
  Raisins, 2 oz.                  .01016
  Coffee, ⅔ oz.                   .00530
  Tea, .11 oz.                    .00115
  Sugar, 2 oz.                    .00741  $ .13931
  Estimated value in calories, 2600.


  Rice, 1 oz.                   $ .00219
  Syrup, 1 oz.                    .00226
  Milk, ½ pint                    .01743
  Sugar, 2 oz.                    .00741
  Bread, 24 oz.                   .03375
  Roast Beef, 9 oz.               .06283
  Potatoes, 10 oz.                .025
  Peas, 2 oz.                     .01087
  Gelatine, 2 oz.                 .00375
  Cornstarch, ½ oz.               .00276
  Gingerbread, 8 oz.              .02
  Tea, .11 oz.                    .00115
  Coffee, ⅔ oz.                   .00530  $ .19470
  Estimated value in calories, 3800.

The average cost for these three days for each inmate, 16½ cents.

Now this is an imaginary bill of fare, not supposed to be served in any
institution in the world. It is a suggestion of possibilities. The new
service at Sing Sing may approximate to this list of eatables.

Eats in a Michigan Prison.

In the report of the Michigan State Prison for two years ending June
30, 1916, we find the daily menu for every meal in a whole year.
Twenty-six pages of the report are taken up with this schedule of

An extract from this report explains the unusual pains to publish the
bill of fare.

“An old adage states that one of the avenues to a man’s heart is
through his stomach. The now existing system of intensive farming,
and of canning the surplus fruits and vegetables not consumed by the
prison commissary has furnished the Michigan State Prison with unusual
opportunity to supply food products. The opportunity is reflected in
the following menu, showing the food actually served during the last
fiscal year.”

We present the menu for a few days selected from different times of the


_Breakfast_--Oatmeal, milk, sugar, bread, butter, coffee.

_Dinner_--Fried pork steak, mashed potatoes, cream gravy, stewed
tomatoes, bread, iced tea, cookies, strawberry shortcake.

_Supper_--Lunch from dinner, bread, coffee.


_Breakfast_--Hot biscuits, syrup, fried potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

_Dinner_--Roast beef, browned potatoes, beans, lettuce, radishes,
bread, mince pie, iced tea.

_Supper_--Lunch from dinner, bread, coffee.


_Breakfast_--Liver and bacon, steamed potatoes, bread, gravy, coffee.

_Dinner_--Boiled beef, fried parsnips, steamed potatoes, onions, mashed
turnips, tomato pickle, bread.

_Supper_--Bean soup, corn bread, crackers, bread, coffee.


_Breakfast_--Baked hash, gravy, bread, coffee.

_Dinner_--Baked beans, pork, syrup, steamed potatoes, bread, buttermilk.

_Supper_--Rice soup, corn bread, crackers, bread, coffee.

TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916.

_Breakfast_--Creamed potatoes, apple jelly, bread, coffee.

_Dinner_--Boiled pork, stewed beans, horseradish, mashed rutabagas,
green onions, bread, buttermilk.

_Supper_--Rice soup, rhubarb pie, bread, coffee.

Complete menus are given for 364 days, or for 1092 meals. No, we were
not quoting from the Ritz-Carlton cuisine, but from the culinary
department of a western penal establishment.

Elmira Reformatory.

The daily bill of fare at the Elmira Reformatory shows that the
question of the serving and the variety of food has had careful
thought. We quote from a recent report of the State Commission of
Prisons, N. Y.

“This institution has one of the best equipped kitchens in the State.
It is kept scrupulously clean and the waste has been reduced to a
minimum. A physician makes frequent inspections which include an
examination of the inmates employed in the kitchen and mess halls.
Special white suits are provided.”


_Breakfast_--Rolled oats, bread, coffee, syrup.

_Dinner_--Beef soup, corned beef, boiled potatoes, bread, coffee,

_Supper_--Stewed raisins, spice cake, bread, butter, syrup, tea.


_Breakfast_--Creamed rice, bread, coffee.

_Dinner_--Roast beef, brown gravy, potatoes, bread, coffee, rice

_Supper_--Roast beef hash, bread, butter, syrup, tea.


_Breakfast_--Rolled oats with milk and sugar, bread, coffee.

_Dinner_--Macaroni with tomato sauce, creamed potatoes, rice pudding
with raisins, bread, coffee.

_Supper_--Creamed rice, bread, butter, syrup, tea.

Albany, N. Y.

From the same report we learn of a more modest menu at the Albany
County Prison. Besides the conventional bread and coffee served every
morning, there was always an additional article of food. Beginning with
Monday in one week, these articles in consecutive order were oatmeal,
hash, rice and syrup, cornbeef hash, oatmeal, hash, rice and jelly.

For supper the invariable ration was bread, beef stew and tea. For
dinner, always bread and coffee, meat four times weekly, pea soup one
day, bean soup one day, and on Sunday beans and eggs.

This menu is above the average for variety and quantity.

There are many institutions still serving bread and coffee night
and morning, and a dinner of weak soup, with more or less meat and

Buying for Institutions.

In the last report of the Board of State Charities, Ohio, Mr. Henry
C. Eyman, of Massillon, makes some wise suggestions in regard to some
economical variation of the dietary.

“By a little care in arranging the diet list a great saving may result.
It is easy to reduce the total cost of your food supply 25%. Does
that look unreasonable? Well, let us analyze some prices. We must use
present-day prices because we know not what tomorrow may bring. Suppose
you have potatoes on the bill of fare twice daily, or fourteen times
a week, the cost for 1000 persons would be at present prices, $32.00
per meal, or $448.00 per week. Now substitute for potatoes, rice three
times, hominy twice and corn meal mush three times, your total cost
of potatoes will be six times $192.00; rice three times $6.00; hominy
twice $4.00; corn meal mush three times $5.00, or a total of $207.00,
as against $448.00, or a saving of $241.00 per week, or $12,532 per
year. Now let us substitute evaporated peaches, evaporated apples and
evaporated apricots for these same goods canned. _Fruits should be
used once daily._ The canned fruits will cost an average of $14.00 a
meal for 1000 persons, while the evaporated fruit will cost an average
of $4.00 for same number, a saving of $10.00 per day, or $3,650.00 a
year. Now you will admit that fish is a desirable article of diet for
at least 32 weeks a year. Suppose fish be placed on your bill of fare
twice a week for 32 weeks, or in all for 64 meals. Beef, pork or mutton
will all cost about the same, or for 1000 persons $45.00. Fish for same
number, $18.00 to $20.00, or a saving per meal of $25.00 to $27.00, or
for the year, $1670.00. Now, in these three items just mentioned we
have effected a saving of $16,000.00, or more than 25% of your entire
food cost. The entire food cost for 1000 persons will run between
$40,000.00 and $45,000.00 per annum.

“It is an easy matter to take every article of food which makes your
dietary, calculate food values and prices and make your bill of fare
in accordance therewith. Entirely too much meat is used by all of us.
Beans, peas, asparagus, milk, cheese and spinach make an excellent
direct substitute. This is conservation, without loss in heat units or
even in the tastiness of the food.”

Dietary in Illinois.

In the Institution Quarterly, published by the Public Charity Service
of Illinois, Mr. Thomas Carroll, Traveling Steward for the Board,
writes in regard to the waste which has been so prevalent in public

“The lack of proper distribution, indifference as to preparation, lack
of proper knowledge of the amounts of food required, have been chief
impediments encountered in some of the institutions. Non-utilization of
food up to its fullest possibilities has also been a serious drawback
in the past.”

Among the defects found in the institutions were:

  1. Too much food of one kind. Entire lack of variety.
  2. Poorly balanced menus.
  3. An overamount of meat, occasionally an under supply.
  4. Making of bones into soap instead of stock for soup.
  5. Waste of fats.
  6. Poor supervision in serving the food.
  7. Inadequate chinaware or dishes in general.
  8. Unsanitary conditions in the kitchen and in service.

“With the co-operation of managers, storekeepers, cooks and servers,
nearly all these defects have been remedied to a large degree.”

One illustration will indicate the nature of the service of Mr.
Carroll. “One institution which usually purchased 11,000 to 13,000
pounds of cooking oils and lard annually has not purchased a single
pound since the first visit of the Steward. Excessive fats are trimmed
from the meats, and are rendered in a large caldron expressly made for
that purpose, and there is at present a surplus of nearly 5,000 pounds
on hand, notwithstanding the fact that every requisition for fats and
oils have been filled.

“By saving all bones the same institution has an excellent supply of
soup two or three times each week for the entire institution. It is of
excellent quality, superior to that served in most restaurants.”

Dietary for 1000 Persons.

At the special request of the Secretary of the Society, Superintendent
Eyman has prepared for our readers the following table, to which we
call the attention of all superintendents, wardens and managers of
public institutions. The estimates are based on the food requirements
for an institution having 1000 inmates, and include the complete menu
for every day in a week, with amounts, prices and food values. This
table was prepared before the President had issued his request with
reference to our abstinence from meats and white bread on certain
days of the week. It can readily be modified to meet the present food
conditions of the country.

His estimate of the daily cost for each inmate is only 16 cents and
thus indicates that a considerable variety may be served without undue
expense. It is not intended that any purveyor may follow the exact
program, but his suggestions are highly interesting.


BY HENRY C. EYMAN, Superintendent Ohio State Hospital, Massillon, Ohio.



      Items                          Amount             Cost
  Baked beans                        150 lbs. (raw)    $11.75
  With pork                           50 lbs.           11.00
  Evaporated fruit                    90 lbs.            9.45
  Bread                               80 loaves          4.40
  Butter                              25 lbs.           12.50
  Milk                               480 lbs.           14.40
  Coffee                               8 lbs.             .96
  Sugar                                9 lbs.             .75


  Roast pork                         300 lbs.           66.00
  Gravy                               10 lbs.             .50
  Potatoes                             5 bushels         6.25
  Bread                               80 loaves          4.40
  Pie                                                   29.50
  Coffee                               6 lbs.             .72
  Tea                                  2 lbs.             .48
  Sugar                                9 lbs.             .75


  Tapioca pudding                                        5.85
  Hot biscuit                                            6.00
  Syrup                                                  4.00
  Butter                              25 lbs.           12.50
  Tea                                  2 lbs.             .48
  Sugar                                9 lbs.             .75
  Milk                               480 lbs.           14.40
     Total cost Sunday for 1,000 inmates              $217.79
     Approximate cost for each inmate               21⅘ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,700 calories.



      Items                          Amount             Cost
  Evaporated fruit                    90 lbs.          $ 9.45
  Oatmeal                             71 lbs.            3.20
  Bread                               80 loaves          4.40
  Butter                              25 lbs.           12.50
  Milk                               480 lbs.           14.40
  Coffee                               8 lbs.             .96
  Sugar                                9 lbs.             .75


  Beef Stew                                             26.84
  Macaroni                            85 lbs.            5.95
  Bread                               80 loaves          4.40
  Tea                                  2 lbs.             .48
  Coffee                               6 lbs.             .72
  Sugar                                9 lbs.             .75


  Cornmeal mush                       70  lbs. (meal)    5.85
  Evaporated fruit                    90  lbs.           9.45
  Bread                               80  loaves         4.40
  Butter                              25  lbs.          12.50
  Tea                                 2½  lbs.            .60
  Milk                               480  lbs.          14.40
  Sugar                                9  lbs.            .75
      Total cost Monday for 1,000 inmates             $132.75
      Approximate cost each inmate                   13¼ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,631 calories.



      Items                          Quantity            Cost
  Prunes                             54 lbs.           $ 4.72
  Boiled potatoes                     5 bushels          6.25
  Rye bread                          70 loaves           3.50
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Coffee                              8 lbs.              .96
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Boiled pork                        65 lbs. }          12.50
  Boiled cabbage                    400 lbs. }
  Red beets                           8 bushels          8.00
  Rye bread                          70 loaves           3.50
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
  Coffee                              6 lbs.              .72
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48


  Stewed corn                       100 lbs.             4.00
  Rye bread                          70 loaves           3.50
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Tea                                2¼ lbs.              .52
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sour pickles                       25 gal.             3.00
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
      Total cost Tuesday for 1,000 inmates            $107.70
      Approximate cost each inmate                  10⅘ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,658 calories.



      Items                         Quantity             Cost
  Sausage                           200 lbs.           $32.00
  Oatmeal                            71 lbs.             3.20
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Coffee                              8 lbs.              .96
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Boiled pork                       300 lbs.            66.00
  Navy beans                        165 lbs.            18.00
  Kraut                                                  4.56
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Coffee                              6 lbs.              .72
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .52
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Gingerbread                                            4.80
  Cornmeal mush                      70 lbs.             5.85
  Evaporated fruit                   90 lbs.             9.45
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .52
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
      Total cost Wednesday for 1,000 inmates          $215.83
      Approximate cost each inmate                  21⅗ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,631 calories.



      Items                         Quantity             Cost
  Evaporated fruit                   90 lbs.           $ 9.45
  Rice                               50 lbs.             5.00
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Coffee                              8 lbs.              .96
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Beef Stew                                             26.84
  Macaroni                           85 lbs.             5.95
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Coffee                              6 lbs.              .72
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Stewed tomatoes                    50 gal.            12.50
  Cinnamon rolls                                         4.80
  Evaporated fruit                   90 lbs.             9.45
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
        Total cost Thursday for 1,000 inmates         $145.88
        Approximate cost each inmate                14⅗ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,900 calories.



      Items                         Quantity             Cost
  Evaporated fruit                   90 lbs.           $ 9.45
  Farina                             45 lbs.             2.70
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Coffee                              8 lbs.              .96
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Fish                              300 lbs.            27.00
  Potatoes                            5 bushels          6.25
  Navy beans                        150 lbs.            17.25
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Coffee                              6 lbs.              .72
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Oatmeal                            71 lbs.             3.20
  Red beets                           8 bushels          8.00
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
         Total cost Friday for 1,000 inmates          $145.74
         Approximate cost each inmate               14⅘ cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,627 calories.



      Items                         Quantity             Cost
  Liver                             225 lbs.           $29.25
  Bacon                              16 lbs.             9.60
  Oatmeal                            71 lbs.             3.20
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Coffee                              8 lbs.              .96
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75


  Pork                               65 lbs. }          12.50
  Cabbage                           400 lbs. }
  Red beets                           8 bushels          8.00
  Bread                              80 loaves           4.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
  Coffee                              6 lbs.              .72
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48


  Hot rolls                                              6.00
  Kraut                              40 gal.             4.80
  Evaporated fruit                   90 lbs.             9.45
  Butter                             25 lbs.            12.50
  Tea                                 2 lbs.              .48
  Milk                              480 lbs.            14.40
  Sugar                               9 lbs.              .75
       Total cost Saturday for 1,000 inmates          $150.29
       Approximate cost each inmate                  15 cents

  Food value for each inmate, 2,730 calories.

It must be understood that in the preparation of this dietary for
a week Mr. Eyman had in mind the food necessities for the general
institution, not specializing for an establishment where men and women
are sent to repent. However, it is now recognized that a wholesome and
appetizing bill of fare should be prepared for inmates of any home or
institution in order for both health and economy. Most wardens would
cut out the Sunday pie. Something more nutritious and wholesome could
readily be substituted. The loaves of bread are reported to weigh 2
lbs. each.

Expert Opinion.

In this connection we are glad to call attention to a portion of an
editorial from the Journal of the American Medical Association for
November, 1916:

“So long as it was held that a prison is merely an institution for
the safe detention of criminals, it was not to be expected that the
hygienic conditions prevailing in such a place would be in harmony with
the best experience or the newest schemes of sanitary science. Food
in such an institution was intended solely to keep the prisoner alive
and enable him to perform his allotted daily tasks. Penal institutions
are beginning, however, to be the seats of active reform. With the
acceptance of such a program as part of the function of our prisons,
the problem of nutrition can no longer be neglected entirely. It may
reasonably be contended that good housing conditions and suitable
diet do not of themselves secure reformation of the misguided or the
habitual criminal; but without some consideration of the necessity of
proper food, the best ends of the imprisonment for crime cannot be
attained. Malnutrition may or may not contribute to the production
of criminals; in any event, the physiologic and psychic conditions
attending the lack of palatable food and a well-balanced ration are not
such as are conducive to those mental attitudes that lead to improved
conduct and more wholesome life. It has been remarked that while a
prisoner is not incarcerated for the purpose of being fed an ideal
diet, nevertheless he should be fed so as to insure good health and a
stable nervous system. * * *

“It seems extraordinary that so little judgment is shown by prison
officials in varying and improving the dietary. The same unappetizing
stuff is served day after day and year after year, with no variety in
food or manner of preparation. A large number of the prisoners have
stomach troubles from this cause alone. Canned food is served when
fresh vegetables would be just as cheap. The meat is cooked to death
and is covered by a so-called sauce. The kitchen keepers are not to
blame; it is the fault of the system.

“_The remedy for this fault is to be found in the appointment of
trained dietitians._ So long as hospitals and other establishments
which incidentally cater to mankind have been slow to appreciate the
need of expert services in the planning and preparation of meals as
well as in the purchasing of rations, we can understand the inertia
of the prison management in this respect. But the time has apparently
come for the introduction of such efficiency and supervision as will
lead not only to economy of service but also to physiologic well-being.
If the dietary is as important as the coal supply or the construction
accounts, it deserves a dietitian rather than a stoker or a skilled
mechanic to be placed in charge of the food problems.”


We have received the Report of the Board of Control of the Michigan
State Prison at Jackson. It is a pamphlet of 140 pages, including 40
full page cuts. There are also four folders of the farm plots. It
is a report which reports. We have already spoken of the 26 pages
reporting the menu for every meal for a year. We may learn the names
and duties of the 90 officers, and their salaries. One table gives the
age, nativity, crime, sentence, residence and previous record of each
inmate. The names are wisely withheld. The average population was 986.
Twenty-five men had escaped in the last two years. We are informed of
the date of the escape and the part of the farm and premises from which
they absconded. The date of their return is specified. Ten were at
large when the pamphlet was made up. They are confident of apprehending
these ten. They have _no barred windows, no locked doors, no armed
guards_. The men work over a plantation of more than three thousand
acres, of which 2,137 belong to the institution. They rent 900 acres.
They had 507 cattle when the report was made, having just sold 146
steers for $14,600. The dairy of 200 cows supplies the institution with
abundant milk and butter. Horses, hogs, bees and poultry are also in
evidence. “The banner record in poultry this year was made by an inmate
* * * who without an incubator was responsible for hatching and raising
more than two thousand chickens.”

By no means do they confine their attention to farming. To put a
thousand men on a farm of three thousand acres and expect them to
support themselves and have a surplus is an absurdity. There are
various industries.

  Twine plant, product 1916                $106,820.79
  Canning factory, product 1916              62,949.58
  Granite shop, product 1916                 16,385.79
  Brick and tile plant, product 1916         52,866.44
  Brooms, product 1916                        5,696.25
  The net earnings in two years were       $206,206.18
  They had paid to the efficient workmen     65,009.35

In the year 1917 they were anticipating a canned pack of $100,000.00.
Of the products of the farm “_they eat what they can, and can what they

Canning Factory.

“The intensive production of fruits and vegetables on the farms created
a surplus which had to be cared for. * * * Hence the necessity for the
canning plant. This industry * * * has accomplished more than any other
one industry in the prison to insure the industrial success of the

“From the standpoint of a prison industry it ranks first, inasmuch
as the entire produce except the can is the direct result of prison
labor. While other industries require the purchase of material for
manufacturing, in the canning plant, the material, coming from the
prison farms, is also produced by prison labor.

“The refuse from the factory in the lines of fodder, husks, etc., from
the sweet corn; vines and pods from the peas; tops from the beets, and
pomace from the apples press, furnish largely the ensilage ration for
the large herds of cattle.

“The management is adding each year some new item to the pack of canned
goods, until now it includes all varieties of fruits and vegetables,
apple jelly, sorghum molasses, baked pork and beans, spaghetti, and the
generation of pure cider vinegar. (They may soon rival the 57 varieties
of Mr. Heinz.)

“The sanitary conditions in the factory are perfect. Any man, in order
to be eligible to work in this factory, must have a clean bill of
health from the prison physician. To further the sanitary conditions,
the equipment and entire interior of the plant is painted white.”

       *       *       *       *       *

Consumers and any one interested may inspect this plant at any time.
Here they see the men, preparing the vegetables for canning, in a white
room, dressed in white caps, white coats, white shirts, and white

They have copyrighted the label “Home Grown,” and adopted as their
slogan: “We grow, pack, sell and guarantee our own product.”

Their goods are sold in the open market, being very popular throughout
the State and in adjoining States.

They have long ago abolished the contract system which was really a
system of slavery. They have gone beyond the policy of raising produce
or manufacturing articles for State-use, but transact business on the
State-Account plan, disposing of the product wherever they can find
a market. They claim that under their system of employing convicts,
outside labor has nothing to fear from competition. Contract labor
may have been somewhat of a menace to labor on the outside, but these
men earning wages are engaged in honest production and the product
is distributed just as the fruits of any other industry. Let me
illustrate. A man working on a farm, in a canning factory, in a cotton
mill, commits a fault and is secluded from the community but continues
his work on another farm, in another canning factory, in another cotton
mill. He receives wages which maintains his family. Competition is
neither increased nor diminished. When the man is released, he may
return to his old job. High authority in the labor unions has stated
that there is no objection to a system which affords fair play to the
prisoner and also to the working man. Laborers have justly opposed the
exploitation of prisoners under the lease and contract systems. They
have not been opposed to the development of prison industries on a fair
basis. They present no objection to a “State-Use” method, and we trust
they will not oppose the development of a few industries organized
under the State-Account plan which appears to have been so successful
in the Michigan State Prison.

Fair Exhibits.

The products of the prison industries and of the farm have been shown
at a number of County Fairs and also at the State Fair, and the
public has thus been informed of their activities and greatly pleased
therewith. Nought has been heard but favorable comment.

Kitchen and Dining Room.

The culinary department is managed on the most approved sanitary
scheme. None but healthy men are employed. They use every vegetable
which will grow in Michigan, as long as the season lasts, and the
canned product when the season is over. Every sanitary precaution is
taken in the preparation of the meat from the pasturage and feeding of
the stock, the slaughtering and handling of the carcass, in the cooking
and serving the various viands on the dining table.


It is not the object of the officers to exploit the men to the
advantage of the State. In the last two years they may have returned
to the State about $9,000, but in the same time they paid out to the
men the sum of $65,000 in wages. They are spending their surplus in
betterments. They have built dormitories, with rooms, not cells,
avoiding particularly the menagerie appearance. They aim to supply the
men with a wholesome and natural environment, believing that thus they
may accomplish the main object of a penal institution which is the
reformation and restoration of the offender.

                                           A. H. V.


A Symposium, edited by Julia K. Jaffray, Secretary, National Committee
on Prisons and Prison Labor. Boston. Little, Brown and Company. 1917.

A volume of 216 pages, containing eleven chapters contributed by
fourteen men of high repute. Judge Wadhams, of New York City, comments
on the Indeterminate Sentence, favoring a liberal application of the
principle. Doctor Glueck and Doctor Salmon describe the necessity for
psychiatrical studies of the convict in order to determine the best
treatment for his welfare and also for the interest of the community.

Thomas Mott Osborne briefly delineates the self-government plan
as instituted by him at Auburn and Sing Sing, and E. Kent Hubbard
describes a similar system adopted in the Connecticut State
Reformatory. “The Honor System” is condemned and there is no word in
its defense.

We commend the book to all those who wish in brief compass to know
what progress has been made in humanitarian ideals for the reformation
of prisoners and what the scientific analysis of modern conditions
indicates as the best measures to attain the cure and prevention of
crime. Like other compilations, however, the various themes are not
treated with equally judicial tone or comprehensiveness.


By BURDETTE G. LEWIS, Commissioner of Correction, New York City. Harper
and Brothers. 382 pp. $2.00.

In this volume of 382 pages, Commissioner Lewis speaks from careful
observation and from conscientious study. The reader will soon perceive
that a judicial treatment is applied to the various questions involved
in dealing with penological problems. Various systems of government
are considered, the differences between the Honor System and the
Self-Government clearly indicated, and valuable suggestions made as to
the classes of prisoners to which the various systems of government may
be adapted. The subjects of Probation and The Indeterminate Sentence
are fairly presented and discussed, the author coming to the conclusion
that the Indeterminate Sentence is far preferable to the determinate
system of the older penology.

The tendency today is to treat the offender in much the same way as
the insane are now treated. Originally these unfortunates were dealt
with as though possessed of demons. Gradually a reform was introduced.
Special institutions were established, and these have been gradually
improved to the extent that such afflicted persons are given such
occupation and such freedom as compatible with safety. The result is
that from 20 to 30 per cent. of them are either released as cured or
may be released under the custodial care of their friends or relatives.

Mr. Lewis holds that the tendency to accord similar treatment after a
careful diagnosis of each case to the delinquent is likely to produce
a similar result. Each offender should be dealt with according to his
special peculiarity, the treatment aiming at the substitution of good
for bad habits, commitment to prison being used when it is not in the
interest of the individual or of society to release the convicted
criminal. Mr. Lewis advocates the retaining of old-established methods
as long as they are of service. These should not be discarded merely
because they are old. He claims that the leaders in the movement agree
that the new methods should be wisely tested before they are introduced
generally. It is clear that there must have been good reasons for
the adoption of any new method, but at the same time he is strongly
in favor of studying the human equation, and of differentiating the
treatment to suit each case.

In order to administer intelligently the large department under
his charge he has “found it necessary to proceed carefully and to
experiment widely before effecting a departure from the well-known
methods of treatment.” The processes as well as the result of Mr.
Lewis’s labors are given in the present volume. In Part I he rehearses
the fundamental social forces upon which one must depend in order to
check the development of the criminal. Among these are the home, the
church, the school, health and sanitation, and the police.

In Part II are outlined the manner of utilizing the forces likely
to improve the offender; in short, all the forces of law, order and
social development in harmonious co-operation. The book is of serious
concern to all interested in social science and in the best means of
encouraging normal growth and development through a study of existing


We acknowledge the receipt of the Seventy-second Annual Report of our
sister association in New York. It is a ponderous pamphlet of 648
pages full of information concerning Prison Progress in 1916. This
Association was incorporated in 1846.

Our members will be interested in knowing that their Executive
Committee, like our Acting Committee, has power to examine, and inspect
all prisons of the State. Not only do they have the power but it is
also enjoined upon them as a duty to make such visits and to report
annually to the State Legislature the condition of the prisons and
any circumstances “in regard to them as may enable the Legislature to
perfect their government and discipline.” The charter also provides
that the State shall print 500 copies of this annual report. Many
additional copies are purchased by the Association for general

Their working staff contains twenty officers who are engaged in parole
and probation duties, in the work of inspection and research, in
securing employment and in affording relief.

The last 300 pages of this document are devoted to reports of the
inspection of the various prisons of the State. The officers do not
shrink from sharp criticism of undesirable features, and yet their
criticism is of a constructive type. Recommendations are made, and the
progress made since the last inspection is duly credited.

We have also received the Report of the New York State Commission
of Prisons, a bound volume of 592 pages. 328 pages are devoted to
description, recommendations and criticisms connected with the prisons
of the State from the large State Prisons to the small village
lock-ups. This appears to us a duplication of the work of the Prison
Association. Why should there be two organizations doing the same work?

The report of the Prison Association contains much valuable information
with regard to legislation both recent and proposed, and to the
success of the reformatory measures recently introduced into their
penal system. Those who desire copies of the report may write to this
Association at 135 E. 15th St., New York City.


This Commission was appointed according to the provisions of a bill
of the legislature of the State passed in January, 1917. By January
1, 1918, the Commission had prepared an elaborate report of 822 pages
giving a history and description of the prisons and penal methods of
the State, and also presenting their recommendations.

The historical record in general indicates a series of failures rather
than of successes in penal administration. The so-called “Pennsylvania
system,” the “Auburn Plan,” the method of contract labor, the State-Use
plan, the Parole work, the efforts at Reformation, the partisan Boards,
all have their share of more or less condemnation.

The student of penology, however, will discover in this record
encouraging tendencies which may ultimately bring about a higher type
of treatment of those who go astray.

The Commission believes in giving the largest opportunities for work
in the open air and regards with detestation the “_vicious rule of

Their discussion with regard to the merits and demerits of a Central
Board of Control of all correctional institutions is deeply interesting
and illuminating. They have come to the conclusion that a “system may
be devised which will give to the State of New Jersey the benefits of
a centralized control of its correctional system as a whole, but which
will still leave to the separate institutions the advantages of the
personal interest and devotion which have been such important factors
in their development.” To accomplish this purpose, they recommend
the appointment of a Central Board by the Governor, who without
compensation, shall have a general power of supervision and visitation
of all correctional institutions. The local boards are to be continued
with authority to manage the several institutions to which they are

The principal recommendation of this Commission is to advise the
appointment of this Central Board with whom should be vested the power
to readjust, harmonize and improve the entire penal system of the State.


As we are going to press, there comes to hand a little pamphlet
describing the industries and production of Bilibid.

Why not send our wardens who desire to do things to Bilibid? Perhaps,
it would be better to send our legislators, who after observing the
practical achievements of Bilibid may be induced to authorize our
wardens to inaugurate a sound industrial policy.

Where is Bilibid? Take the train for San Francisco, engage passage on
some leviathan of the deep and get off probably at the second station
which is Manila. Thence it is a short excursion to Bilibid, a trip
taken by twenty thousand visitors in a single year, not to mention
those who take involuntary trips thither.

Forty buildings, seventeen acres of ground, plan of main building like
Eastern Penitentiary, one of the best ever constructed if we consider
continual inspection as an essential factor. 2800 prisoners there; as
many others in prisons elsewhere in the islands but all co-ordinated
under a central administration.

The great aim is to prepare the inmates for “honorable position in the
community upon their release.”

The men work and play. We enumerate some of the industries.

1. Manufacture and repair of carriages, wagons, carts, trucks,
trailers, etc.

2. Household and Office Furniture made of mahogany and other native
beautiful woods.

3. Concrete work, construction of buildings.

4. Rattan and bamboo furniture. The famous fan-back chair.

5. Hand-wrought articles in silver, gold and other metals; shell-work,
horn specialties.

6. Tailoring. Service uniforms.

7. Steam laundry. All the work for the inside and a “considerable
civilian trade.”

8. Embroidery, lace making, crochet organized for the female department.

  Output per annum             $350,000
  Profit for the government     100,000

There are two penal colonies on large tracts of land, on one of which
the 1200 colonists practically have a government of their own.

The San Remon Farm is where the non-Christian convicts from Moroland
are confined. These war-like people have admirable qualities when
treated properly, and three-fourths of the inmates are at work on the
extensive farm without the presence of an armed guard. Here is found
the model prison of the Orient. “Built of reinforced concrete, with
grilled walls, dormitories, shower baths, and with every modern feature
for the comfort, health and reformation of prisoners confined there,
it has proved a wonderful educational institution for the Moro.” The
entire credit for this building and the admirable system is due to the
genius and sagacity of the former governor, General John J. Pershing.


Early in last July, a very earnest assemblage of wardens and
superintendents of prisons, and members of the American Prison
Association held a conference in Washington with a view of mobilizing
the prison industries so as to be helpful to the government in these
times of scarcity of labor.

There were forty delegates in attendance, mainly appointed by the
Governors of twenty-two States.

After discussions lasting for several sessions, the Conference was
unanimous in making certain recommendations.

1. Already the penal institutions possess enormous acreage. If the
government will accept the product, the crops may be greatly increased.
Over a half million acres are available and 75,000 workers.

2. In many States, where the law permits, selected inmates can be
paroled to labor for farmers at reasonable wages. Extensive development
of this method is possible.

3. Many of the prisons support industries the outcome of which may
be very serviceable. Among the chief industrial products are socks,
shirts, underwear, blankets, mattresses, boots and shoes, overalls,
harness, and army and navy equipment.

4. The executive order of 1905, providing that no prison-made goods
shall be purchased by the National Government, ought at once to be

5. “We are convinced that a very large majority of the inmates of our
prisons and reformatories are ready and earnestly desirous of ‘doing
their bit’ for the country.”

To accomplish these results, a bill has been introduced in the U. S.
Senate (S. 3076) and in the House of Representatives (H. R. 7353) whose
purpose is to utilize the labor of Federal and other prisoners in
manufacturing government supplies.

The prices paid are to be the market prices current in same locality
for same commodities.

The hours of labor are to be the same as the time prevalent in the same
vicinity for the same sort of labor.

The same rate of wages is to be paid to the prisoners, subject to the
necessary deduction for maintenance.

This means that the goods purchased by the United States from the
prisons shall be made by labor which is on a par with outside labor.

No goods are to be purchased by the Government from “any private person
or companies using the labor” of convicts. Thus the Government utters
its protest against any form of “contract labor.”

The Acting Committee of The Pennsylvania Prison Society has urged the
early passage of this bill.


Within the last two years, in the Empire State, some prison officials
and students of penology have occasionally met for an informal
conference on methods of penal management. No reporters attend, they
have no Secretary, there are no restrictive features, the discussions
are frank, free and open. They have been held at some one of the
institutions, and so the visitors have opportunity to observe from the
inside the methods and employments of the prison where the meetings may
be held.

Those who attend these conferences are the guests of the institution
which is visited. They have been held at the Elmira Reformatory, at
Great Meadow, at Blackwell’s Island and possibly at one or two other

Last summer it was the good fortune of the Secretary to have the
privilege of attending the meeting held at Great Meadow at Comstock,
N. Y. Perhaps there were fifty ladies and gentlemen in attendance,
among whom were Jas. M. Carter, Superintendent of Prisons for the State
of New York; Warden Trombly, of Danemora; William George, founder of
the school which bears his name; ex-Warden Geo. W. Kirchwey, O. F.
Lewis, Secretary of the New York Prison Association; Miss Katherine B.
Davis, Commissioner of Parole and Probation, New York City, and various
officials connected with the New York City prisons and other penal
institutions of the State.

Arriving at Comstock the guests were met by our genial host, Warden
Homer, whose conveyances soon brought us to the Administration
Building. There were excursions about the big farm and the various
buildings. Bounteous meals were served under a tent on the grounds
of the shady lawn. The ladies were lodged in the administration
building. It was at one time supposed that the gentlemen would occupy
cells in the regular prison department, but for some reason this very
interesting proposition was relinquished, and a garage was converted
into an airy dormitory for the accommodation of the gentlemen.
Prisoners brought iron bedsteads and bedding and nothing was omitted
for the comfort of the guests. A shower bath was improvised, and in the
morning the barber and the shoe polisher appeared with all the proper

The guests arrived on Friday morning and departed the next afternoon.
There were three informal meetings, at which a variety of penological
subjects were both lightly and profoundly discussed. Proceedings are
not to be published, hence there is no feeling of restraint.

The writer trusts he will not violate the confidence of his friends if
he may refer to one or two points in the discussion.

One of the prisoners on the farm--by the way an ex-member of the
New York State Legislature--addressed the company in emphatic
recommendation of The Honor System as employed by Warden Homer. He
stated that the prisoners there did not care for any extension of the
self-government plan. He was sure that Warden Homer could govern them
better than they could govern themselves. They were as comfortable as
any persons restrained within limits could be supposed to be. They knew
they could get a “square deal” from Warden Homer, and they did not care
to shift the responsibility of government to any other shoulders.

An enthusiastic supporter of the self-government system was rather
inclined to look with disfavor on a benevolent despotism, such as
the system now in vogue at Great Meadow. The persons so governed
lost initiative and the power of thinking for themselves. They had
no opportunity of profiting by their own mistakes. They became mere
puppets, and were not learning the practical lessons which would fit
them for the life outside.

The company listened with interest to an expert dietitian who spoke
of the crude and ragged methods of preparing food in the penal
institutions. Sufficient food was provided as a rule, but it was ruined
in the preparation.

Mentally, morally, socially and gastronomically, we may state, the
meeting was a success.

Last October we enjoyed a similar conference at Sleighton Farm, Pa.,
and we know of no reason why the experiment may not be repeated in this

The Secretary is willing to suggest that there are in Pennsylvania
several country clubs where such a conference would be welcomed. He
is willing to mention The Reformatory at Huntingdon with its splendid
farm, the beautiful campus of the School at Morganza, the Workhouse
at Holmesburg and Hoboken, and the magnificent State Prison Farm at
Bellefonte. Perhaps Warden John Francies would prefer to receive us
when his institution is nearer completion.

When the invitation comes from any of the institutions mentioned, there
will be a response.

                                           A. H. V.



(Suggestions to West Virginia)

With the tremendous demand for war supplies in addition to the ordinary
demand for domestic uses; with the cessation of immigration which for
150 years has poured a steady stream of fresh laborers into the United
States; and with the immediate diversion of a million men, and perhaps
four or five millions, to the trade of war, we are confronted with a
scarcity of labor which compels us to utilize every available worker to
the limit of his reasonable capacity.

Able-bodied men, working under skilled direction and thorough system,
without loss of time from drink, strikes or voluntary holidays, ought
to earn more than their board and clothes. In the present state of the
labor market it is possible for prisoners, under proper circumstances,
to earn two dollars per day. In Vermont prisoners from the common jail
are earning two dollars per day on the adjacent farms. In Windham
county, Connecticut, prisoners are actually earning $2.50 per day at
common labor, and at Wilmington, Delaware, short-term prisoners are
earning $1.20 per day....

In those counties where the jail prisoners are not employed, we would
suggest the adoption of the Vermont plan under which the jailer finds
employment for individual prisoners with a nearby farmer who pays for
their labor at the ordinary rate for free labor. The prisoner sleeps at
the jail and has his breakfast and supper there--two good hearty meals.
He goes out in the morning, carrying a dinner bucket, and returns at
night. If the distance is too great the farmer sends for him by team
or automobile. If the prisoner fails to make good or tries to run
away, the farmer notifies the sheriff promptly, who sends a deputy
sheriff after him. The reports from Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware and
Wisconsin, where this plan prevails, show very few escapes. No guard
is necessary, as the farmer looks after the prisoners, and thus the
overhead charges are done away with.

Thomas J. Tynan, of the Colorado State Penitentiary, wrote recently
as follows: “We are now doing work to the value of $2.50 per day by
prisoners on the highway at a cost to the taxpayers of the State not to
exceed 40 cents per day. The State could well afford to pay a little
wage besides the good time allowance.”

The difference between the old system and the new system lies chiefly
in the manner of dealing with the prisoners. Under the new plan an
appeal is made to the prisoner’s honor and good will. After being
tested within the walls, he is permitted to join a company of workers
outside the wall on his promise of good work and good behavior, and on
his promise not to run away. The prisoners work without chains, and
the guards in many cases carry no firearms. Testimony comes from Ohio,
from Oregon, from Colorado, from Wisconsin, from Connecticut and from
Canada that prisoners--even low-grade prisoners and negroes--respond
surprisingly to this treatment; that escapes are few, and that there is
a great improvement in the industry and efficiency of the prisoners.

The incentive to the prisoners to make good is partly an increased
allowance for good time; partly, in some States, a small cash wage;
partly the desire of the prisoners for the freer life outside the
walls, and partly a response to the confidence shown in them by their

Success in employing prisoners on the roads by modern methods depends
first upon finding a road manager who is interested in his men and
believes in the possibility of exciting their interest and loyalty for
the work. It depends, second, upon creating such living and working
conditions as will keep the men fit for a good day’s work. That means
good food, good cooking, comfortable sleeping quarters, opportunity for
proper recreation, good laundry work and bathing facilities, and, above
all, the treatment of the prisoners by their officers as reasonable
human beings.

The plan of roadside camps, portable cages, chain gangs, ignorant and
cruel guards armed with shotguns and discretionary power will not
secure cheerful and efficient work.


 [This article, by Henry A. Montgomery, Staff Correspondent of the
 _Detroit News_, was incited by the plan of Detroit to build a large
 and expensive House of Correction. What other communities or States
 are doing will be told by Mr. Montgomery.]

GREENCASTLE, IND., March 13.--“Reform them? No, you don’t reform
them. You can’t change a man’s real nature. But lots of them are not
naturally bad. We get the alcohol out of their systems, give them all
they can eat, make them keep regular hours and do a man’s work, and the
good in them has a chance to show itself.”

That is the way Charles E. Talkington, superintendent of the Indiana
State Farm, defined reformation.

The farm is situated in some of the most beautiful farming country in
western Indiana, about midway between Indianapolis and Terre Haute. The
site selected for the colony is particularly well adapted to the needs
of a penal institution, being rich in its deposits of limestone, having
plenty of tillable soil and considerable timber. The beautiful hills
and deep ravines lend the tract beauty and make it possible for the
landscape gardener with little effort to make it look like the estate
of a wealthy landowner. Although general farming is engaged in, the
products of the garden form so great a share of the subsistence of the
men that this has developed into one of the most important features of
the work. When present plans have been realized there will be at least
160 acres devoted exclusively to gardening.

It’s an unusual sight that one encounters on arriving at the top of the
long hill where is built the little village, the home of the 700 social
misfits. Two rows of long, squat frame buildings form the “street”
of this strange town. Nobody would guess from the appearance of the
buildings what they were intended for. They resemble the Billy Sunday
tabernacle type of structure. There is nothing attractive about them,
but they are temporary quarters and they are serving their purpose well.

The first of these buildings is the office and sleeping apartments of
the officers. It is here that the prisoner is first taken. His history
is recorded, he is subjected to a medical examination, his clothes are
fumigated and stored away for his use when he is released, and he is
given a bath, shave and haircut, and a suit of clothes. The clothes
consist of the heavy working jacket and trousers, underclothing and
corduroy cap.

The first interview with the prisoner is considered important. The
assistant superintendent gives him detailed instructions as to his own
conduct and tells him with great care about the theories that are being
worked out. The number of men who, immediately following this talk, are
placed on their honor and given as much freedom as it is possible to
give is remarkable. Few of them violate the trust.

Often the man sent to the farm for six months walks forth from
the office, strolls over to the recreation room to await his work
assignment and never feels for one minute the influence of restraint,
except, perhaps, the realization that in the watch towers placed at
various points of vantage about the farm there is stationed a man--a
fellow prisoner--whose duty it is to notify headquarters if any
prisoner starts to leave the grounds.

The prisoner eats in a dining room and sleeps in a dormitory which
are kept spotlessly clean, and there is neither bar on the window nor
lock on the door. Each dormitory is occupied by about 200 men, and one
officer is all that is needed to maintain order.

“We do not say our plan is perfect,” said Superintendent Talkington,
“nor do we make any great claims about our ability to reform a man
during the short time he is here. But we do say this is the best manner
yet devised for handling them. We take a man from the gutter, and at
least make it possible for him to improve. We give him health, and
direction enough to get him into some employment at which he can earn
his living. Although we refuse to put forth any claims about how much
good we do for the man, we at least know that we do not injure him. And
that is more than can be said for any jail or prison. We aren’t running
any school for crime here. We do know that. _We also know that we can
make this institution self-supporting and a means of revenue for the
State._ What more can you ask?

“The wide-open policy of freedom, I believe, has been carried to the
extreme here. Although the great majority of men can be handled and
trusted in absolute freedom, there are, in a population of 700 men,
some who can never be given liberty. There is need for not more than 50
cells. Any farm colony ought to have them even if the cells are never
used. Even so, we are getting along very nicely without them, and it
shows to what great extent this policy can be carried successfully.

“We never had even punishment cells until a few days ago when four
were completed. We aren’t going to have to use them much, either.
Confinement on bread and water is the only form of punishment permitted
in this colony--no flogging, no dungeons, no ball and chain, no stripes.

“We have prisoners living down on the lower end of the farm working
under a prisoner-foreman. We see them only when we are making the
weekly round of inspection.”

One could not help but feel, in discussion with Mr. Talkington, that
one was listening to a practical man who is anything but the dreamer
or idealist usually found advocating so revolutionary a plan as the
one on which the superintendent is working. He made no claims to
super-knowledge in the handling of men. He had no illusions about the
matter. He knew the faults of the plan and he knew the virtues. When he
undertook the present work, his only assets were his experience as a
farmer and school teacher.

“I feel,” said Mr. Talkington, “that your officials, before spending
more than a million dollars on the old type of prison, should see this
farm and the one at Guelph, Ont. I’m confident they would change their
plans. This may be a new thing in this country, but it is not untried
in the old. The most famous of the European farm colonies is the one at
Witzwil, Switzerland. It has solved all the problems of handling men,
it pays thousands of dollars annually into the treasury of the canton
Berne and there has been no trouble experienced in competition with
free labor.

“The farm colony has come to America to stay, and I hope Detroit won’t
take any action which will postpone for perhaps half a century an
improvement they are entitled to now.”

One of the bad features of Indiana’s temporary arrangement is the lack
of opportunity to segregate prisoners into classes or groups. The
dormitories are too large and the facilities for recreation are very

“The men should be divided into smaller groups,” said the
superintendent, “and I believe the recreation room should be a part of
the dormitory. I would not place more than 25 to 50 men in each group.
That would give a chance to segregate the youths from the older men and
permit keeping apart the more dangerous type from the man who is here
on some comparatively trifling charge.

“Another of our greatest needs is the establishment of industries to
supplement the work on the farm. We are going to get these. There
should be a furniture factory, a canning factory, brick yard or other
suitable industries where the men can be worked when weather conditions
are bad or outside work slack.”

The greatest factor in the maintaining of discipline is the use of the
honor system. There are good jobs on the farm and bad ones. And the
good jobs go to the men who have the best records and have shown their
ability to take positions of responsibility.

“You can’t tell me that you can run any prison with any such sort of
discipline,” a prison superintendent recently told me. “There are some
men who must be strung up and there are some who must be spanked. If we
didn’t resort to extreme methods at times we would have a riot on our
hands all the time.”

The best answer to this is found in the record of the Indiana farm.
There hasn’t been a strike or a serious riot since the institution
was founded. There are no guards standing or sitting around idle. The
guards are working foremen who perform as much actual labor as any
prisoner. The employed guards have guns in their pocket, but the guns
are never used and some of them aren’t even loaded.

There is a provision in the State law of Indiana which permits the
drafting from the penitentiaries of trusties to take jobs as foremen,
sentinels and lookouts. Of course, this probably could not be done in
Detroit, because the house of correction is a city institution. But in
Indiana it assists materially in keeping down the payroll. It makes
this difference--the farm colony at Occoquan, Va., has a payroll of
about $5000 a month; the Indiana institution gets along with $1700.
And the two institutions are very much alike.--From _The Delinquent_,
March, 1917.



Perhaps, in the true sense of the term, there is no criminal “code” in
Pennsylvania. The whole body of the criminal law has never been reduced
to a written code in this state in the sense in which this has been
done in some of the States of the Union in which jurisdictions there
are no crimes except those specifically prescribed. * * *

At the common law, crimes were classified as felonies and misdemeanors.
Without going into nice historical questions we can fairly say that the
term “felony” was applied to the more heinous crimes, “misdemeanors”
to the more venial ones. In the statutory law of both England and of
this country these terms have in general been similarly employed. In
the Pennsylvania code the legislature has in the majority of cases in
defining each crime designated the crime a felony or a misdemeanor; and
following the general principle of the common law, affixed the stigma
of “felony” to the graver crimes. Viewing the code, however, as a
whole, there is an utter lack of principle in the grading of crimes as
felonies or misdemeanors, either according to the moral heinousness of
the offense, or the severity of the punishment.

Bigamy, with its attendant disgrace and illegitimacy, is a misdemeanor,
while embezzlement by a servant is a felony. For a clerk or agent
to embezzle--by the code called larceny--is a felony; for a banker,
trustee or guardian to embezzle, is only a misdemeanor. * * *

Administering a narcotic with intent to commit larceny, is felony;
assault and battery endangering the life of an infant, is a
misdemeanor. Blackmailing is only a misdemeanor, while receiving stolen
goods is a felony. If one in the heat of a fight, intending to disable
or maim his antagonist, should cut him ever so slightly, he is guilty
of a felony, but, if he “on purpose, and of malice aforethought by
lying in wait, shall unlawfully cut out the tongue, put out an eye,
cut off the nose * * * or cut off any limb” of his victim, he commits
only a misdemeanor. Also if he “voluntarily, maliciously and of purpose
bite off the * * * limb or member of another,” he is guilty of a
misdemeanor. Truly, there must have been giants in those days. The
effect of these two sections is to make it a graver offense to attempt
mayhem and fail, than to succeed.

The Grading of Penalties.

The work of the commissioners who framed the Code of 1860 shows an
utter lack of any consistent theory not only of grading the crimes as
felonies and misdemeanors, but also in grading the punishment fixed
for the various crimes. It may not be easy to do this in all cases.
Persons may intelligently differ as to whether perjury should be more
seriously punished than assault and battery, and whether larceny or
bigamy be deserving of the greater penalty. But it is difficult to see
why embezzlement by a consignee or factor should be punished with five
years’ imprisonment and embezzlement by a person transporting the goods
to the factor should be punished by one year’s imprisonment. * * *

Under the Act of 1860, having in possession tools for the
counterfeiting of copper coin is punished by six years’ imprisonment,
while by the next section the punishment for actually making
counterfeit copper coin is only three years, though it cannot be made
without the tools to make it. * * *

The distinction just mentioned is, however, no stranger than that made
by the code between a councilman on the one hand and a judge on the
other, in the provisions against bribery. Section 48 of the Act of
1860 provides that if any judge * * * shall accept a bribe, he shall
be fined not more than $1000 and be imprisoned for not more than five
years. But by Section 8 of the Act of 1874, a councilman who accepts
a bribe may be fined $10,000, ten times as much as a judge, and be
imprisoned the same number of years--five years. The statute also
provides that the councilman shall be incapable of holding any place
of profit or trust in this Commonwealth thereafter. But the convicted
judge is placed under no such disability.

Relations of Fine to Imprisonment.

In the case of almost every crime denounced by the code fine and
imprisonment are associated. In most cases the penalty provided is
fine and imprisonment, in some it is fine or imprisonment. In a few
cases imprisonment alone without a fine is prescribed, and in a few
others it is a fine alone without imprisonment. We seek in vain for
any principle on which the fine is omitted, where it is omitted; or
for a principle on which it is inflicted in addition to imprisonment
in some cases, and as an alternative to imprisonment in others. Thus
the penalty for exhibiting indecent pictures on a wall in a public
place is a fine of $300, but no imprisonment, while by the same act
the drawing of such pictures on the same wall carries a fine of $500
and one year’s imprisonment. Manslaughter carries a fine of $1000 as
well as imprisonment for twelve years, but train robbery and murder
in the second degree involve no fine, but fifteen and twenty years in
prison respectively. It cannot be the length of the imprisonment that
does away with the fine in this latter case, for the crime of aiding in
kidnapping may be punished with twenty-five years in prison, but also
has a fine of $5000.

More striking still, perhaps, is the lack of any relation between the
amount of the fine and the length of the imprisonment provided in the
code. In the case of some crimes the fine is small and the imprisonment
short, as in blasphemy, which is punished by a fine of $100 and three
months in prison, extortion and embracery punished with $500 and one
year. In a few the fine is large and the imprisonment long, as in
accepting bribes by councilmen, $10,000 and five years, and malicious
injury to railroads, $10,000 and ten years. But in others the fine is
small while the imprisonment is long and in others the fine large and
the imprisonment short.

Incomplete Crimes.

It is a general principle of criminal jurisprudence that “incomplete
crimes,” as they are called, such as attempt, and conspiracy to commit
a crime, should not be punished as severely as the full, completed
crime. It was on this principle that at common law an attempt to commit
even the gravest felony, such as murder, was only a misdemeanor. Other
codes maintain this principle. * * *

The Pennsylvania code has no general section on attempts, but in a
haphazard manner, in providing for some crimes, provides for the
attempt to commit the same, and in some cases has no provision for such
attempts. A study of those cases in which provision for punishing the
attempt is made, shows an entire absence of any theory or principle in
assessing the punishment. Thus the penalty for the attempt to commit
arson is the same as for the crime of arson itself; for the attempt to
commit robbery, the same as for the completed robbery; but the attempt
to commit murder is not punished with the same penalty as murder, viz.:
death, or twenty years’ imprisonment, but by seven years’ imprisonment

Instances of Lack of Co-ordination in Drafting.

Two strikers separately determine to wreck a passenger train: one
removes a rail from the road over which a train is scheduled to pass;
another cuts the telegraph wire to prevent the train dispatcher from
stopping the train from running into a wreck. The first striker would
come within the terms of Section 7 of the Act of 1911 and could be
sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000 and suffer imprisonment for ten
years; the second man would come within the terms of Section 147 of
the Act of 1860 and could not be fined more than $500 or imprisoned
more than twelve months. * * *

If the executor made way with a horse belonging to the estate, his
maximum imprisonment would be still two years; but if the butler made
way with another horse he might receive ten years as a penalty. If a
mule would serve the butler’s purpose as well as a horse he had better
take the mule, for then he could not be sentenced for more than three
years; if the mule were not swift enough, however, he might choose an
automobile, for the maximum imprisonment for stealing an automobile is
the same as that for larceny of the mule, being less than one-third of
that for larceny of a horse.

If the driver of a public “coachee” by “wanton and furious driving or
racing” unintentionally breaks a chicken’s leg he may be punished by
five years’ imprisonment, the same punishment provided for attempted
rape, for mayhem, for counterfeiting, and for robbery; but if the
driver of a taxicab is guilty of the same assault on a member of the
feathered tribe he is not even indictable. If the driver of this
“coachee,” while so driving, should accidentally inflict the slightest
personal injury on another, he would be liable to greater punishment
than if he deliberately stabbed that other with intent to maim him,
or wilfully and maliciously exploded dynamite under him, thus doing
him serious bodily harm. This violates one of the cardinal principles
of criminal jurisprudence, viz., that crimes of negligence are not so
grave as crimes done with deliberate intent, a principle recognized
in other parts of the code in providing for murder and involuntary
manslaughter. * * *

The writer has attempted to point out in this paper some of the more
glaring and interesting defects in the code. He has by no means
exhausted them. There is a great need for a complete revision of the
code. It is a jumble of inconsistent theories; a great many sections
are badly drawn, others are obsolete; many are inconsistent, many are
in conflict; there is much overlapping due to different acts having
been passed at different times covering in part the same subject
matter, so that it cannot be told whether a given crime should
be punished under one section or another prescribing a different

       *       *       *       *       *

Governor Brumbaugh has appointed the following on the Commission
to revise the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth: Edwin M. Abbott,
Chairman, Philadelphia; Wm. E. Mikell, Secretary, Philadelphia; George
C. Bradshaw, Pittsburgh; Clarence E. Coughlin, Wilkes-Barre; Rex N.
Mitchell, Punxsutawney.


[A] From an article by Mr. Mikell in the University of Pennsylvania Law
Review, January, 1917. The article clearly indicates the urgent need of
revision of our criminal code.



The meetings of the American Prison Association in 1917 were held
in New Orleans, November 19-23. Outside of the State of Louisiana,
the registration of delegates and attenders amounted to 261, of whom
seven were from Canada, one from Mexico, one from Cuba and one from
Guatemala. One hundred and thirty-seven registered from Louisiana.
Outside of this State, Massachusetts enrolled the largest number,
thirty-two being accredited to the Bay State. Then followed New York,
with twenty-nine, and Pennsylvania was third with twenty-two, of whom
nine were Official Delegates. It must not be forgotten that there were
many attenders at these meetings who had not received appointment as
Official Delegates, but who were active and welcome participators in
the discussions. In 1916 and 1917, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has
been well represented, but for several years previous the attendance
from the Keystone State had, from a numerical point of view, been
rather insignificant.


Dr. David C. Peyton, Superintendent of the Indiana Reformatory at
Jeffersonville, ably officiated as presiding officer of the various
sessions of the Association. He is evidently a believer in strict
discipline administered by the officials who are legally appointed as
the guardians of the offender, yet no one who visits the institution
over which he presides, would assert that the regulations are harsh or
unreasonable. His view of the Honor System would not involve government
by the inmates.

“In prison management there have developed two colossal evils. One
was peculiar to the past and the other in a measure characterizes
the present. Most of the evils that are associated with prison work
have come from these two roots. They are antipodal as east and west.
They are cruelty and sentimentality. As the first was the child of
ignorance, the second springs from half knowledge and is not the less
reprehensible. True reform will come, not by a softening and relaxation
in prison discipline, not by imputing to criminals qualities which
their whole activities have proven them to lack and the very absence of
which is the cause of their incarceration, not by making their pathway
smoother and easier, nor yet by touching it with the magic of romance.
If a little of the leaven of common sense were allowed to permeate the
situation it seems to me that the clouds in our pathway would lift

“Of course cruelty, the other bête-noir, is only named to be condemned,
and thanks to our even half-knowledge it has no place in modern prisons
except in isolated spots. But I doubt if ever cruelty was any more
cruel than a regime which threatens to become popular today. It seems
to me that prisons should be run for the purpose of training men for
sane living. If that is true, then they should in fact train these men
for sane living.

“A modern prison should be a beehive of industrial activity and should
be _more than self-supporting_. Indeed, men should be able to serve
their sentences and earn enough overtime money during their terms to
support their dependents--in part at least. A trade should be taught
when practicable, but even more important than a trade is the idea of
inculcating industrious habits. It is not a misfortune for men to have
to labor, but it is a blessing both for them and for us.

“Discipline should be strict but not arbitrary. The rules should be
based on experience and should be obviously sound.

“Punishment has a place in prison, but it should be logical; should, as
far as possible, flow as a natural consequence from the transgression
according to the pedagogical rule of Spencer.

“The industrial training should be correlated with the didactic
instruction and the prison library. The three should form the
tripartite educative force of the institution.”


As was naturally to be expected, the so-called Honor System received
a large share of attention, especially in the Wardens’ meetings. The
Wardens generally are opposed to that feature of the Honor System which
involves placing the discipline to any great extent in the hands of
the convicts. The experiments of Mr. Osborne at Auburn, Sing Sing and
Portsmouth are regarded as sporadic efforts largely affected by the
personality of a masterful, though sentimental, empiricist. Men who
have never governed themselves should not be elected to govern one
another. Mr. Erskine, of Connecticut, argued that it was wrong to base
any system on emotional appeal. “Twenty per cent. of the men in prison
are entirely bad and vicious; 20 per cent. would wield a good influence
if they had the opportunity, and the remaining 60 per cent. could be
swayed by either the good or the bad element.”

On the other hand it was stoutly contended that the prison was the
proper place for men to learn to govern themselves. Necessarily they
were confined to a limited area, and still subject to watchful care
by big-hearted, efficient advisers. Let them learn that discipline in
life is an essential feature of any community. Let them learn this
lesson by personal experimentation. Thus they may recover some sense
of self-respect. They will rejoin the outer world with some measure
of responsibility. They will return to freedom with a different
understanding of life.

Dr. Bernard Glueck, director of the psychological clinic at Sing Sing,
asserted that in general prison officials, through limitations to their
work, were not fully qualified to pass judgment on the subject, and had
not availed themselves of opportunities to carry out a comprehensive
system of self-government. He stated that such a system had proven to
be distinctly successful at Preston, California, and asked Mr. Calvin
Derrick, the founder of the School of Industry at Preston, to present
some account of this institution.

Mr. Derrick informed the Association that this California school has
developed its honor system to the point where 250 of the boys were
sent to the Sacramento fair alone, traveling through the country 250
miles, and returning without the loss of a single one. The boys have a
complete republic system of government, and conduct all of the work of
the school. A football team plays regular school and college teams of
the State, traveling without supervision.

It appeared to some of us who listened with intense interest to these
discussions that the difference in sentiment was rather one of degree
than of principle. Wherever any privileges are allowed and wherever
the trusty system is permitted, there is involved some measure of
self-government. One warden permits the prisoners to mingle together
on the base ball field. These men are on their honor. Another warden
might say that he would allow his prisoners to play and observe games
and leave the regulation of their conduct while on the field to the
men themselves. They are still on their honor and doubtless are aware
that their regulation of conduct must meet the approval of the warden.
Suppose we allow the men to impose penalties for minor delinquencies.
The warden still exercises his judgment on the punishment awarded. The
warden governs. The men may have more or less privileges, but they are
granted by the warden. It resolves itself into a question as to how far
such privileges may be granted. And no two wardens in the world will
agree precisely on this point.

For the last twenty years the trend has been getting away from the
brutality of the former systems, from the petty rules, from degrading
and humiliating treatment, and the avowed object of confinement has
been reiterated again and again to aim at reformation. We admit that
some wardens are more successful than others in accomplishing desired
results, and yet we must not expect them to adopt an entirely uniform
program. We must make due allowance for the personal equation involved,
for the individuality of the ruling authority. The warden who claims
that his system is perfect, and that he has nothing more to learn, is
recommended for removal.


Dr. Bernard Glueck exhibited a number of charts showing much that
was deeply interesting in regard to the mentality, environment and
parentage of the criminals sent to Sing Sing.

“Sing Sing is being reorganized and rebuilt to receive all of the
criminals of New York for examination immediately after they have been
convicted. We are trying to get at the man behind the crime rather
than the crime itself. Two facts are very evident from our work. The
social fact is that 66 per cent. of the prisoners we have received
are previous offenders. The medical fact is that 59 per cent. of the
prisoners can be classified for mental diseases or mental deviation;
and thousands of this class can be treated and cured by means of
vocational training and other modern prison methods.

“Sing Sing is being remodeled so that we can devote as much as
four months to an intensive study of each prisoner who enters the
institution. From this examination we can learn which men should
be sent to the insane hospitals, which to the intensive vocational
schools, and can outline the most effective method of treatment
necessary to prepare the men for the future.

“The indeterminate sentence is essential to the proper working out
of our plans, and the criminal courts of the State are working in
harmony with this idea. Most offenders can be restored to a normal
life and good citizenship after they have finished a term under proper
treatment, and criminal judges in New York city tell us that fewer men
come before them for a second time since we have adopted the present

“It is the aim of the prison to turn the men into citizens with an
understanding. They are allowed many liberties, and are made to take
an active part in community life in prison. They have their own social
organization, a system of self-government, including even a charitable
society. In their charity work they aid prisoners who are leaving the
prison, make it possible for poor people to visit imprisoned relatives,
send the bodies of prisoners home for burial, and many other things of
that nature.”


Some problems arising as a direct result of the war received serious
attention. There was the question of additional food production by
prison labor; whether paroled men shall enter the army or navy; and
whether conditional pardons may be granted, contingent upon military

Some delegates asserted that a general restlessness was noticed among
most prisoners. Many of them are exceedingly anxious to get into the
war, and in some States prisoners are being paroled so that they may
enter the army or navy. Prison officials know that many of their wards
are fit for military service just as well as they are aware that other
prisoners are unfit. After prolonged discussion of the subject, the
Wardens’ Association unanimously adopted the following resolution:

“Resolved, That the Wardens’ Association of the American Prison
Association suggest to and request of the President of the United
States the modification of paragraph 849 of the Regulations of the Army
and paragraph 3686 of the Articles for the Government of the Navy of
the United States so as to permit the enlistment in the military and
naval forces of the United States of men who, in the judgment of the
proper military and naval authorities, are physically, mentally and
morally qualified, despite the fact that such persons may have been
convicted of the offenses set forth in the regulations and articles
above referred to and imprisoned therefor, upon their being duly and
honorably paroled or discharged from such imprisonment.”

At Guelph, Ontario, the great prison has been practically depopulated.
The prisoners have gone to war, and the institution has been taken over
as a hospital for convalescents returned from the scenes of war. The
Superintendent, Dr. J. T. Gilmour, declared that it is only a step from
prisoner to patriot.

“We have learned a great deal about prisoners during the three years
we have been in war. We have learned that the prisoner’s sense of
patriotism is not dead because he is behind the bars; that he is just
as anxious to serve his country as the man who is not being punished,
and if given an opportunity the chances are that he will make a good
soldier. It has come to my notice that men have exchanged prison
uniforms for army uniforms in three hours after their discharge from

He made the further statement that thousands of men had been released
from Canadian prisons to permit them to serve in the army, and
thousands of others were “doing their bit” by making hospital supplies
during their imprisonment.


In at least two Southern States, the infamous lease system, whereby
prisoners are leased for an annual stipend to work in the mines or in
the turpentine forests or in other work, prevails. Isadore Shapiro, a
member of the Legislature from Alabama, and President of the Committee
on Prisons, vigorously lambasted the government of Alabama for
tolerating and continuing such venal disgrace. The Alabama legislature
had made an effort to abolish the lease system but the governor had
interposed so as to prolong the infamy. The prisoners could profitably
and healthfully be put to work on the State farms but instead they are
offered for sale to the highest bidder, and employed in mills, coal
mines, lumber and turpentine camps. All of the women prisoners in one
county were leased recently for the term of two years at the rate of
fifteen cents a day. Mr. Shapiro produced a leather strap six feet long
and an inch and a half wide with which prisoners are flogged.

Recently in the State of Florida 598 prisoners were leased at an
average of $360 per head by the year. It is a fact that most prisoners
who work in the turpentine industry are so broken down in health after
a few years that for the remainder of their days they are unfit for any
manual employment. Of course it is granted that this work must be done,
but we insist that it must be done under humane regulations. We have
yet to learn of any leasing corporation or individual that has treated
his serfs with merciful consideration. Georgia, after a long fight, has
entirely repudiated the system.

The Association, while insisting that employment should be given to
prisoners, unanimously adopted a resolution condemning in the strongest
terms a system whereby men and women are sold into bondage in order to
enhance the revenue of the State.


There is no longer any debate about the Indeterminate Sentence. The
principle is written upon the statutes of nearly every State of the
Union, tho in a debilitated and illogical form in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. Amos W. Butler, Secretary Board of Charities in
Indiana, in an address delivered in one of the churches declared that
we had brought very little understanding to bear upon our treatment of
criminals until recent years. He compared our knowledge of smallpox,
yellow fever and other diseases with crime and concluded that we made
as many blunders in considering the offender as we formerly made in our
attitude toward these mysterious and dreaded diseases.

“Prisons are the visible signs of our failures. It is now within the
power of man to abolish many diseases from the earth, and so with
crime. Criminals are not sent to prison for punishment, as many seem
to believe, but prisons exist for the confinement of prisoners for the
safety of society and for the reform of the man or woman there. They
should, if possible, be reformed and returned to society.”

The speaker favored the indeterminate sentence. He said you would not
send a diphtheria patient to the hospital for a definite time, say
two or three weeks. Complications might appear and more time may be
required to effect a cure. The same is true of criminals. They should
be sent there until reformed, until fit to be returned.

Indiana has an indeterminate sentence law and in the past twenty years
11,000 men and women have been released under that law. Seventy-five
per cent. of them succeeded, or made good. Prisoners there have earned
about $3,000,000 for themselves.

The absolutely indeterminate sentence is not yet in vogue in any
State. A criminal under such a sentence would be sent to prison as
to a hospital to remain till cured of his malady. Perhaps, in some
cases he would be subject to some detention as a deterrent to others
contemplating entering upon a criminal career. Specialists would
determine when he was ready to enter the community. We may at some
time adopt such a system when there are enough men and women having
the skill and training necessary to pass on the mental and moral
characteristics of such patients.

Perhaps the best form of sentence is by statutes which fix the time
for any given offense. The time for arson, for instance, may be placed
from two to twenty years. It is the function of the judge or jury to
determine whether the accused is guilty. If found guilty, the defendant
is placed in care of a judicious board of control who will release the
criminal at such time as they may deem best for him and the community.

Judge Willis, of St. Paul, said that no physician would send a patient
to a hospital for a specified number of days or weeks, yet this very
thing is done daily by judges who send mentally and morally sick men
and women to jail. “A doctor would not presume to predict just how
many days it would take to cure a disease, but a judge daily uses his
prerogative as a diagnostician in sending morally diseased people to
jail, although the records of trials show that no two judges think
alike in the matter. * * * Society no longer tolerates vengeance in the
criminal code. The desire of intelligent people of today is to restore
the criminal to a place in society--an honorable place--and not only to
restore him, but to make him a more valuable member of society than he
was before his incarceration.”


This body is an auxiliary of the main organization. Two sessions were
held at which various phases of the work were earnestly discussed.

The address of the President, Rev. James Parsons, of Minneapolis,
presented a summary of what has been accomplished, and also some cogent
reasons for the existence and maintenance of organizations having
constantly in view the rehabilitation of those who have violated law.
This address is given in another part of the JOURNAL.

Rev. Charles Parsons, of Des Moines, called attention to the increase
of crime in time of war. “A celebrated doctor declared that soon after
the beginning of the war there was an abnormal increase of crime in
Germany. * * * Juvenile delinquency increased 34 per cent. in Great
Britain when the teachers were enlisted, supplies cut down, evening
schools closed and pupils between eleven and thirteen years of age
went to work, while a half million of the younger children had little
care. The increase of crime was so alarming, the authorities had to
take special measures of prevention. * * * Our American training camps
probably are the best supervised from a moral standpoint of any in the
world. More effort has been made to keep them decent and free from
vice than in any other period of human history. Yet with all this
precaution, it is impossible to eliminate all the evils connected with
life in the camp.”

Col. Sedgwick Rice, Commandant U. S. Military Prison at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, said he had received instructions from the war
department to prepare for a large increase in the prison population,
but up to this time he was glad to state no great increase was
manifest. Many of the deserters had left some branch of the service
in order to join some other branch, not realizing that such an act
constituted desertion.

Wallace Gilpatrick described the operation of the Christie House, N.
Y., of which he has been superintendent since 1905. Their work is not
limited to the young men out of prison, as they give help to all young
men in trouble from whatever cause. “The matter of employment, vital
as it is, is not always the first matter to be considered when a boy
arrives at the house. Our first aim is to have him understand that he
is among friends. We make him feel at home and we ask few questions.
After he has recovered from his first feeling of strangeness, we
provide him with a good meal, and clean linen, perhaps, a complete suit
of clothing. When he sees other young men coming in from their work and
engaged in games such as chess, checkers, billiards, and when he has
had an invitation to participate in the fun, he begins to realize that
he has gotten into a pretty good sort of place.” The superintendent had
in the last twelve years made the acquaintance of about three thousand
men who had availed themselves of the hospitality of Christie House. It
had been impossible to follow their careers but he knew personally that
25 per cent. of them were making good. He was sure that many more had
been successful who had not kept in touch with the House.

Albert H. Votaw, of Philadelphia, was elected President of this
Association for the year 1918, and Geo. B. Newcomb, Bismarck, N. D.,


The day before the meetings closed Governor Pleasant, of Louisiana,
in an address to the Association gave the members a warm invitation
to make a visit to the 18,000 acre prison farm of the State, at
Angola, about 130 miles from New Orleans. On Saturday about fifty
members of the Association availed themselves of this privilege.
The railroad ran up the rich valley of the Mississippi through cane
fields, cypress swamps and timbered country adorned with tropical
vegetation and scenery to Angola where we received a warm welcome. At
the Administration Building on the lawn, tables loaded with provisions
were placed to which soon our company was doing full justice. It was
explained that practically every article of the food was a product of
the farm and was such as was supplied to the convicts with exception
of the roast turkey, a few of which were kept on the place and which
had been slaughtered for our delectation. Even the fish caught in
the great river adjacent to the plantation may have belonged to the
farm by some riparian right. There was some white bread which was not
made from wheat flour native to Louisiana. Automobiles conveyed the
party over the huge plantation affording full opportunity to examine
the rude temporary barracks where the prisoners are kept. The men
eat at mess tables and the food seemed to be ample and to be well
prepared according to the culinary arrangements usually found in penal
institutions. We saw much to admire and some things to condemn.

1. We did not approve of armed trusties stationed to guard the men
while at work in the fields.

2. We hope at no distant day to hear that striped clothing is tabooed.

3. We were unanimous in condemning the system of punishing with the
lash. One northern warden, not a sentimentalist either, offered to come
down at his own expense and inaugurate a new system of penalties in
which no corporal punishment should be allowed.

We saw the men at work in the cane fields cutting, stripping and piling
the cane for the trucks or wagons. The most interesting proposition was
the huge and complete sugar refinery. How the canes in car loads and
wagon loads were carried by the endless carriers to the huge crushers,
and after triplicate crushing the dry residuum was discharged in the
furnaces, how the juice in huge vats was subject to three chemical
processes, how the purified syrup was then conveyed, all without
hands, to the heated evaporators and centrifugal apparatus, and how
the product in the form of hot granulated sugar, six hours from the
time the canes entered the mill, was caught in barrels at the rate of
400 barrels daily, is a truthful fairy story whose details we cannot
enter upon in this report. Penal Farms in Southern States have become
very popular and successful. From the standpoint of the reformer, they
furnish better opportunities than the closed prison or the stockade
both with regard to health and morals. The negro problem is in the
forefront in their institutions; still many of us were disposed to
believe that the punishments meted out to those who disobey the rules
are too severe and fail to accomplish the main object of imprisonment
which is to endeavor to build up character not by brute force but by
reasonable restraints.


The good people of New Orleans fully exemplify that genial and gracious
hospitality which appears to be indigenous to the Southland.

Courtesies were extended on every hand and there was an air of
friendliness delightful and assuring to the visitors. Four features of
their cordial hospitality deserve special mention.

1. A series of personally conducted walks to the French quarter and
other places of interest.

2. Automobile tours of the city giving the delighted guests an
opportunity to see the beautiful lawns and residences, the parks and
the magnificent live oaks, the cemeteries where the dead repose above
ground, Lake Pontchartrain and its handsome shore resorts, the splendid
drives level as the floor.

3. A steamboat ride on the Mississippi bringing into view the immense
lines of docks and the admirable shipping facilities.

4. A reception at the home of Mrs. G. R. Westfeldt, President of a
Prisoners’ Aid Society. A delightful lunch was served by the ladies of
this society. A picturesque aged turbaned mammy dispensed pralines.
The old home, typically southern, with its wide verandas, central hall
and spacious rooms, lent itself admirably to the occasion. The company
was entertained by readings, Southern songs and negro impersonations.
President Peyton concluded the entertainment by expressing the
appreciation of the guests for these tokens of southern hospitality
which they realized was neither mythical nor merely traditionary.


Archdeacon B. M. Spurr, Moundsville, W. Va., was elected President, and
Joseph P. Byers, of Philadelphia, Secretary, for the next year.

Oklahoma City was selected as the place of meeting, and the time will
be in whatever portion of October the Executive Committee may determine.

In this hastily prepared sketch the writer does not pretend that
justice has been done to the many admirable features of the meetings
of 1917 at New Orleans. Those who desire to have the full published
account, containing the splendid papers read before the Association,
will write to Joseph P. Byers, Secretary, Empire Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.

                                           ALBERT H. VOTAW,



It is fitting at times to ask the questions: what is the reason for
our being, and what should we strive to accomplish? Last year at
our meeting, the speaker outlined informally one thing that seemed
to be desirable and a first step. That was to find out as far as
possible what is being done by the various organizations that comprise
our membership, and report the results at this meeting. A survey
of this kind should at least furnish a starting point for further
investigation, and possibly lead to something along the line of
standardizing the work and reports, so that it would be possible to
estimate a little more satisfactorily the results that have been

A statement of the nature of the investigation desired was placed in
the hands of the Secretary and the assurance given by him that the
necessary work would be done, but it was finally discovered that on
account of local duties and the call to arms, our Secretary was unable
to do as he had intended. The President therefore at a late date sent
out a questionnaire to as many organizations as he knew, asking that
the questions might be answered as fully as records would admit.

Up to the present date fourteen organizations have responded. The
questionnaire did not cover all conceivable lines, but aimed to
include some of the fundamental things that are being done by most
organizations in the various lines of Prisoners’ Aid Work. These are
Jail and Prison Work; Probation and Oversight; Relief Work, and the
Department of Public Information.

It was not expected that all organizations would have records to
exactly fit into the outline of questions. The replies showed that
no organization had kept records so as to answer all the questions,
and yet each one reporting was able to answer most of them from
records kept, which showed that the things counted fundamental by most
organizations had been included in the questionnaire.

As was to be expected some had kept very few records. Some had
neglected to record facts that seemed to be considered most important
by others. In fact, one officer said distinctly that it had been the
policy of his organization not to keep records of anything except
financial matters, as they did not wish the left hand to know what the
right hand was doing. It is manifest on the whole, however, that there
is an honest attempt to keep a record of the vital things.

The following will give you the list of questions asked, together with
a summary of figures returned:


  Number of Prisoners Assisted                              10656
  Number of Religious Services held                         10955
  Number of Prisoners in Audiences                         672166
  Number of Prisoners Interviewed                           86810
  Number of Cases Followed Up With Special Assistance        1838
  Number of Books and Pamphlets Distributed                129928


  Number of Prisoners Placed in Employment                   2992
  Number Replaced in Employment                               687
  Number of Visits to Discharged and Paroled Prisoners       9527


  Number of Lodgings and Meals Furnished                    48584
  Number of Families Cared For                               1480
  Number of Garments Distributed                            10501


  Number of Addresses Delivered                              2525
  Number of People Reached by Public Addresses             875653
  Number of Papers and Leaflets Distributed                369554
  Number of Letters Written in Connection with all Depts.   33715

It must be remembered that we have not been able to secure a complete
statement of results. Only a fragmentary report could be given of the
work of one of the larger organizations, and many others have failed to
report. Then, too, scattered up and down the land are individuals and
groups of faithful men and women who do a very large amount of work for
those who have yielded to temptation and become inmates of jails and
prisons. No account of such work could be secured, and yet no one can
fail to be impressed by the fact that a very great work is being done.
A casual glance at the figures must cause one to realize the magnitude
of accomplishments, and a careful study of this summary shows plainly
that a tremendous amount of personal effort has been put forth.

In view of present tendencies, it seems a fitting time to determine
the place such organizations as make up the National Prisoners’ Aid
Association, should fill in the field of delinquency, and what should
be the aim of our Association.

The work being carried on today in the field of delinquency is complex.
In the first place it was largely a matter of ameliorating the
severities that attended the life of the prisoner. The rule was that
those who had the care of criminals were brutal. No one can read the
history of prison life in past days, without being impressed with this
fact. In a general way such treatment was considered the proper thing.
Men had violated the law; they were criminals and should suffer the
severities of punishment.

All this has changed as the result of the light thrown on the injustice
of such a course by men who gave the matter serious thought. They
showed that instead of deterring the wrongdoer from future crime, such
a course aroused in him all his latent possibilities for evil and
caused him to become brutalized and a sworn enemy to society.

It is a long road from the terrible things of the past to the present
day conditions. Every step has been contested by the advocates of the
_status quo_. Every step forward has come as the result of insistence
on the part of the advocates of progress. Gradually punishment became
less severe, the brutality of keepers was checked, filth and unsanitary
conditions were outlawed, food became a matter for consideration,
reformation a serious consideration, allowance for good behavior,
thereby shortening the imprisonment, was introduced. The indeterminate
sentence came into being, parole for prisoners and probation for first
offenders followed. As one looks back it is a long road that has been

At first it was the reformer, the enthusiast who led the way in
advocating these things. Now it is the enlightened judge, the state
officer, the prison warden and many others in official capacity, as
well as the philanthropist and social worker who champion them. In view
of this condition, is there any place for such organizations as we
represent? We answer emphatically “YES.”

In the _first place_ it is essential that there be agencies at work
to stimulate the public to measure up to its responsibility for
delinquency and the delinquent.

Experience teaches that men as a rule are likely to be content with
present attainment. Our organizations are composed largely of men who
are interpreters of conditions.

The careful study then of facts and conditions that relate to crime
and the criminal, the discovery of the forces at work, which develop
delinquency, and wrongdoing, and the faithful presentation of these
facts and forces to the public, are some of the important functions of
a local organization.

In the _second place_ there should be agencies at work to encourage
the State to do all it can through proper official agencies. In
former days the State did little. The needed work, however, was too
great for private agencies. Gradually the State has been encouraged
to assume the burdens that rightfully belong to her, until we have
great institutions, splendidly equipped and manned. But officials
are only men and a very large percentage of them become set in their
habits. A few have kept young and have made progress, but it has seemed
necessary that a stick of dynamite such as Thomas Mott Osborne, should
occasionally be thrown into the machine, to break the crust of fixed
methods and start a new line of progress.

The progress made thus far by the State is commendable, but more
encouragement along this line seems essential. The present interest
in sanitation, employment, probation and parole is encouragement,
but should not the State do more to develop the man while in the
institution, so that he will be better fitted for a successful life
when released? What is the present state of mind on this subject?

During the past year the University of California, at the suggestion
of Calvin Derrick, an active member of this congress, sent out a
questionnaire to all classes of institutions in the country, on the
general subject of “Control and Correction.” The fundamental purpose
of this study was to learn what institutional heads thought of the
possibility of developing in boys and men the power of self-government
that is so necessary for a man when released from custody.

One hundred answers were received, and when they had been carefully
digested by thoughtful professors and Mr. Derrick, the following
conclusions were reached:

1. “That there are a few people in institutions who thoroughly believe
in the principles of democracy and their application to populations in

2. “That almost all the people in institutions are ignorant of the
manner in which these principles should be applied, or could be

3. “That the rank and file of institution people are so prejudiced
against the plan that they can not be induced to examine into it with
an open mind.”

If this be a correct expression of fact, the State through her
institutions surely still needs to be encouraged to put more thought
upon developing boys and men along lines that will fit them for the
duties of free citizenship.

In _third place_, it is essential that there should be agencies to
co-operate with the State, as there is much work that can be done more
successfully by private agencies than by State officers.

In caring for the prisoners and juvenile offender, there are many
things to be considered. There is the matter of employment which is
of first consideration. He must work to live. His health, social
opportunity and religious life should be considered, and in some cases,
especially among the young, his education should receive careful
attention. Another factor that enters into many cases is likely to be
overlooked. Prisoners have often come in contact with what they call a
“raw deal” from public officials. They may be mistaken in many cases,
but this does not change the man’s state of mind. He may still need
help and counsel when discharged or released from parole, but he will
have nothing to do with the public official. Such men will often come
to the organization which works through motives of friendship. It does
not solve the problem to say that such a condition should not exist.
It is a self-evident fact that such cases do exist. We see a condition
that corresponds to this in all departments of society. It is the same
principle that causes us to have different sects in religion, different
lodges, clubs, etc. The members of each group think that all others
ought to be satisfied with their organization and way of doing things,
but men differ and express their preference in choice.

We believe that the State should bear as large a portion of the burden
as possible, but we are also convinced that there must be organizations
which are not handicapped by official connection with the man’s
conviction and imprisonment for a certain percentage of cases that need

In the _fourth place_, there should be the volunteer agency to furnish
a channel through which the citizen may wisely express his spirit of
Christian helpfulness.

The world needs men and women whose harmonious development of character
fits them for the best service. To permit our noblest impulses to die
for lack of expression is a very serious mistake. No surer way to kill
our desire to lift up the unfortunate can be devised than to turn the
whole matter over to the State.

The story is told that a friend gave a young minister’s family a cow
in order that the new baby might have plenty of good milk. Some time
later, when the giver of the cow inquired how she was doing, the good
wife said, “Nicely, but for some reason she was drying up. She said she
could not understand how it was as they were careful to use only as
much milk as the baby needed.” Their fatal mistake was the failure to
realize the nature of the cow. So we often fall into this same mistake
and find the springs of sympathy and the milk of human kindness drying
up because we are saving of the supply, and do not express the natural
impulses of the heart to do good and minister to those in need. * * *

In view of the evident need of such organizations as compose this
Association, what should be our aim? An extended statement is not
needful. It is plain, however, that this Association should attempt,
so far as possible, to standardize the work, and by a comparison of
results develop the most effective methods in our chosen field.

This cannot be brought about at once, as the spirit and purpose of the
various organizations vary to some extent and yet progress can be made
if this thought is kept in mind. The result of the questionnaire shows
that with a little effort, all organizations might present a fairly
accurate report of many fundamental things.

The second aim would naturally follow. A standardized work with
accurate reports would enable the members of our Association to have
a fuller knowledge of the results accomplished by all. This knowledge
of the greatness of our work would cause every worker to have a more
profound respect for his own chosen task. It would also convince all
men that we do not labor in vain in our effort to save the young from
the pitfalls of crime and to redeem and reclaim those whose career has
thus far proven a failure.


[B] Address of the President of the National Prisoners’ Aid Association
at New Orleans November 18, 1917.


“The city of Dallas has been repaid for every cent it has spent in
establishing the municipal prison farm,” said Finance Commissioner
William Doran, after he had visited the place at White Rock. His reason
for making that statement, he said, was the moral effect the farm has
had on the prisoners.

When city prisoners were worked on the streets under most outrageous
conditions, they ran at every chance and often attempted to escape from
the city jail.

Since being taken to the municipal farm, not an attempt has been made
to escape. Three shotguns purchased by the city for guards have never
been unwrapped. When the men start to work they work hard, and when
they stop for a short rest they return to their work without being told.

“It is a remarkable sight to see the change in the men,” said Mr.
Doran; “I have watched their improvement from day to day, and it is


  Maud Ballington Booth (1909)                New York City.
  Judge Ben B. Lindsey (1909)                 Denver, Colo.
  [†]Frederick Howard Wines (1909)
  Judge McKenzie Cleland (1909)               Chicago, Ill.
  [†]Gen. R. Brinkerhoff (1909)
  Z. R. Brockway (1909)                       Elmira, N. Y.
  [†]Prof. Charles Richmond Henderson (1910)
  Dr. Hastings H. Hart (1914)                 New York City.
  James A. Leonard (1914)                     Mansfield, Ohio.
  Timothy Nicholson (1915)                    Richmond, Ind.
  Amos W. Butler (1915)                       Indianapolis, Ind.


  [†]Ashmead, Henry B.,
  [†]Bailey, Joel J.,
  [†]Baily, Joshua L.,
  [†]Bartol, B. H.,
  [†]Benson, E. N.,
  [†]Bergdoll, Louis,
  [†]Betts, Richard K.,
  Bonham, Eleanor M.,
  [†]Brown, Alexander,
  [†]Bonsall, E. H.,
  [†]Brooke, F. M.,
  [†]Brown, T. Wistar,
  Brush, C. H.,
  Buckley, Daniel,
  Carter, John E.,
  [†]Cattell, Henry S.,
  [†]Childs, George W.,
  Coles, Miss Mary,
  [†]Collins, Alfred M.,
  Coxe, Eckley B., Jr.,
  [†]Downing, Richard H.,
  [†]Dreer, Edw. G.,
  Dreer, Ferd. J.,
  [†]Douredore, B. L.,
  [†]Duhring, D. D., Rev. H. L.,
  Duncan, John A.,
  [†]Elkinton, Joseph S.,
  Elwyn, Alfred,
  [†]Elwyn, Mrs. Helen M.,
  [†]Fotterall, Stephen G.,
  Frazer, Dr. John,
  Frazier, W. W.,
  [†]Goodwin, M. H.,
  Grigg, Mary S.,
  [†]Hall, George W.,
  Harrison, Alfred C.,
  Harrison, Chas. C.,
  [†]Hockley, Thomas,
  Ingram, Wm. S.,
  [†]Jeans, Joshua T.,
  Jenks, John Story,
  [†]Jones, Mary T.,
  [†]Jordan, John, Jr.,
  [†]Justice, W. W.,
  [†]Kinke, J.,
  [†]Knight, Reeve L.,
  [†]Laing, Anna T.,
  [†]Laing, Henry M.,
  Lea, M. Carey,
  [†]Leaming, J. Fisher,
  Leeds, Deborah C.,
  [†]Lewis, F. Mortimer,
  [†]Lewis, Howard W.,
  Lewis, Mrs. Sarah A.,
  Longstreth, W. W.,
  [†]Love, Alfred H.,
  [†]Lytle, John J.,
  [†]Maginnis, Edw. I.,
  [†]Manderson, James,
  [†]Milne, Caleb J.,
  [†]McAllister, Jas. W.,
  [†]Nicholson, Robert P.,
  [†]Osborne, Hon. F. W.,
  Patterson, Robert,
  [†]Pennock, George,
  [†]Perot, Joseph,
  Perot, T. Morris, Jr.,
  Pooley, Fred. J.,
  [†]Potter, Thomas,
  [†]Powers, Thomas H.,
  [†]Price, Thomas W.,
  Randolph, Miss Anna,
  Rhoads, Joseph R.,
  [†]Roach, Joseph H.,
  [†]Saul, Rev. James,
  [†]Santee, Charles,
  [†]Seybert, Henry,
  [†]Sharpless, Townsend,
  [†]Steedman, Rosa,
  Stephens, Emily J. I., M. D.,
  [†]Stokes, Wm. C.,
  [†]Sulzberger, David,
  [†]Thomas, Geo. C.,
  Thompson, Emma L.,
  [†]Tracey, Charles A.,
  [†]Townsend, Henry T.,
  Votaw, Albert H.,
  [†]Waln, L. Morris,
  [†]Walk, Jas. V., M. D.,
  Warren, E. Burgess,
  [†]Watson, Jas. V.,
  Way, John,
  [†]Weightman, William,
  [†]Weston, Harry,
  Wetherell, William Henry,
  Whelen, Emily,
  [†]Whelen, Mary S.,
  [†]Williams, Henry J.,
  [†]Williamson, I. V.,
  [†]Willits, Jeremiah,
  [†]Willits, Jeremiah, Jr.,
  Wistar, Edward M.,
  Wood, Walter.

[† Deceased]


  Allen, Clara Hodges,
  Allen, H. Percival,
  Baggs, Nicholas,
  Baily, Albert L.,
  Baird, John E.,
  Barakat, Layyah,
  Barnes, Rev. R. Heber,
  Beatty, Robert L.,
  Beiswenger, Rev. F.,
  Beiswenger, Paul F.,
  Belfield, T. Broom,
  Biddle, Samuel,
  Biddle, William,
  Boggs, Samuel R.,
  Booth, Henry R.,
  Brink, Fred Swarts,
  Brinton, Joseph Hill,
  Burnham, William,
  Butz, J. Treichler, M. D.,
  Byers, Joseph P.,
  Cassel, Henry C.,
  Clark, E. W., Mr. & Mrs.,
  Clark, Frederick L.,
  Collins, Henry H.,
  Collins, Henry H., Jr.,
  Colton, Mary R.,
  Colton, S. W., Jr.,
  Colton, Mrs. S. W., Jr.,
  Comfort, Henry W.,
  Conard, C. Wilfred,
  Cope, Eliza M.,
  de Benedetto, Rev. A.,
  d’Invilliers, Charles E.,
  de Long, Mrs. Mary,
  Dewees, J. Harvey,
  Dewees, Watson W.,
  Dripps, Robert Dunning,
  Edmonds, Franklin S.,
  Elkinton, Joseph,
  Emlen, Samuel,
  Fassitt, Mrs. Horace,
  Fernberger, Henry,
  Fleisher, Samuel S.,
  Franklin, Melvin M., M. D.,
  Frick, Esther,
  Galenbeck, Louis C.,
  Garges, Anna K.,
  Garrett, Elizabeth N.,
  Gerhard, Arthur H.,
  Gerhard, Mrs. Arthur H.,
  Gerhard, Luther,
  Greene, Sallie H.,
  Hackenburg, William B.,
  Haines, Robert B., Jr.,
  Haney, Rein G.,
  Hallowell, William S.,
  Harding, Miss M. W.,
  Harris, Rev. J. Andrew,
  Harris, J. Linn,
  Hastings, Charles P.,
  Heller, Clyde A.,
  Hoffman, Jacob,
  Kane, Florence Bayard,
  Kaufman, John G.,
  Kehler, Dr. B. Frank,
  Kennedy, Harry,
  Koelle, William,
  Landis, Dr. H. R. M.,
  Lamartine, Rev. Philip,
  Latimer, Emilie T.,
  Latimer, George A.,
  Latimer, Rebecca P.,
  Latimer, Rev. Thomas,
  Leeds, Austin C.,
  Lewis, William Draper,
  Longshore, Frank H.,
  Lovett, Louisa D.,
  Maier, Paul D. I.,
  Mallery, Otto T.,
  Marshall, Bertha K. C.,
  Martin, Hon. J. Willis,
  Mayer, Mrs. Henry C.,
  McCord, Rufus,
  McDole, Charles,
  McFedries, Annie,
  Miller, Isaac P.,
  Minnich, Rev. M. Reed,
  Morris, Anna Wharton,
  Morris, C.C.,
  Morris, Marriott C.,
  Morris, William,
  Mullowney, John J., M. D.,
  Newkirk, John B.,
  Newlin, Sarah,
  Niles, Henry C.,
  Noblit, Joseph C.,
  Obermayer, Leon J.,
  Oetinger, Albert,
  Ohl, Rev. J. F.,
  Paisley, Harry,
  Platt, Miss L. N.,
  Randolph, Mrs. Evan,
  Reeves, Francis B.,
  Roberts, Owen J.,
  Roberts, Chas. W.,
  Robinson, Anthony W.,
  Rosengarten, Joseph G.,
  Roser, William B.,
  Schaeffer, Paul N.,
  Schoch, Mrs. Parke,
  Schwarz, G. A.,
  Scott, Norris J.,
  Senft, Rev. F. H.,
  Shoemaker, Comly B.,
  Simmington, Charles C.,
  Smallzell, John,
  Snellenburg, Samuel,
  Spangler, Mrs. M. G.,
  Steele, Jos. M.,
  Steere, Alfred G.,
  Stewart, Henry C.,
  Stone, Virginia G.,
  Tatum, Jos. W.,
  Thesen, Oluf,
  Thomas, Mrs. George C.,
  Tomkins, Rev. Floyd W.,
  Tyler, W. Graham,
  Walton, Harrison,
  Warren, William C.,
  Wallace, Mrs. Anabel,
  Wentz, Catharine A.,
  Wetherell, George S.,
  Wetherell, Mary S.,
  Wetherill, Rev. Francis Macomb,
  White, Elias H.,
  White, Elizabeth Wilson,
  Wilkins, George W.,
  Williams, Charles,
  Yarnall, Wm. S.,
  Ziegler, J. W.


  Acting Committee, Report of, 6

  American Prison Association, 93

  Annual Meeting, Minutes of, 5

  Bequests, 25

  Bilibid, 80

  Capital Punishment, 52

  Commission to Revise Penal Administration, 50

  County Prisons, 15

  Criminal Code of Pennsylvania, 89

  Dietary at Penal Institutions, 56

  Employment of Prisoners, 48, 55, 81, 84

  Feast of Reason and a Flow of Soul, A, 82

  Fines, 48

  General Agent, Report of, 14

  Honor System, The, 94

  Indeterminate Sentence, The, 53, 98

  Indiana Penal Farms, 85

  Industrial Farm Law, The, 38

  Members of The Pennsylvania Prison Society, List of, 109-11

  Michigan State Prison, 74

  National Prisoners’ Aid Association, Address of President, 103

  New Jersey Prison Inquiry Commission, Report of, 79

  New York Prison Association, Report of, 78

  Offender, The, Review of, 77

  Officers and Committees of the Society, List of, 3

  Penal Farms, 85, 108

  Penal Legislation of 1917 in the Commonwealth of Penna., 38

  Prison and the Prisoner, The, Review of, 76

  Road-making by Prisoners, 55

  Texas Prison Farm, A Municipal, 108

  Treasurer, Report of, 13

  Trustees of Industrial Farms in Pennsylvania, 47

  Utilization of Prison Labor, 84

  Wardens’ Meeting, 26

The Pennsylvania Prison Society was founded under the name
“Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons,”
May 8, 1787.

It was incorporated under same name April 6, 1833.

The objects named in the Charter were three:

1. Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons.

2. Improvement of Prison Discipline.

3. Relief of Discharged Prisoners.

By order of the Court, the corporate title was changed January 27,

       *       *       *       *       *

Copies of this JOURNAL will be forwarded on request to any address
without charge.

Financial contributions are needed to carry on the work of this Society.

All correspondence and contributions should be addressed to The
Pennsylvania Prison Society at 119 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia,

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber’s note

Minor punctuation errors have been changed without notice.
Inconsistencies in hyphenation have been standardized. The following
printer errors have been changed.

  =CHANGED=  =FROM=                        =TO=
  Page i:    “Soceity for Alleviating”     “Society for Alleviating”
  Page 2:    “Pennslvania Prison Society”  “Pennsylvania Prison Society”
  Page 4:    “Mrs. Mary Ella deLong”       “Mrs. Mary Ella de Long”
  Page 4:    “Mrs. Mary Ella DeLong”       “Mrs. Mary Ella de Long”
  Page 9:    “improved accomodations”      “improved accommodations”
  Page 15:   “The men now eat in a”        “The women now eat in a”
  Page 42:   “dipsomania and anasthetic”   “dipsomania and anesthetic”
  Page 53:   “88, under present law”       “86, under present law”
  Page 55:   “on the public higthways”     “on the public highways”
  Page 80:   “practical achievments of”    “practical achievements of”
  Page 81:   “6. “We are convinced”        “5. “We are convinced”
  Page 82:   “The Acting Committe of”      “The Acting Committee of”
  Page 102:  “ground, Lake Ponchartrain”   “ground, Lake Pontchartrain”
  Page 105:  “present day conditons”       “present day conditions”
  Page 108:  “so far as posible”           “so far as possible”

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