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Title: A Christmas prayer
Author: Foley, James William
Language: English
As this book started as an ASCII text book there are no pictures available.

*** Start of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "A Christmas prayer" ***


  [Illustration: Decoration]


  [Illustration: Decoration]

  Published by

[Illustration: Trees in snow]

  Dear Lord, these friends of mine, where they may stray,
  Wilt Thou bear each Thy blessing on this day?
  For now the season comes when Yule-logs burn,
  When hearts grow kind, and sweeter dreamings turn
  Unto these olden, golden friends. I pray
  Thy benediction on them all this day,
  And let Thy light of love and mercy shine,
  Dear Lord, this day, on all these friends of mine!

[Illustration: Tree branches]

[Illustration: Decoration]

  Dear Lord, if any weep, wilt Thou be kind?
  If any stray in error, wilt Thou find
  The way for them and bring them back to Thee
  With gifts of Thy rare love and sympathy?
  If any grieve, wilt Thou not bring them cheer,
  This day, another day and all the year?
  Break them the bread of love and pour the wine
  Of sympathy for all these friends of mine!

[Illustration: Sun in clouds]

[Illustration: Decoration]

  Dear Lord, if some be far from home this day,
  If some be wanderers upon the way,
  If some shall be in tears, and some shall cry
  With bitter pain, wilt Thou not pass me by
  And minister to them with tender care,
  And what of joy or gladness be my share
  Wilt thou not give to them? Be Thy divine
  And glorious peace upon these friends of mine!

[Illustration: Trees in snow]

[Illustration: Decoration]

  Dear Lord, if some be rich, bid Thou them bear
  Some joy this day to Sorrow and to Care.
  If some be glad with living, bid them go
  Afar or near and minister to Woe.
  Bring love to every heart and let it fill
  The cup of joy for each, and overspill,
  And let the light of sympathy so shine
  That none shall weep of all these friends of mine.

[Illustration: Trees in snow]

[Illustration: Decoration]

  So now when hearts grow kind and Yule-logs burn,
  When thoughts grow gentler, sweeter, and return
  To olden, golden friends, or far or near,
  This prayer of mine be hallowed with a tear
  Welled from the fount of love and sympathy,
  And sent upon the wintry night to Thee,
  Till all the world is warmed with love divine,----
  Dear Lord, bless all these olden friends of mine!

*** End of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "A Christmas prayer" ***

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