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Title: More Dollies
Author: Hunter, Richard
Language: English
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*** Start of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "More Dollies" ***




25. More Dollies

_The Dumpy Books for Children_


1. The Flamp.
2. Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories.
3. The Bad Family.
4. The Story of Little Black Sambo.
5. The Bountiful Lady.
6. A Cat Book.
7. A Flower Book.
8. The Pink Knight.
9. The Little Clown.
10. A Horse Book.
11. Little People: An Alphabet.
12. A Dog Book.
13. The Adventures of Samuel and Selina.
14. The Little Girl Lost.
15. Dollies.
16. The Bad Mrs. Ginger.
17. Peter Piper's Practical Principles.
18. Little White Barbara.
19. The Japanese Dumpy Book.
20. Towlocks and His Wooden Horse.
21. The Three Little Foxes.
22. The Old Man's Bag.
23. The Three Goblins.
24. Dumpy Proverbs.
25. More Dollies.
26. Little Yellow Wang-lo.
27. Plain Jane.
28. The Sooty Man.
29. Fishy-Winkle.

_A Cloth Case to contain Twelve Volumes can be had, price 2s.
net; or the First Twelve Volumes in Case, price £1 net._


More Dollies

Pictures by Ruth Cobb
Verses by Richard Hunter




Saint Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas brings presents
  For little girls and boys;
Saint Nicholas brings dozens
  Of all the nicest toys.

Hang out your biggest stocking
  Before you go to sleep;
But if you hear him coming,
  You mustn't even peep.

[Illustration: Saint Nicholas.]

[Illustration: The Sea-side Doll.]

The Sea-side Doll.

There's one doll for winter,
  When ice comes and snow;
Another for spring time,
  When primroses grow.

A dolly for dark nights,
  To take into bed;
And one for the morning,
  Till lessons are said.

But this is the dolly
  To play on the sands,
You see both a pail and
  A spade in her hands.


Sing a song of Ping-pong,
  Fast away he ran:
"Come along," said Ping-pong,
  "Catch me if you can!"

Sing a song of Ping-pong,
  Racquet and a ball:
"Come along," said Ping-pong,
  "You can't run at all!"

[Illustration: Ping-Pong.]

[Illustration: Jujuba.]


Here's Uncle Jujuba,
  Who has a sweet tooth;
He used to eat sugar-
  Cane oft in his youth,

In South Carolina,
  Where sugar-cane grows,
From which they make sugar,
  As everyone knows.


His dressing-gown's blue, and
  His girdle is red;
He wears a black cap
  On top of his head.

He carries a candle
  To give you a light,
In case you should ever
  Get up in the night.

[Illustration: Blue-Coat.]

[Illustration: Punch.]


There is a queer dolly named Punch,
Who has a remarkable hunch.
      The tip of his nose
      Is red as a rose,
And that's how you know Mister Punch.

The Shepherdess.

Shepherdess! Shepherdess!
  Looks to the sheep;
Shepherdess! Shepherdess!
  Watches their sleep.

Shepherdess! Shepherdess!
  When they cry "Baa,"
Shepherdess! Shepherdess!
  Knows where they are.

[Illustration: The Shepherdess.]

[Illustration: The Cowboy.]

The Cowboy.

There was a bold cowboy
  Came out of the west;
Of all the bold riders,
  This cowboy's the best.

The horse he brought with him
  Will not run away;
But stands by the side of
  His master all day.

Blackman the Giant.

This is the long and
  The short of it too:
One dolly stood still,
  The other one grew.

She who is little
  Prefers to be tall;
Blackman the giant
  Would like to be small.

[Illustration: Blackman the Giant.]

[Illustration: The Twins.]

The Twins.

If one were not blue,
  While the other is red,
You'd fancy that Su-
  San was Mary instead.

If one were not red,
  While the other is blue,
'Twould surely be said,
  That Miss Mary was Sue!

The Highlander.

Right about, left about,
  Halt and stand at ease!
Shoulder arms, attention,
  Steady, if you please.

Order arms, present arms,
  Forward, by your right!
Double, double, double,
  Double to the fight!

[Illustration: The Highlander.]

[Illustration: Policeman.]


When little dolls in Nurs'ry Street,
  Do anything that's wrong;
Throw stones, or knock each other down,
  Policeman comes along.

"Move on, move on," Policeman cries;
  Be sure they never fail;
For if they did not move at once,
  He'd take them off to jail.


Mollie's frock is crimson,
  Her petticoat's of lace;
Mollie's hair is golden,
  And curls about her face.

Mollie's friends are many,
  She's off to visit one;
Mollie takes her sunshade,
  To keep away the sun.

[Illustration: Mollie.]

[Illustration: The Swinging Clown.]

The Swinging Clown.

    Swing up!
    Swing down!
Here goes the clown.

    Swing left!
    Swing right!
Mind you hold tight.

    Swing low!
    Swing high!
Right to the sky.


Dolly's home's far away,
  Far away in Algiers,
On the African coast,
  She won't see it for years.

But she whispers at night,
  And her eyes fill with tears;
"How I wish--how I wish,
  I were back in Algiers!"

[Illustration: Algeria.]

[Illustration: Dame Crump.]

Dame Crump.

Some dolls are ev'ry bit as good
  As little girls and boys;
They never pout or shake themselves,
  And never make a noise.

But other dollies make mistakes;
  Won't do as they are told;
Won't stand upright, or shut their eyes,
  However much you scold!

And then's the time for old Dame Crump
  To enter with her stick,
And make them mind their p's and q's;
  'Tis well if they are quick!

Prince Charming.

This is Prince Charming,
  Whom often you meet,
Riding or walking
  In Nursery Street.

See the red feather
  He wears in his hat,
Always you know he's
  Prince Charming by that.

[Illustration: Prince Charming.]

[Illustration: Mister Merryman.]

Mister Merryman.

He's always standing on his toes,
  And never on his heels;
He's always holding up his arms--
  I wonder how it feels.

Two balls are always in his hands,
  He never lets them drop;
He's always smiling just like this,
  And never seems to stop.


Dinah's cheeks are black as coal;
  Dinah's lips are red;
Dinah's eyes are bright, although
  Dinah's off to bed.

Dinah's bows are green and blue;
  Dinah's teeth are white;
Dinah's bottle's meant to feed
  Dinah in the night.

[Illustration: Dinah.]

[Illustration: Smiler.]


He smiles throughout the morning,
  And all the afternoon;
He smiles whene'er the sun shines,
  And also at the moon.

He smiles upon the carpet,
  Or when you pick him up;
He smiles all through his dinner,
  And when he goes to sup.

The Coachman.

There was a grand coachman,
  Who drove the Lord Mayor;
And never drove less than
  A carriage and pair.

He wore a red waistcoat,
  He carried a whip,
And when the boys saw him,
  They shouted "Hip! hip!"

[Illustration: The Coachman.]

[Illustration: Little Yam Mango.]

Little Yam Mango.

Little Yam Mango
  Has beautiful eyes,
Also the brightest
  Of scarlet neckties.

Little Yam Mango
  Will never go out;
Being so lazy,
  He's grown very stout.


There is a brown dolly
  Who has a guitar;
She plays on it always,
  Tra lal, tra lal la!

She has a new ditty
  For every day;
I wish you could hear it,
  Tra lal, tra lal lay!

[Illustration: Brownie.]

[Illustration: The Imp.]

The Imp.

You may call him an imp,
  Or a gnome or a sprite;
And whate'er you call him
  You are sure to be right.

He is here, he is there,
  He will never stay long;
If you think he is caught,
  You are sure to be wrong.

*** End of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "More Dollies" ***

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