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Title: Dolly and Molly and the Farmer Man
Author: Gordon, Elizabeth
Language: English
As this book started as an ASCII text book there are no pictures available.

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                          Transcriber’s Note:

Italic text is represented by underscores surrounding the _text_.

Some line breaks adjusted to keep consistent 4-line stanzas.

Variations on Rand McNally name kept as printed.


                            DOLLY AND MOLLY


                             THE FARMER MAN

                            ELIZABETH GORDON

                      “GRANDDAD COCO NUT’S PARTY”


                             _Pictures by_
                              FRANCES BEEM

                         RAND McNALLY & COMPANY
                        CHICAGO         NEW YORK


                           _Copyright, 1914,_
                         By RAND, McNALLY & CO.


                         The Rand-McNally Press






                            DOLLY AND MOLLY
                             THE FARMER MAN

                       Went Dolly and Molly,
                         one fine summer day,
                       To watch while the farmer
                         man made the new hay.



                      And a beautiful basket of
                        luncheon they took,
                      All wrapped in white napkins
                        by Mary the cook.


                      He whetted his scythe.
                        Oh, the big noise it made!
                      And he cut down that hay,
                        each spear and each blade.




                      The Grasshoppers hoppered,
                        and gazed in surprise.
                      You ought to have seen how
                        they stuck out their eyes!


                       He took a big fork and he
                         spread, all around,
                       That sweet-smelling hay on
                         the sunshiny ground.




                  And the Hoppy Toads
                    blinked sadly, saying, “Oh, well,
                  We shall just have to move
                    to the Burdock Hotel.”


                     Then he raked it in long
                       rows, and left it to dry,
                     While they all ate their lunch
                       ’neath a big tree near by.



                    And the Robin came too,
                      saying, “Please give me some,”
                    So Dolly and Molly each
                      gave him a crumb.



                      Then the man tossed the hay
                        in a great shiny heap,
                      And put on its night cap,
                        and left it to sleep.




                   Then a black and gold Bumblebee
                     bumbled along,
                   Saying, “It’s-time-little-girlies-



                     So Dolly and Molly, all tired
                       with play,
                     Just followed the Bumblebee
                       home all the way.



                      And Grandmother gave them
                        some milk and some bread,
                      And lovingly kissed them
                        and put them to bed.


                      And the sleep fairies came
                        to that little white room,
                      And sprinkled them over
                        with sleep flower bloom.




                   And that was the end of
                     that beautiful day,
                   When the twins watched
                     the farmer man make the new hay.




*** End of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "Dolly and Molly and the Farmer Man" ***

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