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Title: The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 9, September, 1879
Author: Various
Language: English
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  Vol. XXXIII.                                              No. 9.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

               “To the Poor the Gospel is Preached.”

                 *       *       *       *       *

                         SEPTEMBER, 1879.


  FORWARD: Rev. Eli Corwin                                       257


    PARAGRAPHS                                                   258
    LITERATURE OF OUR SOUTHERN WORK                              259
    THE TENTH COMMANDMENT                                        259
    WINDING UP A HORSE                                           260
    ITEMS FROM THE FIELD                                         264
    GENERAL NOTES                                                265


    WINNING BY PASSIVE VIRTUE: Rev. J. E. Roy, D. D.             267
    GEORGIA, WOODVILLE--Dying Scenes--Pressing Work              268
    GEORGIA, CYPRESS SLASH--A New Field                          269
    ALABAMA, MONTGOMERY--Swayne School                           270
    TENNESSEE, MEMPHIS--Le Moyne School--Conversations           270
    TENNESSEE--A Colored Girl’s Experience as a Teacher          270
    MISSISSIPPI--Letter from a Tougaloo Student                  271


    MENDI MISSION--Religious Progress at Avery--Travels
    into the Interior--The Heathen--The Country                  273


    FALSE BRETHREN: Rev. W. C. Pond                              278


    CHILDREN’S INFLUENCE                                         281

  RECEIPTS                                                       282

  CONSTITUTION                                                   285

  WORK, STATISTICS, WANTS, &C.                                   286

                 *       *       *       *       *

                             NEW YORK.

         Published by the American Missionary Association,

                      ROOMS, 56 READE STREET.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance.

                 American Missionary Association,

                      56 READE STREET, N. Y.

                 *       *       *       *       *


    HON. E. S. TOBEY, Boston.


    Hon. F. D. PARISH, Ohio.
    Hon. E. D. HOLTON, Wis.
    Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D. D., Ct.
    WM. C. CHAPIN, Esq., R. I.
    Rev. W. T. EUSTIS, D. D., Mass.
    Hon. A. C. BARSTOW, R. I.
    Rev. THATCHER THAYER, D. D., R. I.
    Rev. RAY PALMER, D. D., N. Y.
    Rev. J. M. STURTEVANT, D. D., Ill.
    Rev. W. W. PATTON, D. D., D. C.
    HORACE HALLOCK, Esq., Mich.
    Rev. CYRUS W. WALLACE, D. D., N. H.
    Rev. EDWARD HAWES, Ct.
    DOUGLAS PUTNAM, Esq., Ohio.
    SAMUEL D. PORTER, Esq., N. Y.
    Rev. M. M. G. DANA, D. D., Minn.
    Rev. H. W. BEECHER, N. Y.
    Gen. O. O. HOWARD, Oregon.
    Rev. G. F. MAGOUN, D. D., Iowa.
    Col. C. G. HAMMOND, Ill.
    DAVID RIPLEY, Esq., N. J.
    Rev. WM. M. BARBOUR, D. D., Ct.
    Rev. W. L. GAGE, Ct.
    A. S. HATCH, Esq., N.
    Rev. J. H. FAIRCHILD, D. D., Ohio.
    Rev. H. A. STIMSON, Minn.
    Rev. J. W. STRONG, D. D., Minn.
    Rev. GEORGE THACHER, LL. D., Iowa.
    Rev. A. L. STONE, D. D., California.
    Rev. G. H. ATKINSON, D. D., Oregon.
    Rev. J. E. RANKIN, D. D., D. C.
    Rev. A. L. CHAPIN, D. D., Wis.
    S. D. SMITH, Esq., Mass.
    PETER SMITH, Esq., Mass.
    Dea. JOHN C. WHITIN, Mass.
    Rev. WM. PATTON, D. D., Ct.
    Hon. J. B. GRINNELL, Iowa.
    Rev. WM. T. CARR, Ct.
    Sir PETER COATS, Scotland.
    Rev. HENRY ALLON, D. D., London, Eng.
    WM. E. WHITING, Esq., N. Y.
    J. M. PINKERTON, Esq., Mass.
    Rev. F. A. NOBLE, D. D., Ct.
    DANIEL HAND, Esq., Ct.
    A. L. WILLISTON, Esq., Mass.
    Rev. A. F. BEARD, D. D., N. Y.


    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, D. D., _56 Reade Street, N. Y._


    REV. C. L. WOODWORTH, _Boston_.
    REV. G. D. PIKE, _New York_.
    REV. JAS. POWELL, _Chicago_.
    EDGAR KETCHUM, ESQ., _Treasurer, N. Y._
    H. W. HUBBARD, ESQ., _Assistant Treasurer, N. Y._
    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, _Recording Secretary_.


    A. S. BARNES,
    WM. B. BROWN,
    E. A. GRAVES,
    S. S. JOCELYN,
    CHAS. L. MEAD,
    G. B. WILLCOX.


relating to the business of the Association may be addressed to
either of the Secretaries as above; letters for the Editor of the
“American Missionary” to Rev. Geo. M. Boynton, at the New York


should be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Ass’t Treasurer, No. 56 Reade
Street, New York, or when more convenient, to either of the Branch
Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston. Mass., or 112 West
Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.

A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.

Correspondents are specially requested to place at the head of each
letter the name of their Post Office, and the County and State in
which it is located.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

          VOL. XXXIII.      SEPTEMBER, 1879.      No. 9.

                 *       *       *       *       *

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *


Dedicated to the American Missionary Association, by the Author,


    _Strike_, valiant warrior, strike!
      Be foremost in the fight,
    And wield the battle-axe of truth
      With all a giant’s might;
    He ventures in no doubtful cause
      Who champions the right.

    _Build_ for the ages, build!
      Lay the foundations strong,
    Through all the circling centuries
      Of wretchedness and wrong;
    The tribute of the after times
      May to this age belong.

    _Work_, then, with courage, work!
      He labors not in vain,
    Who, leaning on the Mighty Arm,
      Counts every loss a gain;
    Since we may reach the glory goal
      Through pilgrimage of pain.

    _Pray_, weary watcher, pray!
      Upon the promise rest;
    Faith seems to see a _rising_ sun
      Sink in the darkening west;
    And, in the morrow’s prophecy,
      Is comforted and blest.

We take from the columns of the _Christian Intelligencer_, the
organ of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, the ingenious and suggestive
article by Dr. Chamberlain, entitled “Winding up a Horse.” We are
sure it will be read.

       *       *       *       *       *

There is good sound sense in the very practical contribution on
Children’s Influence in Missions, or rather on interesting children
in the work of Missions, on the Children’s page. The heart which is
interested intelligently in such work in its youth will never be
likely to grow too busy or too old to follow the progress of the
years, and the hand which has learned early to drop its pennies
into the Lord’s treasury will hardly be found clenched upon its
dollars in riper years.

       *       *       *       *       *

Next month brings us around to another Annual Meeting. Our
financial year ends with the last day of this month (September).
Our books will be closed then for the year, and our balance
will be struck. This is our reminder to all, either churches or
individuals, who have intended to contribute to our work during the
current year. Let your gifts be sent in speedily and as liberally
as the Lord may have prospered you. Every cent received during
the next thirty days helps this year’s showing. Do not let us go
back of the standard maintained during the last three years! Our
ambition is to report expenses all met and debt all gone.

       *       *       *       *       *

The report that the yellow fever has returned to Memphis has long
before this reached the ears of our friends. We hope that the evil
will not be so great as it was last year, and yet its immediate
effect upon our work has been more suddenly felt than then. The
people flee more eagerly from a scourge the severity of which they
hold in horror enhanced by the recent memory of its infliction.
The church at Memphis is scattered; pastor and people have left
it; a faithful janitor is caring for its and the school property.
The church at Chattanooga, too, has been largely deserted, and
its attendants have fled to the mountains. Of course this is
but a temporary interruption. The three or four hundred dollars
which was sent to us last year for the relief of the colored
sufferers accomplished an amount of physical relief, and indirectly
of spiritual good, almost beyond belief. We shall be glad to
superintend the disbursement of any like moneys which may be sent
to relieve the poorest of the poor in this their special distress.

       *       *       *       *       *

  “Oh, how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them
  that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in
  Thee, before the sons of men!”

As a father lays up for his children against a future need, so the
psalmist felt that the Heavenly Parent had done for those that fear
Him; so, in sight of the sons of men had He wrought such goodness
for them. It is a great thing to realize the daily dispensing
of such divine favor, but a greater to learn that Infinite Love
has gone before to treasure up the riches of goodness. It was
a marvel of blessing that God wrought before the sons of men
in all the world for the American children of bondage in their
emancipation. But more than this: He had laid up beforehand
treasures of Christian anti-slavery sentiment and charity, to be
disbursed among them in the lines of educational and Christianizing
processes, and, with divine forethought. He had prepared a system
for the administration of this relief. Distinguished among other
provisions of this kind were the rise and the preparatory training
in principle and method of the American Missionary Association. We
know not which the more to admire, the wisdom or the goodness of
such fore-ordaining. It is the privilege of its constituency to be
the almoners of such bounty.

       *       *       *       *       *


It makes no pretension. It has been a growth from nothing. And
yet it is worthy of mention. The _Southern Workman_, the organ
of Hampton Institute, is a monthly, well filled with matter
historical, scientific and newsy, and well adapted to interest
the Freedmen and their friends, as also the civilized Indians and
their friends. The Hampton Health Tracts, in a series of a half
dozen, treat of the great essentials of health and of physiology.
It was a happy hit to give the late children of bondage these
first lessons in civilization. This list of tractates has also
not a little of instruction for many people who pass among the
enlightened class. The _Fisk Expositor_ is an occasional issue that
gathers up the history and progress of that University, which the
Jubilee Singers have done so much to endow and to make famous. The
_Southern Sentinel_ is a monthly, published at Talladega College,
and designed, as is the _Southern Workman_, to interest the colored
people in all matters pertaining to education, agriculture and
mechanic arts. On both, the work of type-setting and printing is
all done by the colored students, who have learned the process
while in school, and who make this their means of support, besides
the acquiring of a trade that will secure them a respectable
livelihood. The young women make capital compositors. In both of
these offices not a little of job work is also done. The mechanical
work upon the _American Missionary_ was for a time done by the
office at Hampton. The Straight University at New Orleans has also
its occasional medium of communication with its constituency.

Eight chartered institutions issue their annual catalogues, which
compare favorably with the current literature of the kind. It seems
not a little strange, in these annual reports of schools among
our fellow-citizens, the late slaves, to come across not only the
lists of the Faculties and the long roll of students, but also
the several departments, normal, scientific, classical, medical,
legal and theological. Then of the six General Associations for our
Southern churches, four have issued their annual “Minutes.” Those
of the original one, the Central South, furnish quite a compendium
of our church work. Those of Alabama are rich in records of
discussions upon vital themes and of missionary activities. Those
of Louisiana glow with revival reminiscences. The first of Georgia
makes a dignified document that gives promise of not a little of
church activity. Texas and North Carolina will soon come on to the
dignity of printing the Minutes of their Associations.

       *       *       *       *       *


During the last few days, how to avoid breaking the tenth
commandment has been a practical question for me.

It has been my privilege to visit the College and Agricultural
School at Amherst, and their sister institutions at Northampton and
South Hadley, if they can be called institutions when the students
are absent.

As I strolled about the Amherst College grounds and buildings, and
noticed its concrete walls and shaven lawns, with their trimmed
edges that said to the grass, “Thus far and no farther;” and
looked upon the Gymnasium, Walker Hall, and College Chapel, of
solid granite and beautiful sandstone, with their numerous gables,
towers and turrets; and walked about the Museum building, crowded
with many rare and costly specimens, representing thousands upon
thousands of dollars and years upon years of skilled and patient
labor; and then strolled about the pleasant village, and saw the
beauty and elegance and comfort of the professors’ residences:
then, as I went into the field, and saw in the centre of a farm
of 500 acres of level, fertile land, the Agricultural College
buildings of brick and stone, erected for service, but not lacking
in adornment; the extensive and beautiful conservatory, the fine
barn and cattle, and various “new and improved” agricultural
implements; then, as, after a ride of seven miles through the
valley of the Connecticut, justly famed for its beauty, where
deacons formerly raised profitable crops of tobacco while they
were trying to solve the questions of ethics involved in this
industry, I saw upon the “hill” in Northampton, Smith College, with
its lovely grounds, its Gothic buildings of somewhat elaborate
architecture, including a house for the president and cottages
for the young ladies, its varnished floors, its fine furniture,
and its art galleries, containing already a goodly collection
from the pencil of the painter and the chisel of the sculptor,
upon all of whose equipments seemed to be written, “Nothing mean
or cheap can enter here;” then, as, after having flanked Mount
Holyoke and got in his rear, I came upon the school of Mary Lyon,
where formerly were educated all the sisters and “cousins” of
the Amherst students, and, beginning at the kitchen, where are
two stoves expressly devoted to the cooking of griddle-cakes, a
broiler for beefsteaks, a marble slab for a “bread board,” and
a stone slab for warming plates, and then passed on through the
capacious dining-room and the carpeted chapel to the fire-proof
library building filled with books, and then to the new Williston
cabinet and art gallery, where our guide, an old pupil of Mary
Lyon, pointed out a picture which she said, apparently with “bated
breath,” cost $1,000.

As I saw all these evidences of growth and prosperity and tokens of
the liberality of good men and women, there kept ringing in my ears
a sentence from the catalogue of our poor Atlanta University: “It
is hoped that the time is not far distant when funds will flow into
the treasury of the Institution as freely as they do into those of
colleges in other parts of the country.”

When one sees how New England is packed with seminaries, colleges,
academies and high schools, he can hardly help believing that the
Lord is willing that the colored people of the State of Georgia
shall have one institution for thoroughly fitting teachers for the
common schools of their race, and at least giving those who can
and wish to obtain a college education the opportunity of doing
this. And may we not have faith to believe that the example of
Mrs. Stone, in giving one-sixth of the money to be distributed by
her among the schools of the country to those in the South for the
education of the colored race, will be followed by others, and that
this provision for the more needy will but increase the devising of
liberal things for these institutions of the North?

                                                        T. N. C.

       *       *       *       *       *


Nineteen years ago I bought in Madras a peculiar kind of horse.
He had to be wound up to make him go. It was not a machine, but a
veritable live horse.

When breaking him to go in the carriage he had been injured. An
accident occurred in starting him the first time and he was thrown
and hurt and frightened. It made him timid; afraid to start. After
he had once started he would never balk, until taken out of the
carriage. He would start and stop and go on as many times as you
pleased, but it was very difficult to get him started at first each
time he was harnessed to the carriage.

He was all right under the saddle, an excellent riding horse,
and would carry me long distances in my district work, so that I
did not wish to dispose of him; but I could not afford to keep
two, whatever I had must go in carriage as well as ride, and I
determined that I would conquer.

How I have worked over that horse! At first it sometimes took me
an hour to get him started from my door. At last, after trying
everything I had ever heard of, I hit upon an expedient that worked.

I took a strong bamboo stick two feet long and over an inch thick.
A stout cord loop was passed through a hole two inches from its
end. This loop we would slip over his left ear down to the roots
and turn the stick round and round and twist it up.

It is said that a horse can retain but one idea at a time in its
small brain. Soon the twisting would begin to hurt. His attention
would be abstracted to the pain in his ear. He would forget all
about a carriage being hitched to him, bend down his head and walk
off as quiet as a lamb. When he had gone a rod the horse boy would
begin to untwist, soon off would come the cord, and the horse would
be all right for the day. The remedy never failed.

After having it on two or three times he objected to the operation,
and would spring about and rear and twitch and back; anything but
start ahead, to keep it from being applied. We would have, two of
us, to begin to pat and rub about his neck and head. He would not
know which had the key. All at once it would be on his ear and
winding up. The moment it began to tighten he would be quiet, stand
and bear it as long as he could, and then off he would go. It never
took thirty seconds to get him off with the key. It would take an
hour without. After a little he ceased objecting to have it put
on. He seemed to say to himself, “I have got to give in and may as
well do it at once,” but he would not start without the key. In a
few months he got so that, as soon as we got into the carriage, _he
would bend down his head to have the key put on_, and one or two
turns of the key would be enough.

Then the key became unnecessary. He would bend down his head,
tipping his left ear to the horse boy, who would take it in his
hand and twist it, and off he would go.

My native neighbors said, “That horse must be wound up or he cannot
run.” And it did seem to be so.

When he got so that the “winding up” was nothing but a form, I
tried to break him of that, but could not succeed. I would pat him
and talk to him and give him a little salt or sugar or bread, and
then step quietly into the carriage and tell him to go. “No.” Coax
him. “No.” Whip him. “No.” Legs braced, every muscle tense for
resistance. A genuine balk. Stop and keep quiet for an instant and
he would hold down his head, bend over his ear and look around for
the horse boy appealingly, saying very earnestly by his actions,
“Do please wind me up. I _can’t_ go without, but I’ll go gladly if
you will.” The moment his ear was touched and one twist given, off
he would go as happy and contented as ever horse could be.

Many hearty laughs have we and our friends had over the winding up
of that horse. If I were out on a tour for a month or two and he
were not hitched to the carriage, or if he stood in the stable with
no work for a week or two during the monsoon, a real winding up had
to take place the first time he was put in. We kept him six years.
The last week I owned him I had to wind him up. I sold the patent
to the man that bought the horse, and learned from him that he had
to use it as long as the horse lived.

I was thinking about that horse the other night when it was too hot
to sleep, and I suddenly burst into a laugh as I said to myself,
“I have again and again, in the membership of our churches at
home, seen that horse that had to be wound up, in all matters of

I had often thought of that horse as I went through our churches at
home, and imagined that I recognized him, but the whole thing came
upon me with such peculiar force the other night that I must write
out my thoughts.

There are some Christians (yes, I believe they are _Christians_)
who have to be wound up by some external pressure before they
will start off in any work of benevolence. Others will engage in
some kinds of benevolence spontaneously, but will not touch other
benevolent efforts unless specially wound up. Free under the
saddle, but balky in carriage.

I knew of one good member of our church who would never give a cent
to our Domestic Missionary Board unless he happened to hear of some
missionary in the West who was actually without the necessaries of
life, and then he would send in liberally. It took that to wind him

Another would never give to the Board for educating young men for
the ministry unless he happened to become acquainted with some
candidate who was being aided. Then his gifts would come in for
helping that man.

Another would never give to the Bible Society unless he chanced to
hear of some particular town out West where but two Bibles could be
found in a population of five hundred, although he knew perfectly
well that there were hundreds of such communities among whom the
American Bible Society was daily endeavoring to introduce the
Divine Word. He must be wound up by a special case.

But it was especially of my visits through the churches in
connection with our foreign missionary work that I was thinking
when I said that I had so often recognized my horse that had to be
wound up, in all the different stages of his training.

Thank God, I found hosts of noble-hearted men and women all
through the Church that needed no winding up; whose conversion and
consecration had extended down to their pockets; who were always
at the forefront in every good work; who required no spasmodic
appeals. They gave from a deep set principle and an intelligent
love for Christ and His cause; some even pinching themselves in the
necessaries of life, as I know, to be able to give. It is on such
that the security and continuance of our missions depend. We know
that we can rely on them. They never fail us.

But there are others that have to be “wound up,” willing or
unwillingly, before they will do anything in the missionary work.
Some are very willing to be wound up.

“Dominie,” said a good elder who had just introduced himself to me
one day, “I have come in on behalf of our church at ---- to see if
you would not come out and give us a missionary talk. We ought to
have sent in a collection to the Foreign Board months ago, but we
neglected it, and now we have been talking it over and have made up
our minds to do something handsome if you will come out there and
give us a talk.”

“Well,” said I, “I shall be very glad to come and tell you
something of our work just as soon as I can edge a day in between
other engagements. But if you have made up your minds to do
something handsome for the Board, why not do it at once and relieve
their present pressing need, and I will come as soon as I can and
give you the talk all the same.”

“O, no,” said he. “We can’t do that. We have made up our minds that
we must give liberally, but we can start it easier if you come
there and give us the talk first. You need not fear. We will give a
good sum. That is settled, and it is mostly pledged. But you must
come and talk to us first.”

I smiled and said to myself, “There is my horse in its third stage
of training. That church is bending down its ear and entreating me
to twist it, for it has made up its mind to go, only it requires to
be wound up first.”

“Dominie,” said one of our earnest ministers to me one Wednesday,
“we raised $1,000 for the Board last Sunday morning. It is more
than usual, and we are all happy over it. Now we want you to come
over the first Sunday of next month and give us a missionary

“Good,” said I, “that church has got one stage further than my
horse ever did in his training, for they start and do the work
first and bend down the ear to be twisted afterwards.” Did it not
give me an earnest joy to go and tell that church what the Lord’s
war in India was, and how much they had helped it?

A Sunday-school superintendent came to me one day with smiling
countenance, saying, “Our Sunday-school has raised $175 during the
past year for missions, and we have determined to give it to the
work in India. The year closed three months ago, and it is all in
the hands of the treasurer, but we want you to come and give us a
speech, and then it will be formally voted and sent at once to the
Board. We have been waiting all this time because they told us at
the rooms that you were engaged up till now. When can you come? The
money is lying idle and we are waiting, and we know the Board needs
the funds. So come as soon as you can.”

“Ah,” said I, “everything is ready, and the family are in the
carriage, but they have to sit there half an hour because the horse
boy is busy elsewhere, and the horse is holding down his ear all
this time waiting for that particular horse boy to come and twist

I was both pained and irresistibly amused by an incident that
occurred not two hundred miles from New York, when the horse was in
the first stage of training, and stoutly resisted allowing its ear
to be touched.

The missionary was announced to speak in the church on a given
Sunday, when the annual collection would be taken up. A good member
of the church--the pastor says a sincere Christian--was very much
put out about it; had heard enough of these old missionaries,
and was not going to hear any more; did not believe in foreign
missions--we had heathen enough at home.

The appointed Sunday came. Mr. A. and his family stayed away from
church because they would not countenance the missionary address.
They, therefore, missed the announcement which the pastor made,
viz., that a telegram had been received that it was impossible for
the missionary to be there. He would come next Sunday, and the
annual collection would be deferred until then.

The following Sunday Mr. A. and family all filed into their pew,
serene and happy in the thought that they had avoided the old
missionary. As the organ was playing the voluntary, the pastor
entered the pulpit from the vestry and a stranger with him. The
pastor took the opening exercises and the second hymn was sung,
when the pastor rose and said that Mr.----, the missionary, as
announced last Sunday, would now address them.

Mr. A. was thunderstruck. He did not like to go out in the middle
of a service, and so determined to sit it through. The missionary
told his simple tale. The plates came in. The collection was
unprecedentedly large. Mr. A.’s plethoric pocket-book had disgorged
itself upon the plates, and no heartier worker for foreign missions
is now found in that church. Mr. A. had tried his best to keep his
ear from being twisted. Now it needs no twisting. He has learned to
go and loves to go.

There was a church in our fold at home whose pastor was determined
that it should not be wound up for foreign missions. He had
succeeded, as he himself told me, in keeping all missionaries and
secretaries and agents out of his pulpit during all the years of
his pastorate. When the day came for collections for any of our
Boards the fact was stated, the plates were passed, and those gave
who wished. The collection, as a matter of course, under such a
chill, was a minimum.

It required some of the very best and most wary and skillful
manœuvring to get hold of the ear of that church; but it was
obtained and twisted, and off it started on the trot in the
missionary work, and since then it has annually held down its ear
and begged to have it twisted, as it wanted to go more.

Scores of incidents which occurred in my own experiences among the
churches in America, and which recalled my “horse winding,” come
crowding into my mind, but I forbear.

For I remember the phalanx of noble churches that needed no such
winding up, who were all alive and always on the alert; who gave
regularly, generously, nobly; who, from the pastor, the head, to
the humblest member, prayed from the lips, from the heart, _from
the pocket_, “Thy Kingdom come.” They are always glad to get hold
of the recruiting watchman, and ask him, “Watchman, what of the
night?” but they never have to be wound up to start them giving.

God give us more and more of such churches and more such Christians
and church members, so that no missionary or secretary need come to
_beg_, but can come with radiant countenance and say, “Brethren,
with the funds you are continually sending us for the work, we
have done for the Master thus and thus.” Then in looking over our
churches and our benevolent work we shall no longer have occasion
to remember “the horse that had to be wound up.”

                                    REV. JACOB CHAMBERLAIN, D.D.

    Mudnapilly, India, April 30, 1879.

       *       *       *       *       *


ATHENS, ALA.--The Rev. Horace J. Taylor writes to us: “Work has
commenced for the new building. We have the yard prepared, and are
now engaged in making brick. I am treasurer and chairman of the
building committee, and the building will be finished without at
any time being in debt one cent, if it takes three years to finish

ANNISTON, ALA.--The pastor of this church had written us asking
for an organ to help in its services. Before the request was
made public, one of our old and faithful friends wrote us that
his resources had been so much curtailed that he could send us no
gift in money, but that he had a cabinet organ which he would be
glad to send us, if we could make it of service in our work. The
organ went to Anniston. Rev. Mr. McEntosh, the pastor, writes: “I
wish you could have seen the bright eyes of the children in the
Sunday-school, and the admiration and surprise of the adults, as
they listened with solemn and pleasing quietness to the sweet tones
of the new organ, as it gave the heart-cheering notes of ‘One there
is above all others.’ I cannot arrange words to express our thanks
to you and to the many friends of the descendants of Ham.”

CHILDERSBURG, ALA.--Rev. Alfred Jones writes: “I have had my series
of meetings; eight came to Christ, and five joined my church--four
young men and one girl,--and I think they bid fair for the future.
They all belong to my Sunday-school. I am holding my fort, and
expect to have a good church. I am doing all that I can, and feel
that the Lord is with me.”

       *       *       *       *       *


The Freedmen.

--At a meeting held by the influential Friends in Philadelphia
this week, to consider the condition of the negro refugees in
Kansas, some new facts were brought to light. It appears from the
statements made to them that the negroes are not all so needy as is
supposed; some of them have money to buy land, and have bought it.
The Freedmen’s Relief Association has bought 5,000 acres at $2.65
per acre, has made the first payment, and put some of the refugees
to work on it. The second payment is not due for four years, and
before that time they hope the blacks will have got Northern legs
under them, so to speak, enough to be able to pay it themselves.
Many of the older men and women, however, are not self-supporting,
and never will be. The facts stated of their immediate need were
so well authenticated, and the methods suggested for their help so
practicable, that the Friends have taken up the matter in earnest.

--The Exodus is attracting increased attention among colored people
in Virginia and North Carolina, though they are acting with more
deliberation than is shown in Louisiana and Mississippi. A colony
has been formed in Lynchburg to proceed West as soon as requisite
funds can be collected. A colony in North Carolina has sent one of
its members West to prospect.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Indians.

--THE PONCA INDIANS.--The Ponca Indians have always been peaceful
and friendly. It is not known that any of their number ever
killed a white man. In 1858 they released to the United States
all their land, except about twenty square miles. In response to
a clamor from the whites to get this from them a new treaty was
made in 1866, by which the Poncas ceded 30,000 acres to the United
States, and the latter _ceded_ to the Poncas certain townships. On
this land they built houses, raised crops, and lived happily and
prosperously, but the white man would not let them alone. In 1877
Indian Agent James Lawrence, Indian Inspector E. C. Kemble, and
Rev. S. D. Hinman, an Episcopal Missionary among the Indians, came
and insisted that the United States wanted them to leave and go to
the Indian Territory. This they refused to do. A paper purporting
to be a contract was drawn up by these men; the signature of a half
breed by the name of Lone Chief, who does not belong to the tribe,
was attached to it. This paper was forwarded to Washington, placed
on file without examination, I suppose, and the United States
Army was ordered to see that the tribe was removed. I have seen
and examined a copy of that so-called contract, and it is simply
infamous to call it a contract. It is nothing more than a record
of what was said at a council, and has internal marks that the
speeches from which it quotes were never made. Yet on the strength
of that paper, with all the chiefs of the tribe protesting against
the outrage, these people, 715 in number, were taken and carried to
the Indian Territory, and left in a malarial country, without money
and without shelter, to get along as best they might.

Since that time, about 300 of them have died. But that is not all
of this unspeakable villainy. The household and farm effects,
horses and ponies and cattle, the whole not worth less than
$200,000, were taken and sold, and the proceeds put into the
pockets of nobody knows whom. The Indians got none of it. One of
the chiefs, Standing Bear, escaped from the Indian Territory and
travelled back into Northern Nebraska, that he might find exemption
from death. Here he was arrested for being off his reservation,
and started as a prisoner for the Indian Territory. On his way
through Omaha, Mr. T. H. Tibbles, of one of the Omaha papers,
interviewed him, and so thoroughly were that gentleman’s sympathies
stirred by the recital of the old man’s wrongs, that he made an
effort to secure his release by a writ of habeas corpus. In this he
succeeded, and Standing Bear was released.

There were two points in law, either one of which would release
him. First, the Indian is a _person_, and the Constitution
prohibits any distinction being made against any person born in
this country, on account of race, color or previous condition;
and, second, if we regard the Indian as a foreigner, still the
right of expatriation is a principle recognized by our Government,
and under the operation of that principle the prisoner could not
be restrained from his liberty. The judge, therefore, ordered
his discharge. This is the first instance in the history of the
country where an Indian has secured standing in a United States
court. It is proposed now to bring suit for the recovery of the
Ponca reservation. In the opinion of lawyers who have carefully
examined into the case, the suit can be successfully carried; and
if this is done, the heaviest blow ever yet dealt against the
unholy treatment the Indians have received from wicked men will
be given, and the way opened by which justice may at length be
done these terribly abused people. There is need that the friends
of justice and humanity throughout the country take hold of this
matter vigorously. The Indian ring, with millions of dollars to
back them, will fight to the bitter end. It will cost money to put
this thing through. Not less than four thousand dollars should be
in the treasury at the start. Col. C. G. Hammond was appointed
treasurer at a recent meeting in Chicago, and is already receiving
remittances. A committee was appointed to raise funds in the city.
Let Boston take hold of this matter, and all New England follow.
Able lawyers are ready to give their services free. Let money
be forthcoming to raise the issue at once and carry it forward
from step to step till victory crown the effort.--SCROOBY, in the

--The Interior Department has official information that white men
have stolen about seven hundred horses from the Indians at the
Red Cloud Agency, and run them across the Nebraska line, during
the past few weeks. The State authorities are doing nothing to
prevent similar raids upon the property of the Indians, and the
military authorities, on account of the _posse comitatus_ law
of last year, stand by without intercepting or pursuing the
marauders, although the stolen horses are driven right past Camp
Sheridan and Camp Robinson, on the way to market, or to the horse
thieves’ corrals. The Indian Agent, having no armed force at his
command, is powerless to stop the depredations. The Indians,
notwithstanding their keen sense of injury, manifest no symptoms of
insubordination, but remain entirely peaceable, and are beginning
to devote themselves to farming. The Spotted Tail Indians, within
the past two years, have lost several thousand horses in the same
way. These facts reinforce our plea for extending the jurisdiction
of the United States courts over the reservations. But, as it is,
the Department must be impotent indeed to rest supinely without
bringing this matter before the Cabinet, and ascertaining whether
there be not power somewhere in this Government to secure justice
to peaceable Indians when robbed and plundered.--_Advance._

--A report from Fort Ellis says that there are 400 Indians there
starving, and their number is being daily added to. A band of 300
are reported within a few days’ march of Port Ellis, unable to
proceed farther on account of weakness.

       *       *       *       *       *


REV. JOS. E. ROY, D. D.,


       *       *       *       *       *


Virtue, etymologically, has a masculine element, that of bravery,
energy. Those qualities had a grand exhibition on both sides of
our late civil contest. In the process of moral construction now
following there is occasion for the exercise of the passive virtue
of patient endurance. In the long run this courageous standing by
moral convictions will come to a victory more resplendent than that
of physical valor. He that ruleth his spirit is stronger than he
that taketh a city.

Our missionary teachers and preachers have gone down South from
year to year armed not with carnal weapons, but with spiritual--not
under the impulse of martial prowess, but of high moral courage.
This one thing they do: they give themselves exclusively to their
work of lifting up the lowly and despised by the influences of
education and of the Gospel. They do not go to engage in the
political conflicts of that part of our country, thinking that a
training in the higher elements of character and of citizenship
will be the most effectual way of doing good to the body politic.

It is not necessary now, nor is it to our purpose, to detail the
persecutions, the hardships, the social ostracism through which
those cultivated and consecrated people, in this period, have had
to pass. We, rather, take the more pleasant task of reporting how
by their patient endurance in well-doing they have been winning the
confidence, the favor, of the best people of the South. Each of
our leading institutions in that region has the habit of holding
an experience meeting upon the return of the students from their
vacation work. Last year Fisk and Atlanta Universities sent out
each one hundred and fifty young folks as teachers. These come
into contact with a great number and a great variety of the
white people. At those reunions they have reported from year to
year an increasing amount of good feeling toward them and their
work in behalf of their people. This is gratefully noted by
their teachers. From our own observations the past year we are
satisfied that there is a good deal of such latent approval which
has not yet given itself expression in public. Our teachers and
preachers for a long time have had complete immunity from personal
violence, and largely from personal insult. As the quality of
their work has become known in developing intelligence, industry,
honesty, Christian character, they have received for it the
highest approbation from an increasing number, especially from the
Christian and the more substantial portion of the community. This
has been accomplished by faithful service and quiet waiting.

In the matter of social recognition they still wait to win that
fair recompense. In business and other relations on the street,
and even, as in some places, at public gatherings, our gentlemen
workers are receiving that meed of consideration. In one city,
under the lead of one noble-hearted Christian man, that thin
barrier has been broken down, and some of the best ladies of the
place are on social terms with our teachers and the pastor’s wife.
We are sorry to say that this is the only place where this social
recognition has gone so far. At one other city, where some of our
workers live in homes outside of the institutions, these have
been treated with a measure of delicate and highly appreciated
attention. The wife of one of our college presidents waited seven
years for her first call from a citizen lady. Some of our elect
lady teachers have been engaged ten or twelve years, at the same
place, in their arduous and self-denying labor, without having had
a single sisterly greeting. It seems pretty hard to hear these
godly women, of the best that our churches can furnish, saying:
“For so and so many years I have not been spoken to by a white
Southern lady.” Our “Homes,” where these Christian people dwell,
are avoided as though they were pest-houses. If the same people
had been missionaries to Africa, they would be received with all
deferential courtesy. If they were to go as missionaries to Natal
or Calcutta or Constantinople, they would have for society the
elite of foreign residents and their company would be courted.

But we will not complain. Our brethren and sisters, who are in
these situations, make no ado about it. They bear this neglect
meekly and hopefully, expecting that purity of life and devotion
to their humane mission will yet win the tokens of regard which
belong to them. One lady says that she expects that it will yet be
counted an honor to her that she was the wife of the President of a
Freedman’s College.

We grant that it may be hard to break the ice after so long delay.
In a few cases there has been a disposition to make atonement by
showing attention to the newly arrived workers, while the old
ones are still overlooked. One fine, old Christian gentleman, who
was prominent as a Methodist minister, broke his embarrassment,
when calling late upon some of our missionaries, by stating thus:
“I have heard that in some parts of the world the social custom
prevails that whenever a new-comer arrives in a community, it is
his prerogative to select from the citizens such as he and his
would like to take into relations of social acquaintance, and to
make the first call upon them.” The pleasantry served well in
removing a barrier from between those who proved to be real friends.

       *       *       *       *       *


Dying Scenes--Pressing Work.


A great deal of sickness is all around us and death has been very
busy reaping. A few days ago we buried one of our faithful members.
Sister Williams sent for me quite early last Monday morning. As
soon as I arrived she took hold of my hand and said to her cousin,
“Tell him what I have been saying, for I am too weak to converse.”
She had spoken the following words: “I want to go and see Jesus.
Come, Master, please come quickly. I am willing to go,” etc. As it
was some time before I spoke, she said, “Tell Brother Sengstacke
to speak quickly. I want to hear his voice once more.” I read and
commented on the 22d chapter of Revelation, and offered prayer,
after which I folded her hands and laid them on her breast, as I
exclaimed with a loud voice, “Sister Williams, I hope we shall meet
in heaven!” She tried to speak as she bowed her head, and with
a smile upon her face, her spirit took its everlasting flight,
“not as the quarry slave at night, scourged to his dungeon, but
sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust.” Tuesday her funeral
took place from our little church, the procession being over a mile
long. Wednesday morning an old Baptist woman sent for me quite
early to “come quickly.” Arriving at her house I found her in a
very low condition. She took hold of my hand as I knelt by her on
the floor, and said: “Brother Sengstacke, I want you to take me
in your charge. Do look after me and not let me want for prayers
and the word of God. I know that my Redeemer lives,” etc. After
singing, reading and prayer, I left her in the hands of Jesus.
To-day we buried Sister Williams’ baby. This sleeping infant will
rest upon a mother’s bosom, as they both lie in one grave.

On account of our growing school I fear that very little pastoral
work and preaching can be done this winter, and yet two services a
day are necessary: one in the morning for the young converts and
members living several miles away, and the other at night for a
large body of Christians of other denominations and unconverted
people who do not come to us during the day. I am not gifted with
words to picture to you the great need of this field and its bright
promises of a successful future, provided that it be not neglected.
I feel that the American Missionary Association has done a great
deal for us, and this encourages me to sacrifice for the good
cause. Yet how happy I should be if I had some help, or at least
enough salary to employ one of the most advanced scholars to assist
me in the day-school.

Our promising mission and Sunday-school at the Five Mile had to be
given up, because it was impossible for me to look after so much
work. Another denomination has started a mission at that place.

I have to whitewash and try to paint the parsonage, as the church
is not able, on account of struggling hard to raise money to
paint the inside of the meeting-house, and to pay Brother Markham
for some new benches. They have finished paying for the organ
and have had the church nicely done up (whitewashed) outside.
Our Sunday-night meetings are crowded. Our Sabbath-school and
day-school are flourishing.

Last Sunday I received a note which read as follows: “I desire to
become a member of this Sabbath-school. I promise to study hard and
obey all its rules.” Signed, “Thomas.” In reading out my church
notices I remarked, “Here is a note from little Thomas, etc. Yes,
Tommy, we are happy to receive you. If little Tom is present he
will please stand up.” Imagine my feelings when a big man got up
and exclaimed, “Here is your little Tom, sir.” This person was a
teacher in the Baptist Sabbath-school, and is a member of that

       *       *       *       *       *

A New Field.


I arrived here July the 3d. There are many things to encourage
effort in this field of labor. We have a splendid situation for a
church, and school, and a few earnest men and women. We need a
church building very much indeed, and hope to secure one as soon as

When I arrived here I found my people building a school-house of
pine logs on the grounds near where we hope to build the church, in
which a public school will be opened the 1st of August by Mr. Silas
Daniels. We shall use the school-house for worship until we can
build a church. It is 18 by 20 feet.

This field seems now to be ready for the harvest, and for that
reason I would urge the importance of building a church as soon as
possible. The people are poor, but willing to do what they can to
push the work forward. With some help I believe great results may
be obtained here for our Lord and his Christ. I do not think that
money could be given to any field or people with more advantage
than to this. The people are truly in earnest, and will put forth
every effort themselves with the Association to establish here a
Christian church and school.

       *       *       *       *       *


Swayne School.


Swayne School closed its school year June 5th. We had pleasant
public exercises for the little ones Wednesday evening at 5 o’clock
and on Thursday night for the older pupils at the Congregational
church. “We had a neat programme printed, the pupils bringing
each a “nickel” to pay the printer. One was sent to each of the
clergymen of the city, and to several prominent citizens.

The Board of Education and the mayor of the city, also two or three
judges, responded by their presence. It was a very bright and happy
occasion; a crowded house seemed to enjoy, without weariness, a two
hours’ sitting.

Many kind words of approbation have come to us with regard to the
high order and interest of the exercises. We trust that some new
friends have been made, and a new interest developed in our work
with some present that evening. It has been a very laborious year,
but the teachers have all stood bravely and faithfully at their
posts, and by the good hand of our God upon us, we have all “come
through” without falling by the way.

       *       *       *       *       *


Le Moyne School--Close of the Year--Conversions.


At the closing exercises of the school our numbers were good, and
the last recitation was as perfect as any lesson within the year.
It was remarkable that interest in study did not flag in the least.

The most cheering of closing incidents was found in the prayer
meeting. We have regretted the lack of a decided religious
influence--it has been the one failure of the year. In the last
meeting we were not left without evidence of the Spirit’s work.
Two young men confessed their trust in Christ and determination to
be his avowed followers. Another young man, whose voice has been
silent for years, and who has seldom attended meetings either at
school or church, asked prayers for himself in a manly way that
spoke well for his expressed desire to resume his place in the
ranks of Christian workers.

We are not satisfied with the spiritual record of the year. We
hoped it would have been a harvest season.

I have not heard from the church since the fever panic. Am hoping
it will not scatter the members or retard the work, which seemed

       *       *       *       *       *

A Colored Girl’s Experience as a Teacher.


This little town contains about five hundred inhabitants. There are
few colored people in Pikeville, but many live about it from one to
three miles away. My school was not right in Pikeville, but just
on the edge. The school-house was about eighteen by thirty. It is a
frame house and has fourteen seats in it, all without backs except
four of them.

My work for the year 1878 began the second week of June, the
school being crowded from day to day. During the months of June,
July, August, September and October, the number enrolled ran up to
seventy-five. I heard from some of the citizens of that little town
that the pupils attended the school more regularly than they were
known to do before. I am glad to say that the greater portion of
my school seemed to have a thirst for knowledge. Even the little
ones worked earnestly in trying to prepare their lessons for the
time when they should recite. My school opened each morning with
singing, Scripture reading and prayer. At the close of the term
every one could read, print, write and spell. Those who have been
out in the dark regions to teach the people can sympathize with
those of us who go into such places. They know something of the
troubles that meet us. On the whole, the outlook is very hopeful.

The work of last summer was arduous, yet I went through it with the
help of the Lord, seeing promises of most excellent results for the
future. When I first went to Pikeville I found the people of both
classes in a degraded and superstitious condition, and ignorance
seemed to be the leading principle of the place. The Sabbath was
regarded but by a very few of either class. Yet they were very
anxious for an education, and tried in every way they could to make
our schools comfortable and interesting. Their whole cry was, “Do
all you can for us poor people who are in the dark, and are in so
much need of an education.” I organized a Sunday-school, which I
think was one of the most important parts of my work, to teach the
people the word of God. I taught day and Sunday-school for five
months, and had great success with both white and colored people.
The white people were very kind to me. I had a long talk with some
of them about the education of the colored people. They said if
the colored man was educated they thought he would make a better
citizen, and they were ready to do all they could in trying to help
him toward an education.

My short but busy term closed with an examination and a good
exhibition, well attended by white as well as colored people. All
seemed perfectly satisfied with the work that I had done for them
during the term. The white people gave me permission to have my
exhibition in their academy, which held over two hundred persons.

I have come back to this lonely Sequatchie valley to stay with
these people four or five months longer, in which time I hope to do
much good for them. All welcome me back to my old home. They say:
“The white people seem just as glad to have me back as the colored
do.” Some of them stopped me on the street to shake hands with me,
and to talk with me about coming to teach the young people manners
and behavior.

One said: “I tell you, our young people do need education so much,
and I am so glad you have come back to teach them.” Another said:
“I knew you could not stay away from here.” I could speak of a good
many more interesting facts, but time will not permit me to speak
of them. I hope you will find this story interesting.

       *       *       *       *       *


Letter from a Tougaloo Student--Vacation Work--Needy Recruits.

My public school closed last week, and I commenced teaching an
independent school this morning, with thirty pupils. They pay one
dollar per month, in _advance_. I think I shall have a very good

There are nine or ten promising young men here who want to go
to Tougaloo, to school next year. Some of them are quite young,
sixteen or seventeen years of age, and a great deal of good can be
done with and through such boys. Very few of them will be able to
pay anything for their board. They often come to my room in great
numbers to talk of Tougaloo.

In speaking with young people about this University, I try to
impress them with the knowledge that young men who are willing to
work hard and study diligently are those for whom the school is
open. I show them my five pound boots, etc. I think those who go
there from here will not find it harder than they expected. I go
into the country occasionally and meet young men who say: “Please
talk to my father in my behalf, and try to induce him to send me to
school.” A young man and his sister (who live eight or ten miles in
the country) board here and go to school to me. The young man went
to school in Selma, when he was quite a small boy. He also went to
school at Tougaloo a few months. He is very anxious to be in school
there next year, and his parents are very anxious to have both him
and his sister go, but he thinks it is very doubtful unless he can
get some work to do, and he is willing to do any kind of work. From
what I have seen of him, I think him the most promising of any I
have met. He is not a Christian.

There are two young women here who are also anxious to go to
Tougaloo to school. Both are willing to work all they can. I want
to explain their condition to you, and have you let me know whether
anything can be done for them. One of them has been bound out for
some time to a white family, and is now living with an old lady,
and washing, ironing, cooking, etc., for her living. She was raised
by those white people, and has every appearance of a lady, so far
as I can see. She is about sixteen or seventeen years of age. She
went to school to Miss V., who can tell you of her.

I have not come to the point yet. I want to know if you cannot give
the people here an opportunity to work in preference to strangers
from other places. If you can form an idea how much work you can
furnish, I wish you would give me some information in regard to it,
so that I can answer the many questions that are asked me.

At the closing exercises of my school, there were people present
from ten or twelve miles in several directions. They were all
pleased with the exercises, both the white and the colored people.
The whites have been assisting me in getting up my independent
school. A white man sends one child and pays for it himself. Some
of the whites suggested that it would be a good idea to have a high
school here for the colored people.

The editor of the paper sent to my room for me Saturday, and I had
a long talk with him. He said he had not known very much about
Tougaloo University.

There was such a gathering at the church on Wednesday evening
that they could not all get into the house. I extended an
invitation to all the people in the county to be present: it was
well represented. I invited the people to sign the temperance
pledge after a temperance concert. The invitation was responded
to by a great number. A still greater number have stopped chewing
tobacco, but have not signed the pledge, because they prefer giving
themselves a trial before doing so. There will be quite a number of
others who will sign the pledge soon, I think.

                                                        W. H. L.


       *       *       *       *       *


Religious Progress, etc., at Avery.


I am glad to say that there is an increasing interest religiously
among the people. They seem to be growing more and more in the love
of God, and to exhibit it in their lives. They have begun to be a
more Sabbath-observing people. They are also attending church more
regularly than usual, and give better attention than ever before.
These are all features of encouragement in our work.

Sunday, May 11, was our communion day, and the Lord seemed to be
present with us in the Spirit’s power. Two adults were added to
the church, and five children christened. There is also a growing
interest in our prayer meetings; several are inquiring the way of
salvation. We earnestly ask the united prayers of your church for
our work.

The tornadoes are fast coming to a close, and the rains are rapidly
approaching. There will doubtless be very great suffering on the
part of the natives this season, on account of the scarcity of
rice. This comes from the fact that the rains came on much earlier
than usual last year.

The agricultural work is progressing quite nicely. The coffee farm
is in quite a good condition, and Brother Anthony is now having it

       *       *       *       *       *

Travels into the Interior--The Heathen--The Country--The


It was my privilege to visit, during last mouth and part of this,
a large extent of country toward the interior of this broad
continent, directly in front of the Sherbro Islands, to form an
opinion as to the prospects of “stretching our lines.” I cannot
promise to give you a detailed account of all incidents of interest
that came under my observation, but shall dwell upon that which
presses my mind most in regard to our work--the opening up of new
places for missionary operation.

On the 13th of May ultimo, Brother Jackson and I left Avery with
a view of visiting places in the Bargroo country, and at the same
time of getting children to be trained at Avery for missionaries.
We skimmed along nicely on the Big Bargroo River, passing many
neatly built and arranged villages. We stopped at some to ask for
children, but the chiefs informed us, generally, that they would
have to hold consultations with the people on the matter.

On every side signs of heathenism exhibited themselves. Little
mounds, built by certain insects of the country, neatly covered
by the natives, are bowed down to and worshipped. Small pots or
bottles are placed before their doors to keep away evil spirits.


Late in the evening we arrived at Coconanny, the extreme military
post of the English. This is kept here to suppress the slave-trade,
though much of it is carried on, I am informed, clandestinely. It
is a beautiful place, elevated and healthy; vegetation, too, grows
luxuriantly. The trader, Mr. Hayes, with whom we put up for the
night, has built, at his own expense, a small chapel, in which
services are conducted mornings and Sundays. Mr. Hayes is a friend
of the Mission and our work, and desires very much to have us come
and begin missionary work in behalf of those among whom his lot is
cast. The villages round about are abundant, and I think a good
work could be done in this community. The people are willing to
have us come and establish a permanent Christian work among them.
British protection being here would render property safer and less
liable to plunder.

Leaving Coconanny early next morning, we made our way to Dodo.
The neatness of the places visited was everywhere noticeable,
the people in their very expressions seeming to welcome “the
missionaries” who had come to visit them. There is nothing
strikingly beautiful about the part of the Bargroo country that I
visited. Mangroves extend to the village of Dodo, which we have in
abundance in Sherbro. The scene to me was rather monotonous. “We
reached Dodo late in the evening, and after the usual ceremony,
which consists in giving the chief presents, we disclosed to him
the nature of our journey, among other things telling him that we
desired very much to get children from his territory to train in
our mission for missionaries. For his people he could not speak
just then, but his majesty informed us that the matter would be
brought before them for consideration as soon as practicable; he
was in a position to speak for himself, and would give the only
son large enough to leave home at the time. A large goat was slain
and brought in and laid before us, with a peck of rice, for our
supper. Although we were very hungry, this was more than we felt
able to consume at one or two meals. A hind quarter was sent in to
the chief, the rest being shared between ourselves and our men.
Here we stopped overnight. The place is strongly barricaded, and
is very neat and cleanly. A place was offered our Mission on which
to establish a station. Here is a fine opportunity to make a step
more directly toward the interior. They want us to come; what must
we tell them? Brother Jackson visits the chief as often as time and
strength will allow. He was once ransomed by Brother Snelson when
on the point of being sent to Freetown, accused and found guilty
of selling slaves. They dread very much to fall into the hands of
the English, and he was a happy man when Brother Snelson paid his
ransom for him, and stood between him and the English authorities.
He has given up warring, and his people are seemingly prosperous
and happy. His subjects are chiefly Sherbros, but they speak Mendi
as well as their mother tongue.

Our Mission, through former missionaries, is known far into the
interior, and the natives generally are favorably disposed toward
it. We left Dodo early next morning, homeward bound, with Joe, the
chief’s son, with us. He wore only nature’s garment, and seemed as
happy as a bird. The people here don’t bother themselves too much
about clothing. Industry is characteristic of them. We stopped
at places that we visited on our advance up the river, and were
informed in most cases that the “big man” was away, or the chief
at Dodo. Humper Ranko had not been consulted. The people dare not
do anything of this nature without first consulting their head.
However, we succeeded in getting four children, who were carried,
as we found them--without a rag on--to Avery.

There are two places in this wilderness of moral darkness now open
to us which, I think, could be worked up with very small expense
to the Mission. Both are on the Bargroo River, leading toward
the interior, which is navigable at all seasons of the year by
small boats. May the Lord in His own good time send to these our
benighted brethren the advantages of a Christian civilization.


In accordance with your request I visited, last month, Kaw-Mendi
and vicinity, where the banner of the Cross was first unfurled
in this part of a heathen land by men sent out by the American
Missionary Association. This place, as you will remember, was
deserted for a long time. Of late years Mr. J. M. Williams, of his
own accord and on his own responsibility, has resumed the work.
Here lie some of the sainted dead who fell in pure devotion to
the cause of the Christian religion, to the cause of suffering and
unenlightened humanity.

A mangrove tree here and there and roads leading in different
directions only remind one that once better things were here. Some
of the scholars who attended school when Kaw-Mendi was in her bloom
are still round about, and they still remember their old teachers,
many of whom, doubtless, are now gone. They all seemed glad to
have us come and visit them. One of the “Amistads” is here--Father
Smith. He is growing quite old; yet he is active. Old Aunt Maria
and Limby are still alive and can tell you all about Mr. Raymond
and others who, in the infancy of missions here, came to Africa.
Brother Williams has prayer meetings in his country house, mornings
and evenings, to which those near are invited to come. Regular
preaching services are held in a country chapel on Sundays. The
chapel has been recently built, and the membership is such as to
necessitate its being organized and dedicated. Old pupils of the
Mission, who had lapsed into heathen habits, having long been left
without any spiritual leader, have been reclaimed and brought into
the church.

The chief is favorably disposed toward missionaries and accompanied
us to many places in his territory. Were it not for his favor,
Brother Williams could not get along so well in his work. There are
21 boys under Mr. Williams’ immediate care in his country house,
(which is very neat and comfortable), whom he is instructing. He
feeds and clothes them, and how he does it is a mystery to me. One
thing helps him, and that is his agricultural department, connected
with his school. His boys are taught to work. Although the farm is
small, still it is very good.

We took Brother Williams by surprise and notwithstanding his
poor accommodation, as he termed it, we (Mrs. Miller, Mr. Jowett
and myself) spent two or three days very pleasantly in and about
Kaw-Mendi. We went up the Little Boom as far as Kambia. This was
a very strongly barricaded town, held by Tom Cabby Smith, the
most powerful and wealthy chief in all this region of country. He
died last year, and his estate is going to ruin. The walls have
fallen, the slaves are widely scattered, and things in general are
in a very unsettled state. He was once connected with the Mission
at Kaw-Mendi as a common laborer and was a very industrious man.
Villages all along the banks of the river were flourishing and rice
crops promising. Everything indicated prosperity, so far as the
natives are able to be prosperous without the light of the Gospel.

The country is Mendi-speaking, and though it is large and the
people are plentiful, and are not opposed to the Christian
religion, still there is but one man in this country to tell them
of Jesus.

I am favorably impressed with the country and the people. It is a
day’s travel from Good Hope. Stretching out toward the interior,
the country is low, but Brother Williams pronounces it healthy.
He is a West Indian, and has lived in Africa for the last twenty
years. It may be that he is quite acclimated, and it is not
unhealthy for him.

       *       *       *       *       *

Places up the Big Boom were also visited in the interest of the
Mission, some of which were formerly occupied by missionaries under
the general direction of the American Missionary Association,
but are now abandoned. Three of these, doubtless, are well
remembered--Salem Hill, Lawana, and Mo-Tappan.

The lower portion of the Boom River waters a section of country
that is very fertile, and might be called, very appropriately, the
“Palm-growing Region.” The towns in this section of country are
prosperous looking, and as one beholds palm-trees stretching into
the distance, he can but think of the old missionary hymn--

    “From Greenland’s icy mountains, etc.,
    From many a palmy plain.”

Surely from these plains, rich in the production of palm-nuts,
etc., they are calling Christian men and women to deliver them, not
from physical bondage, but from that bondage that enslaves the soul
forever--the bondage of eternal death!


We stopped all night at a place called Gbap, where the king of
a large extent of country, lying or bordering on the Big Boom,
resides. We had very comfortable lodging here, although we failed
in seeing his majesty the king.

Mrs. Miller was along; also Mr. Jowett, our interpreter. Two of the
schoolboys also attended us. The next morning we got a good peep at
the place. It was very neat, and I was informed that the Mission
once had a teacher here.

Shoving off (you must remember we travel in boats), we advanced
slowly up the river, whose current had become quite strong. The
day’s travel was very unsatisfactory, and our night’s rest more so;
for the mosquitoes are so bad in this part of the country, that
children and cows have been killed by them. This our men say. I am
sure they were bad enough that night. Mrs. Miller seemed a perfect
marvel to these savage people. We could scarcely go to bed, such as
it was, for their looking in upon us, talking about Mrs. Miller. I
was so black, and so much resembled other Africans, that I was not
the centre of attraction. Still, our interpreter informed us that
they complimented us as “Nyandingo te te”--very fine, or fine for

Morning was gladly hailed by all. Mosquitoes was the principal
theme. Each one had battled, evidently, all night, not for place,
but for life, against these pests. We moved off early, and shall
ever remember the village and the night spent here. Its name is
Trom. I am sure if I had been in a tomb that night, with something
of the vault kind over me, my rest would have been more peaceful
than in this dreary place. The people wherever we stopped kindly
received the missionaries. We made better time from Trom to our
next night’s resting-place. We entered the Kittam River, early
leading off toward the Gallinas, a tribe that also speaks Mendi.
Mendi is the predominant language of a very large extent of
country. The lower part of the Big Boom River, which is called the
Bullom, runs through a beautiful section of country. The Kittam
also has very picturesque scenery. The people looked contented
and happy; the country elevated and healthy. We travelled several
miles down this river, and on visiting the king, the reception that
was given us showed that he highly appreciated our visit. I am
informed that no missionary had ever been here before. He promised
the mission two children. After holding conference with the people
he offered a place to plant a mission station in which to educate
his children. He had them in his villages in abundance. I informed
him that I would “look my head”--think over the matter. All were
impressed with the beauty of this country, with the neatness of
its villages and the good disposition of the people. The king’s
daughter made so much fuss over Mrs. Miller, dressed so differently
from herself, that she became quite uneasy. Large crowds came
around and joined her in welcoming their strange friend. My color
again made me more common and less noticeable. We had a good
night’s rest in this place. We left Coranko and the Soboo chief
and his people the next day, feeling happy in the thought that
missionaries are wanted in this place, and that the Lord in his own
good time will send them to it. “The harvest, truly, is plenteous,
but the laborers are few.” The people stood on the shore while
we sailed away. We met persons in our travels whom we knew in
Bonthe, at Good Hope. They always did their best to make us happy.
All I can say is, may the Soboo chief and people have, before a
great while, some one to teach them the way to Christ, man’s only

Entering again the Big Boom en route to Mo-Tappan, we made good
time, stopping at a few villages along the way. No missionary is
in all this country. We stopped overnight with one Mr. Collier,
who carries on trade near the river, in a place called Marketah,
people’s market. It was Saturday night, and he was very busy
closing accounts for the week. Our reception was a cordial one. We
spent the Sabbath here and were much pleased to see what is doing
for these benighted people. We had services at eleven o’clock,
which the natives attended. It was interesting, and I feel that a
good impression was made. Such meetings--I mean those consisting
of reading of the Bible, commenting, etc.--are held regularly by
Mr. Collier for the community. They surely can do a great deal in
helping on the good cause. It were better and safer for trade, if
religious instruction were in all this country. This part of the
Big Boom is often visited by the horrors of war. Whole villages are
sometimes laid low in one night, the inhabitants put to the sword
or carried off into slavery. These wars are not waged because the
aggressors have been in any way wronged by the attacked, but just
for the sake of plunder. It is now something over a year since
war visited this part of the Big Boom, but it has left its signs.
Villages that were deserted are being rebuilt. Traders are resuming
their business, and peace is gradually returning to all this region.

We left early Monday morning, having spent a pleasant Sabbath with
our friends in Marketah. The current became stronger as we advanced
toward the interior. The winds were adverse, so our progress
was somewhat like the missionary work, slow. We had long since
left mangroves, with their malarial swamps. That we were getting
some distance from Sherbro was visible from the very appearance
of things. The farther we advanced into the interior, the more
uneasiness seemed to be depicted on the countenances of Africa’s
enslaved children. Africa is her own greatest enemy. War and
slavery curse her most, bring misery where happiness might reign.
When you launch out of British jurisdiction, slaves are common.
This traffic is carried on by the natives themselves, and the
biggest man owns the largest number of slaves and has the greatest
number of wives.

Polygamy is common, where men are able to support more than one
wife; but you may rest assured that when means of support give out,
the women are found giving out too.

This day’s travel brought us to Baikal, a strongly barricaded town.
We did not go inside, but the music and noise within showed plainly
that Ham’s sons and daughters here were having a good time in a
country dance.


We rested overnight, but early next morning pushed on for
Mo-Tappan, the extreme interior Mission station held by the
American Missionary Association. We stopped at villages along our
journey, where signs of late wars are still apparent. Each man is
armed with either sword or cutlass. I am told that they keep these
near them in time of peace to fight with, but in time of war they
wrap them up in mats, give them to their wives, and ask their feet
to save them by flight. The Mendi people are treacherous and cruel
in war, and not at all brave. I hope the time may soon come when
all this region will enjoy peace and righteousness in God.

This country is elevated, with beautiful bills stretching away
into the distance. We enjoyed the fine scenery. About ten o’clock
we reached Salem Hill. The massive walls built here by the former
missionaries are still standing, but the place is so covered with
shrubbery and vines that it is with great difficulty that access
to it is obtained. The Hill and scenery are splendid, but this
foundation, of no use to any one, made us feel sad, everything
around looked so forlorn. The large village that once stood near
has disappeared, as so many African villages and towns have done.
Along toward night we reached Lawana, where we remained overnight.
Here, though several years’ labor was given to this place, no sign
of past missionary work is visible. The place was captured in war;
the inhabitants, all but a few who were ransomed, were put to death
or sold into slavery. Our resting place here was not large, nor was
it very comfortable. The chief was not seen until our return from
Mo-Tappan. He evidently feared us, because the portions of country
where wars are numerous are often or sometimes visited by the
English to ask the people to keep quiet.

We left early next morning for Mo-Tappan, arriving there about 9
o’clock. The place is now a regular canebreak. The tomb of the late
Mr. Brooks is the only thing that reminded us that the white man
had been here. Our stay was short. No one at all lives here now. It
was broken up by war.

“We now retraced our steps for home, stopping at Lawana. We then
saw the chief, who gave us a cordial welcome. Three children were
brought home by us to be trained for future workers. The current
carried us down quite rapidly. We stopped at but few places on
our return; our Mission is well known in all this country, and it
will be easy for us again to gain footing in former places held by
the American Missionary Association. Large outlays are altogether
unnecessary; plain houses, on cheap plans, are things for a country
so subject to changes from war.

The real Mendi people are here, and I hope that the banner of
Christ will soon again in triumph wave over the strongholds once
held by our Mission. Pray that we may be guided in attempting to
extend our work, and that everything may be done to His honor and

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *

“California Chinese Mission.”

Auxiliary to the American Missionary Association.

Stone, D. D., Thomas C. Wedderspoon, Esq., Rev. T. K. Noble, Hon.
F. F. Low, Rev. I. E. Dwinell, D. D., Hon. Samuel Cross, Rev. S.
H. Willey, D. D., Edward P. Flint, Esq., Rev. J. W. Hough, D. D.,
Jacob S. Taber, Esq.

DIRECTORS: Rev. George Mooar, D. D., Hon. E. D. Sawyer, Rev. E. P.
Baker, James M. Haven, Esq., Rev. Joseph Rowell, Rev. John Kimball,
E. P. Sanford, Esq.

SECRETARY: Rev. W. C. Pond. TREASURER: E. Palache, Esq.

       *       *       *       *       *


We have had new griefs of late. In days past, when reproach
and opposition came mainly from those whose anti-Chinese rage
was simply an expression of an anti-Christian spirit, it was
comparatively easy to endure it. And even when those professing
godliness have cringed before ungodly prejudices, and shut the door
of the house of God upon the Chinese Sunday-school, and received,
if at all, with left-handed welcomes to the church on earth Chinese
who gave every token of having been accepted by Christ to the
kingdom of Heaven, we remembered with comfort the “sure foundation”
which has “this seal; the Lord knoweth them that are His.” In all
these experiences, and even when the violence of lawless hoodlumism
for the time almost emptied our school-rooms, and the intensity
of anti-Chinese feeling on the part of Americans was provoking an
equally intense anti-American feeling on the part of the Chinese,
so that we found it difficult to bring them within reach of Gospel
influences, we had this to console us, that our Chinese brethren
themselves, almost without exception, seemed to be “steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” It is true,
some who were received to our Association of Christian Chinese
were found, before the six or eight months of their probation had
expired, not to be sincere, and were consequently never baptized;
but of those who had been received to the church, I was accustomed
to say that thus far not one, so far as we knew, had brought any
reproach upon the name of Christ.

This was a glad surprise to me. I had read Paul’s letters to
the churches of Corinth and of Galatia, and the messages of
Jesus to the seven churches of Asia, and was well aware that the
disappointments which attended apostolic missions occurred often
enough to-day in heathen lands to make our missionaries there
rejoice with trembling over those apparently born of God; but,
till recently, no such disappointment had been visited upon us.
There were occasional backslidings, a temporary recession of
interest, which started fears and called us to earnest prayer;
but, in general, I could say, that I knew of no group of American
Christians in whose steadfastness and zeal a pastor could take
more delight than we could in our Chinese brethren. And this is
still true; perhaps more evidently true than before, in view of the
course which they have pursued towards some “false brethren.”

About three months ago I visited Sacramento, in order to make
new arrangements for the accommodation of our Mission there. The
room which we had occupied free of rent for many years being no
longer at our service, I was enabled to rent, at a comparatively
low rate, a Mission house so well located, so roomy, and so well
adapted to our peculiar work, that I came away gratefully realizing
that the Master himself had gone before me, and believing that
He was about to lead us into a larger and better work there than
we had ever done before. The added expense, however, caused me
to withdraw temporarily the paid helper, and to trust to the
volunteer aid which our Chinese brethren promised to give. Among
these volunteers, the one who seemed at once most able and most
willing was Wong Wing. He spoke English well; seemed to be a
natural leader; and while exhibiting some traits which made one
stand somewhat in doubt, yet, on the whole, was trusted both by his
Chinese brethren and their American friends. But he proved to be a
Judas. He carried the bag and was a thief. Having possessed himself
of several hundred dollars from the hard earnings of his brethren,
he attempted to decamp, but has been brought back, and is now
awaiting a trial which cannot but consign him to State’s Prison.
The concern of our brethren, however, seems to be less for their
own losses than for the dishonor brought upon the cause of Christ.
“How shall we preach in the street any more,” they say, “unless we
continue to let all men see that while we pity Wong Wing, we hate
his evil deeds?” And they have spared neither pains nor expense
in bringing him to justice, as, indeed, by the rules of their
Association they were bound to do.

In San Francisco we have had one case even sadder than this, which
has made our hearts ache through and through, and two or three
cases which, without bringing overt reproach, yet involved excision
from the church. And at the same time with all these griefs came
dissensions among the brethren in Oakland, which spread widely, and
for a while threatened great disaster. These, however, have been
allayed, and, indeed, so overruled that the work, on the whole, has
been helped rather than hindered through them.

I suppose it would be neither needful nor wise for me to go further
into details, even if the space at my command admitted of it; but
it seemed to be the dictate even of honesty, since, like Paul,
I have ventured to “boast” over the character of our Chinese
believers, that I should not conceal these humbling facts. Yet I
still will “boast” that never did I witness in any church more
prompt, wise and effective Christian discipline than these events
have called forth in our Association of Christian Chinese; and God
will, sooner or later, overrule it all for good.


I append some clippings from the last monthly report of the school
taught in the lecture-room of Bethany church, San Francisco. After
speaking of the great pleasure she finds in the work in general,
Miss Worley says: “The last month has been one of great anxiety
to me. Some who had attended the school for a long time, and were
still attending, had been trying to send others away. In some
cases, by using threats, they had succeeded. Months ago I was
requested by two scholars to expel one pupil for this offense, but
I wanted to try him a little longer. But

  ‘One sickly sheep affects the flock
  And poisons all the rest.’

In this instance only a few were thus affected. Some were too
faithful to be moved by threats. At length the issue came in this
way: This scholar became aware that one of the pupils was about
to join the Association. He set his heathen relatives upon him,
and they threatened to kill him. To keep him away from the school,
they got possession, one day, of the key of the ‘Bethany Home’
and locked him in. He, finding the door locked, and no chance of
its being opened till after the close of the school, went out the
back way and climbed over the fence (a close board fence about
twenty feet high, erected to protect the rear of the house from
hoodlumism). He now thought he would get to school all right. He
was mistaken, for, stationed in the corridor between the church
and the lecture-room were these Chinese who had locked him in. As
he passed them they struck him across his eye and hand. I found it
necessary then to expel them; yet I feel that they cannot forget
what they have learned, and I live in hope that bread cast upon the
waters ‘will be found after many days.’

“I am glad to say that this good and faithful scholar (for such he
is) who was hurt, gave his name at the next meeting as a candidate
for membership in the Association. The only obstacle in the way of
another scholar is the fear of his parents in China. He has not yet
learned by _heart_ that ‘he that loveth father or mother more than
me is not worthy of me.’

“Since that night, and the expulsion of those persecutors, I seem
to be constantly adding fresh names to my roll. Working scholars
are leaving no stone unturned to increase our numbers. I feel
thankful for such scholars. Friends kindly help me in the work, but
what I most need is a Chinese helper. I trust that at no distant
time I may have one. The scholars who are able are willing to
explain, but they need all the little time they have for study. I
find the most studious pupils make the sincere Christians.”

To which appeal for a Chinese helper the superintendent adds his
own _Amen_. But we cannot have one without more means than now we
have at our command.


       *       *       *       *       *



Children’s influence is too much overlooked in the Mission work.
Parents, Sabbath-school teachers, and missionary agents do not take
the pains they might to create in them a missionary spirit.

As soon as they “can speak and go alone” they should be “bent” into
missionary workers. They _can_ be taught to take as much interest
in the condition of the Freedmen, Chinese and Indians, as in
“Mother Hubbard,” “Jack and the Bean Stalk,” etc. Especially when
they are called upon to give their pennies should it be explained
to them for what purposes their moneys are solicited.

A little mite of a girl came to me and asked for a penny. “What
would you do with a penny?” said I. “Carry it to Sunday-school.”
“What do you carry it to Sunday-school for?” “To put it into the
conniption box.” “What do you put it into the ‘conniption box’
for?” “For the man.” “What does the man do with it?” “He put it
into his pocket!”

After that, when missionary papers came, I read them through to
her. By glancing ahead I saw what the facts were, then I would read
them in words she could understand. She was so charmed with that
kind of reading she would take a toy book out of my hand and hunt
up a missionary paper to be read to her instead.

When she saw me glancing along she would exclaim, “Don’t let your
eyes zig-zag over the page; read every word!”

The Freedmen interested her very much. She said one morning,
“I prayed for the colored people last night; I told Jesus they
suffered.” At another time I read about a colored student who was
anxious to become a minister, and she “told the Lord that he wanted
to be a minister.”

Last Sabbath a missionary preached a very interesting sermon at our
church, in the interests of the Freedmen. I hoped he would speak a
few words to the children, but he did not.

I asked a little girl of nine years, who thinks she would like to
be a missionary, how she liked the sermon? She replied that she
could not understand it. I told her that he said the Catholics were
sending more teachers among the colored people than we were, and
they were fast becoming their converts.

She quickly replied, “Then we shall be slaves; we had better look

If all children under religious instruction were engaged to do all
they could in the cause of Missions, what an additional power would
their praying and gleanings be against the enemies of Christian

       *       *       *       *       *


FOR JULY, 1879.

       *       *       *       *       *

  MAINE, $158.27.

    Castine. Mrs. Lucy S. Adams, to const. MRS.
      DOROTHY L. STEVENS, L. M.                              $30.00
    Dennysville. Mrs. Samuel Eastman                           5.00
    Eastport. Cong. Sab. Sch. $5; Rev. G. A. P.
      50c.                                                     5.50
    Kennebunkport. Second Cong. Ch., $8.25; First
      Cong. Ch., $7.02                                        15.27
    North Waterford. “A. J. H.”                                2.00
    Portland. State St. Cong. Ch.                             75.00
    York. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            25.50

  NEW HAMPSHIRE, $450.38.

    Amherst. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               10.68
    Antrim. “Friends,” by Imla Wright                        105.00
    Bennington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            22.01
    Brentwood. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              2.00
    Concord. South Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         54.33
    Greenville. E. G. Heald                                    5.00
    Keene. First Cong. Sch., $65.40; E. R., $1                66.40
    Manchester. C. B. Southworth, to const. MINNIE
      P. SOUTHWORTH, L. M.                                    50.00
    Marlborough. Freedmen’s Ladies’ Aid Soc.                   7.00
    Milford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               11.94
    Nashua. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          19.97
    New Market. T. H. Wiswall                                 10.00
    North Hampton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         21.02
    Northwood Centre. Cong. Soc.                              16.23
    Pembroke. Mrs. Mary W. Thompson                            5.00
    Temple. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                   17.00
    Winchester. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            25.80
    Windham. “A Friend” (thank offering)                       1.00

  VERMONT, $248.32.

    Cambridge. B. R. Holmes, Rev. E. Wheelock, S.
      M. Safford, J. G. Morse, and O. W. Reynolds,
      $5 ea.; J. W. T. and M. J. M. $1 ea.                    27.00
    East Hardwick. Mrs. L. W. J. and Mrs. L. H. P.             1.00
    East Berkshire. S. J. B. 50c.; “A Friend.” 25c.            0.75
    Enosburg. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              18.56
    Fair Haven. Cong. Sab. Sch. _for Student,
      Atlanta U._                                             30.00
    Hartland. Union Coll.                                      2.45
    Manchester. Cong. Ch. to const. Dea. S. G.
      CONE, L. M.                                             74.51
    Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                18.05
    Underhill. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              9.10
    Wallingford. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $32; “E. A.
      H.” $2                                                  34.00
    West Brattleborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                   10.15
    West Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            9.81
    Windham. Cong. Ch.                                         9.10
    Woodstock. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              3.84

  MASSACHUSETTS, $2,265.03.

    Abington. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l), $3;
      S. P. L. 50c.                                            3.50
    Amherst. Church in Amherst College                        35.30
    Andover. Chapel Cong. Ch. $75.39; “A Friend,”
      $10; Miss H. E. Whittier, bbl. of C.                    85.39
    Beverly. Dane St. Ch. and Soc.                             8.15
    Boston. Eliot Cong. Ch. (ad’l)                            20.00
    Brimfield. Second Cong. Sab. Sch.                          5.00
    Brockton. 2 bbls. C. by Lizzie F. Trow, _for
      Tougaloo U._
    Brookline. Harvard Cong. Ch.                              97.29
    Charlestown. Winthrop Cong. Ch. and Soc. _for
      Hampton N. and A. Inst._                                70.00
    Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         63.38
    Curtisville. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           14.75
    Dover. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            4.00
    East Hampton. Payson Cong. Sab. Sch.                      50.00
    England. Miss S. L. Ropes                                 10.00
    Falmouth. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        23.50
    Fall River. Central Cong. Ch.                              1.50
    Framingham. Plymouth Cong. Sab. Sch.                      24.50
    Gardner. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         10.00
    Georgetown. Memorial Cong. Ch.                            27.05
    Hadley. Thomas P. Carleton                                 2.00
    Haverhill. John Kendrick, $10; Mrs. L. P. F.,
      50c.;--Industrial Soc. of North Ch., bbl. of
      valuable bedding, _for Tougaloo U._                     10.50
    Holliston. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             12.60
    Holyoke. Second Cong. Ch.                                 17.90
    Hingham. Ev. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           13.98
    Lexington. Hancock Cong. Ch.                              14.24
    Lowell. Kirk St. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      224.55
    Lowell. High St. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       15.83
    Malden. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                44.25
    Maplewood. Free Christian Ch.                              2.25
    Middlefield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           35.00
    Millbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              56.49
    North Adams. Cong. Ch.                                    81.66
    New Bedford. North Cong. Ch. (ad’l)                       10.00
    Newburyport. Whitfield Cong. Ch.                          10.87
    Newton. Eliot Ch.                                        125.00
    Newtonville. Central Cong. Ch. and Soc.,
      $26.17; Mrs. J. W. Hayes, $25                           51.17
    North Brookfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                50.00
    Northbridge. Phebe S. Marsh                                5.00
    North Somerville. “A Friend”                               2.00
    Oxford. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          34.70
    Petersham. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              3.25
    Pittsfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      35.47
    Reading. Rev. W. H. Willcox, _for Emerson
      Inst._                                                  20.00
    Rockland. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              70.00
    South Abington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        17.73
    Southborough. P. E. Ch. and Soc.                          16.99
    South Deerfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       10.50
    South Hadley. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    21.00
    South Weymouth. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc., $40;
      Second Cong. Ch. and Soc., $45, bal. to
      const. MRS. MARIA J. LOUD and FRANK W.
      WALLIS, L. M.’s                                         85.00
    Springfield. First Cong. Ch., $39.85; South
      Ch., $23.02; Mrs. Bowdoin, $10; Ira Merrill,
      $5; Mrs. A. C. Hunt, $5                                 82.87
    Sterling. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               3.39
    Sturbridge. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $32.45, and
      Sab. Sch., $14.15                                       46.60
    Templeton. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $20.15;
      L. R. and C. C. Shattuck, $3; Mrs. W., $1               24.15
    Waltham. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $82.74; N.
      Scamman, $2                                             84.74
    Waverley. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              23.66
    West Barnstable. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       10.00
    Westborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ($5 of which
      from Mrs. Samuel Griggs),                               12.31
    West Boylston. Miss Polly Ames and Geo. W.
      Ames, $3 each                                            6.00
    West Hampton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          17.72
    Wilbraham.--by Chas. Marsh. Treas. H. B. A.               10.70
    Williamsburgh. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         22.52
    Williamstown. First Cong. Ch., $15.57; A. M.
      M., 50c.                                                16.07
    Winchendon. “F. T. J.”                                     5.00
    Wollaston Heights. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                     10.00
    Worcester. Central Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    145.99
    Yarmouth. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.,
      $50;--Cong. Sab. Sch., $10.07, _for Student
      Aid, Fisk U._                                           60.07

  RHODE ISLAND, $85.65.

    Central Falls. Cong. Ch.                                  85.65
    Pawtucket. Robert Cushman, Organ and freight

  CONNECTICUT, $1,500.26.

    Berlin. Second Cong. Ch.                                  19.79
    Bethel. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                   10.00
    Bethlehem. H. B.                                           0.50
    Bristol. Mrs. J. R. H.                                     0.50
    Colchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       4.00
    Durham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          28.00
    East Haven. Cong. Ch.                                     30.00
    East Hartford. First Ch.                                  30.00
    Farmington. Cong. Ch.                                     40.08
    Glastenbury. First Cong. Ch.                             125.00
    Gilead. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brown                       5.00
    Goshen. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                30.00
    Granby. First Cong. Ch.                                    6.50
    Guilford. Daniel Hand                                    100.00
    Hanover. Cong. Ch., to const. JAMES W. CUTLER,
      L. M.                                                   37.52
    Hartford. First Cong. Ch., $295; Asylum Hill
      Cong. Ch., $135; Windsor Ave. Cong. Ch. $22            452.00
    Lebanon. First Ch.                                        56.67
    Meriden. First Cong. Ch. (ad’l)                            1.25
    Millington. Cong. Ch.                                      3.63
    New Haven. Amos Townsend, $50; B. P., $1;
      Third Cong. Ch., $24.71                                 75.71
    Northfield. Cong. Ch.                                     28.75
    North Stonington. Cong. Sab. Sch.                          2.00
    Norwich. First Cong. Ch. (in part)                       112.00
    Old Lyme. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              18.00
    Old Saybrook. Cong. Ch.                                   14.76
    Poquonock. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             17.25
    Salisbury. Cong. Ch.                                      59.91
    South Coventry. Cong. Ch.                                 37.50
    Terryville. Elizur Fenn and Mrs. Elizur Fenn,
      $5 ea.                                                  10.00
    Thomaston. Cong. Ch.                                      41.55
    Vernon. Mrs. E. P.                                         1.00
    West Haven. Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Coe, $5 ea.;
      Dr. Painter’s S. S. Class, $1.13                        11.13
    Wilton. Cong. Ch.                                         27.09
    Windsor. Cong. Ch.                                        50.00
    Woodstock. First Cong. Ch.                                13.17

  NEW YORK, $2,471.35.

    Binghamton. Chas. A. Beach                                25.00
    Brooklyn. Central Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., $30, to
      const. HON. W. W. WHEELER, L. M., _for
      Missionary at Charleston, S. C._; also $50
      _for Rev. Geo. Henry, Fernandina, Fla._                 80.00
    Camden. Cong. Ch., $23.61; and Sab. Sch., $10             33.61
    Carthage. Cong. Ch.                                        2.03
    Champlain. Pres. and Cong. Ch.                            21.60
    Columbus. Box of books and papers by O. S.
    East Bloomfield. Cong. Soc.                               39.00
    Fairport. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                 10.00
    Freeport. Rev. C. F. Boynton, _for Emerson
      Inst._                                                   6.00
    Gaines. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $27.21, and Sab.
      Sch., $8.61, to const. MRS. LEANDER
      BIDELMAN, L. M.                                         35.82
    Harlem. Cong. Ch.                                         11.46
    Kingsborough. J. W.                                        1.00
    Lima. Chas. D. Miner, Geo. Thayer and Geo. W.
      Thayer, $5 each; Mrs. A. E. M., $1; Mrs. L.
      T. B., $1                                               17.00
    Madison. Cong. Ch.                                         7.00
    Marcellus. “A Friend.”                                    20.00
    Newark Valley. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         50.18
    New York. Tabernacle Ch. (ad’l), $1; J. A. V.
      A., 65c.; A Deceased Friend, by E. S. H.,
      bag of C.                                                1.65
    North Bergen. Rev. S. Carver                              10.00
    Onandaga Valley. A. L. G.                                  1.00
    Owasco. Mrs. A. S.                                         1.00
    Perry. “A Friend.”                                        10.00
    Poughkeepsie. Mrs. M. J. Myers                            25.00
    Randolph. Mrs. Diantha C. Bush, deceased                2000.00
    Rensselaer Falls. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      18.00
    Spencerport. Sarah Vannest                                15.00
    Syracuse. “An Old Friend,” to const. G. B.
      DOUD, L. M.                                             30.00
    West Farms. Mrs. A. Woods, pkg. of books

  NEW JERSEY, $29.35.

    Newark. Belleville Av. Cong. Ch.                          19.35
    Parsippany. Mrs. Jane W. Force                            10.00


    Canton. H. Sheldon                                         5.00
    Millbrook. Rev. G. S.                                      1.00
    Philadelphia. Mrs. S. L. Chester                           5.00
    ---- “For Jesus”                                         120.00

  OHIO, $332.59.

    Ashland. John Thompson.                                    2.28
    Berea. Cong. Ch.                                           3.80
    Charlestown. Cong. Ch.                                     9.50
    Cincinnati. Columbia Cong. Ch.                            14.10
    Cleveland. Euclid Av. Cong. Ch.                           14.04
    Cuyahoga Falls. Cong. Ch., $13.85, and Sab.
      Sch., $8.51                                             22.36
    Grafton. Mrs. Sally Tuttle                                 5.00
    Harmar. Cong. Ch.                                         54.60
    Hudson. By H. E. Riker                                     4.95
    Huntsburgh. Cong. Ch., _for Emerson Inst._                 0.50
    Jersey. Mrs. Lucinda Sinnet, $50; Mrs M. H., $1           51.00
    Lodi. Cong. Ch., $9; Ladies’ Miss. Soc. $1                10.00
    Mantua. Cong. Ch.                                          4.00
    Mesopotamia. S. O. Lyman                                  15.00
    Newark. “A Friend”                                         1.00
    Oberlin. Second Cong. Sab. Sch. $30, _for
      Student Aid, Atlanta U._;--Second Cong. Ch.
      $10; Mrs. J. F. B. $1                                   41.00
    Painesville. First Cong. Ch. (of which $1.50
      from Mrs. Albert Morley _for Straight U._).             30.21
    Randolph. W. J. Dickinson                                 10.00
    Ravenna. Cong. Ch.                                        22.67
    Rootstown. C. S. S.                                        0.51
    Springfield. O. H. Anderson, $10; First Cong.
      Ch. and Soc. $6.07                                      16.07

  INDIANA, $86.12.

    Fort Wayne. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch.                       15.00
    Michigan City. Cong. Ch.                                  71.12

  ILLINOIS, $919.97.

    Belvidere. M. C. Foote                                     2.00
    Chesterfield. Cong. Ch.                                    4.00
    Chicago. Col. C. G. Hammond. _for Howard U._             500.00
    Creston. A. B. McCrea                                      5.00
    Elmwood. Cong. Ch. $24.05; Mrs. I. B. Reede,
      $10                                                     34.05
    Farmington. Cong. Ch.                                     80.14
    Greenville. Cong. Ch.                                      2.00
    Hennepin. Cong. Ch.                                       10.00
    Hutsonville. C. V. Newton                                  2.00
    Kewanee. Woman’s Miss. Soc. _for Tougaloo U._              2.00
    Malden. Cong. Ch.                                         20.00
    Mendon. Cong. Ch.                                         29.00
    Newark. Horace Day and Wife                                5.00
    Oak Park. Cong Ch., $45.10; Geo. Van Zant, $10            55.10
    Ottawa. Cong. Ch.                                         35.28
    Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shaw                            5.00
    Peru. First Cong. Ch.                                     16.50
    Port Byron. Ladies’ Miss. Soc.                             5.50
    Providence. Benj. Dexter                                  10.00
    Saint Charles. Dean Ferson                                 2.00
    Sparta. P. B. Gault                                        2.00
    Sycamore. First Cong. Ch., $85.90; “A Friend,”
      $3                                                      88.90
    Wayne Station. Cong. Ch.                                   4.50

  MICHIGAN, $473.06.

    Canandaigua. Cong. Ch.                                     4.60
    Homestead. Morris Case                                     5.00
    Jackson. “A Friend,” $300; Cong. Ch., $38;
      Miss Eliza Page, $30, to const. MISS S.
      LOUISE OVIATT, L. M.                                   368.00
    Littlefield. Ladies’ Miss. Soc. of Cong. Ch.              11.55
    Morenci. Cong. Ch.                                         6.00
    Northport. Cong. Ch.                                       5.08
    Port Huron. First Cong. Ch.                               42.00
    Saint Clair. Cong. Ch.                                    15.83
    Warren. Rev J. L. Beebe                                    5.00
    White Lake. Robert Garner                                 10.00

  WISCONSIN, $402.67.

    Alderly. Mrs. E. Hubbard, $3; Mrs. Ann Reid, $2            5.00
    Appleton. Mrs. Ann S. Kimball                             25.00
    Beloit. First Cong. Ch.                                  170.57
    Brant. Mrs. E. W. Scott                                    4.45
    Burlington. Cong. Ch.                                      4.91
    Clinton. Cong. Ch.                                        23.75
    East Troy. Cong. Ch.                                      10.00
    Genesee. Cong. Ch.                                        10.00
    Geneva Lake. Presb. Ch.                                   12.00
    Leeds. Cong. Ch.                                           5.04
    Madison. First Cong. Ch.                                  50.00
    Milwaukee. Spring St. Cong. Ch.                           22.58
    New Richmond. First Cong. Ch.                             22.06
    Racine. Mrs. E B                                           0.51
    Waukesha. First Cong. Ch.                                 20.00
    Windsor. Cong. Ch.                                        16.80

  IOWA, $466.02.

    Bellevue. Cong. Ch.                                        3.25
    Davenport. Edwards Cong. Ch.                             100.00
    Denmark. Cong. Ch., $28.37, and Sab. Sch.,
      $21.63                                                  50.00
    Dubuque. Cong. Ch.                                        13.00
    Farragut. Cong. Ch.                                       17.85
    Franklin. Cong. Ch.                                        5.37
    Grinnell. Ladies, proceeds sale of lace work              17.55
    Keokuk. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $31;--N. N. M.,
      50c., _for Student Aid, Tougaloo U._                    31.50
    Manchester. Cong. Ch.                                     21.00
    McGregor. Women’s Miss. Soc.                              15.78
    New Hampton. Women’s Cent. Soc.                            2.00
    Orchard. Cong. Ch.                                         4.30
    Osage. Ladies’ Miss. Soc.                                  5.53
    Postville. Cong. Ch.                                      13.89
    Tabor. ESTATE of D. E. Woods, by Rev. John Todd          165.00

  KANSAS, $14.25.

    Manhattan. Mrs. Mary Parker                                2.00
    Onaga. Cong. Ch.                                           7.25
    Wildcat. Mrs. S. D. Pierce                                 5.00

  MINNESOTA, $261.93.

    Austin. Cong. Ch.                                         16.96
    Minneapolis. “Friends,” $150; Plymouth Ch.,
      $22.11; Second Cong. Ch., $3                           175.11
    Northfield. First Cong. Ch.                               52.66
    Paynesville. By R. C. L.                                   1.00
    Spring Valley. C. W. M. and Wife, $9.20; Cong.
      Ch., $7                                                 16.20

  DAKOTA, $1.12.

    Valley Springs. Jubilee Concert Exercise                   1.12


    San Francisco. Rev. J. Rowell                             50.00


    White River. Cong. Ch.                                     9.25

  TENNESSEE, $156.

    Memphis. Le Moyne Sch.                                   156.00


    Dudley. Cong. Ch.                                         10.00
    Raleigh. Washington Sch.                                  45.10

  SOUTH CAROLINA, $265.90.

    Charleston. Avery Inst.                                  265.90

  GEORGIA, $210.16.

    Atlanta. Storrs Sch. $190.50; Coll. $1                   191.50
    Macon. Lewis High Sch.                                     8.30
    Liberty Co. Judge A. E. Fulton $5; Sam’l
      Osgood $2; Dorchester Cong. Sab. Sch. $1.06;
      Others, $2.30, _for Dorchester Academy_                 10.36

  ALABAMA, $466.70.

    Athens. Pub. Sch. Fund                                   158.00
    Mobile. Emerson Inst.                                    160.80
    Montgomery. First Cong. Ch.                              100.00
    Talladega. Talladega Coll.                                47.90

  LOUISIANA, $1.50.

    Carrollton. Mrs. C. J.                                     0.50
    New Orleans. Mrs. B. C.                                    1.00

  MISSISSIPPI, $35.75.

    Durant. E. W. _for Tougaloo U._                            0.50
    Tougaloo. Tougaloo U., $27.25; M. H. Scott,
      $5;--K. K. Koons for Student Aid, $3                    35.25

  MISSOURI, $46.54

    Amity. Cong. Ch.                                           4.50
    Saint Louis. Mrs. Rebecca Webb, $25; First
      Cong. Ch. $17.04                                        42.04

  INCOME FUND, $295.50.

    Avery Fund                                               195.50
    C. F. Dike Fund                                           50.00
    General Fund                                              50.00

  CANADA, $1.

    Guelph. Rev. J. H.                                         1.00

  SCOTLAND, $79.86.

    Perth. North United Presb. Ch., Subscriptions,
      £14; “Friend,” 10s.; I. Balman, _for Chinese
      M. in Cal._, £2, by D. Morton                           79.86
        Total                                             11,970.60
      Total from Oct. 1st to July 31st                  $129,247.32

                                               H. W. HUBBARD,
                                                    _Asst. Treas._

       *       *       *       *       *


    Greenville, Conn. Cong. Ch.                              $25.00
    Jersey City, N. J. “A Friend”                             20.00
    Scotland. “A. P.”                                      1,000.00
          Total                                            1,045.00
    Previously acknowledged in June receipts.             25,848.72
        Total                                            $26,893.72

       *       *       *       *       *


    Meriden, Conn. Centre Cong. Ch.                          $25.00
    Paw Paw, Ill. First Union Ch.                             10.00
        Total                                                 35.00
    Previously acknowledged in June receipts                 311.39
      Total                                                 $346.39

Constitution of the American Missionary Association.


       *       *       *       *       *

ART. I. This Society shall be called “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY

ART. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct
Christian missionary and educational operations, and to diffuse a
knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own and other countries
which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent
fields of effort.

ART. III. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the
practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds,
may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty
dollars, a life member; provided that children and others who have
not professed their faith may be constituted life members without
the privilege of voting.

ART. IV. This Society shall meet annually, in the month of
September, October or November, for the election of officers and
the transaction of other business, at such time and place as shall
be designated by the Executive Committee.

ART. V. The annual meeting shall be constituted of the regular
officers and members of the Society at the time of such meeting,
and of delegates from churches, local missionary societies,
and other co-operating bodies, each body being entitled to one

ART. VI. The officers of the Society shall be a President,
Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretaries,
Treasurer, two Auditors, and an Executive Committee of not less
than twelve, of which the Corresponding Secretaries shall be
advisory, and the Treasurer ex-officio, members.

ART. VII. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting
and disbursing of funds; the appointing, counselling, sustaining
and dismissing (for just and sufficient reasons) missionaries and
agents; the selection of missionary fields; and, in general, the
transaction of all such business as usually appertains to the
executive committees of missionary and other benevolent societies;
the Committee to exercise no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the
missionaries; and its doings to be subject always to the revision
of the annual meeting, which shall, by a reference mutually
chosen, always entertain the complaints of any aggrieved agent or
missionary; and the decision of such reference shall be final.

The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies
occurring among the officers between the regular annual meetings;
to apply, if they see fit, to any State Legislature for acts of
incorporation; to fix the compensation, where any is given, of all
officers, agents, missionaries, or others in the employment of the
Society; to make provision, if any, for disabled missionaries, and
for the widows and children of such as are deceased; and to call,
in all parts of the country, at their discretion, special and
general conventions of the friends of missions, with a view to the
diffusion of the missionary spirit, and the general and vigorous
promotion of the missionary work.

Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for
transacting business.

ART. VIII. This society, in collecting funds, in appointing
officers, agents and missionaries, and in selecting fields
of labor, and conducting the missionary work, will endeavor
particularly to discountenance slavery, by refusing to receive the
known fruits of unrequited labor, or to welcome to its employment
those who hold their fellow-beings as slaves.

ART. IX. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to
the principles of this Society, and wishing to appoint and sustain
missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the
agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon.

ART. X. No amendment shall be made in this Constitution without
the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at a regular
annual meeting; nor unless the proposed amendment has been
submitted to a previous meeting, or to the Executive Committee in
season to be published by them (as it shall be their duty to do, if
so submitted) in the regular official notifications of the meeting.


[A] By evangelical sentiments, we understand, among others, a
belief in the guilty and lost condition of all men without a
Saviour; the Supreme Deity, Incarnation and Atoning Sacrifice
of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world; the necessity
of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, repentance, faith and holy
obedience in order to salvation; the immortality of the soul; and
the retributions of the judgment in the eternal punishment of the
wicked, and salvation of the righteous.


       *       *       *       *       *


To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with
the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its
main efforts to preparing the FREEDMEN for their duties as citizens
and Christians in America and as missionaries in Africa. As closely
related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted CHINESE
in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane
and Christian policy towards the INDIANS. It has also a mission in


CHURCHES: _In the South_--In Va., 1; N.C., 5; S.C., 2; Ga., 12;
Ky., 7; Tenn., 4; Ala., 13; La., 12; Miss., 1; Kansas, 2; Texas, 5.
_Africa_, 1. _Among the Indians_, 1. Total 66.

SOUTH.--_Chartered_: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.;
Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La.;
and Austin, Texas, 8. _Graded or Normal Schools_: at Wilmington,
Raleigh, N. C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S. C.; Macon, Atlanta, Ga.;
Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn., 11. _Other
Schools_, 18. Total 37.

among the Chinese, 17; among the Indians, 17; in Africa, 14. Total,
279. STUDENTS--In Theology, 88; Law, 17; in College Course, 106;
in other studies, 7,018. Total, 7,229. Scholars, taught by former
pupils of our schools, estimated at 100,000. INDIANS under the care
of the Association, 13,000.


1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the
growing work in the South. This increase can only be reached by
_regular_ and _larger_ contributions from the churches--the feeble
as well as the strong.

2. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS for our higher educational institutions, to
accommodate the increasing numbers of students; MEETING HOUSES, for
the new churches we are organizing; MORE MINISTERS, cultured and
pious, for these churches.

3. HELP FOR YOUNG MEN, to be educated as ministers here and
missionaries to Africa--a pressing want.

Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A.
office, as below:

  NEW YORK      H. W. Hubbard, Esq., 56 Reade Street.
  BOSTON        Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Room 21 Congregational House.
  CHICAGO       Rev. Jas. Powell, 112 West Washington Street.


This Magazine will be sent, gratuitously, if desired, to the
Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all clergymen
who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of
Sabbath Schools; to College Libraries; To Theological Seminaries;
to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does
not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year
not less than five dollars.

Those who wish to remember the AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION in
their last Will and Testament, are earnestly requested to use the


“I BEQUEATH to my executor (or executors) the sum of ---- dollars
in trust, to pay the same in ---- days after my decease to the
person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the
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against their names, their places of residence [if in cities,
their street and number]. The following form of attestation will
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subscribed our names as witnesses.” In some States it is required
that the Will should be made at least two months before the death
of the testator.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                        The Christian Union


“_In my own family, every one of us, from the eldest to the
youngest, finds something in every weekly issue to be read with
interest and instruction_”--Leonard Bacon.

                       Special Contributors

                     During the Summer Months:

      JOHN HALL, D. D.,
            GAIL HAMILTON,
              JOHN BURROUGHS,
                ROSE TERRY COOKE,
                  FRANCES E. WILLARD,
                    E. P. ROE, AND OTHERS.

                           Short Stories

          Have recently appeared, or will shortly appear,


          MARY E. C. WYETH,
            HELEN CAMPBELL,
              LOUISE STOCKTON,
                SUSAN COOLIDGE,
                  ELIOT McCORMICK,
                AND OTHERS.

                         Literary Reviews

           By specialists in their several departments.

      BIBLICAL CRITICISM    Howard Crosby, D.D.
      MENTAL SCIENCE        Pres’t J. H. Seelye, D.D.
      ENGLISH LITERATURE    S. Austin Allibone, LL.D.
      AMERICAN HISTORY      Benson J. Lossing.
      EUROPEAN HISTORY      Geo. M. Towle.

                             The Home.

       Practical Hints on Home Life, Indoors and Out-doors.

      Recent contributions by
             JULIET CORSON,
                  L. DELMONICO,
                       F. W. BEACH,
                             WM. HOYT COLEMAN.

                           The Outlook.

An editorial review of the important events of the current week.

                         Plymouth Pulpit.

A Sermon or Lecture-Room Talk each week, by the Rev. HENRY WARD

                        The Sunday-School.

A paper on the International S.S. Lesson each week, by the Rev.

               NEWS OF THE CHURCHES.
                      SCIENCE AND ART.
                               FACT AND RUMOR.

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Send for the new illustrated catalogue.

                 *       *       *       *       *


The Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the American Missionary
Association will be held in Chicago, Illinois, by invitation of
the Congregational churches of that city, commencing on Tuesday,
October 28th, at 3 P. M.

The local Committee of Arrangements, representing each
Congregational Church in the city, has already at a preliminary
meeting decided to hold the meetings in the First Congregational
Church (Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D. D., Pastor), which has been offered
with most cordial unanimity for the use of the Anniversary.

The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Richard S. Storrs, D.D., of
the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Further announcements of arrangements and programme will be made

       *       *       *       *       *


We point to the record of results of our work among the Freedmen
during the last fifteen years, as indicating a degree of progress
and an amount of fruitage rarely equaled in the same length of
time. We base our claims for generous gifts, now and in the years
to come, upon this showing, confident that this is the best
argument we can make. Is it too much to claim to have been faithful
over a few things, or to ask that we be trusted with what may be
needful for the many which are at hand?

       *       *       *       *       *


Looking ahead, we see that the coming claims upon us must be
greater than those of the past. The signs of the times indicate
that the Lord’s work is to be done upon a larger scale in the near
future; the progress, made and making, in our schools, and the call
for enlargement in our church work, will make increasing demands
upon us, until the time shall come when they shall be more largely
self-supporting than it is possible for them to be now. We have
done much--we are doing more--we must expect to do a still greater
work. Give us the means, and plan large things for us in the days
to come.

       *       *       *       *       *


We invite special attention to this department, of which our low
rates and large circulation make its pages specially valuable. Our
readers are among the best in the country, having an established
character for integrity and thrift that constitutes them valued
customers in all departments of business.

To Advertisers using display type and cuts, who are accustomed
to the “RULES” of the best Newspapers, requiring “DOUBLE RATES”
for these “LUXURIES,” our wide pages, fine paper, and superior
printing, with =no extra charge for cuts=, are advantages readily
appreciated, and which add greatly to the appearance and effect of
business announcements.

Gratified with the substantial success of this department, we
solicit orders from all who have unexceptionable wares to advertise.

Advertisements must be received by the TENTH of the month, in order
to secure insertion in the following number. All communications in
relation to advertising should be addressed to

                              J. H. DENISON, Adv’g Agent,
                                      56 Reade Street, New York.

       *       *       *       *       *

☞ Our friends who are interested in the Advertising Department of
the “American Missionary” can aid us in this respect by mentioning,
when ordering goods, that they saw them advertised in our Magazine.

DAVID H. GILDERSLEEVE, Printer, 101 Chambers Street, New York.

Transcriber’s Notes

Missing punctuation and obvious punctuation errors corrected.

*** End of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 9, September, 1879" ***

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